Questions for survivalists

I browsed thru a few sites. I must have missed the ones about just killing people. I saw some articles about defending your home ect ect.

Yeah, you'll be "defending your home" with polite No Trespassing signs, won't you? All those links and articles about guns, ammo and accessories are just for decoration.
Yeah, you'll be "defending your home" with polite No Trespassing signs, won't you? All those links and articles about guns, ammo and accessories are just for decoration.

I do have "No Trespassing" signs up on my property. Can you go back and reread the part of this thread in which Apple posted that mobs of hungry people would take our food by force? Or is that perfectly acceptable to you?
Do you plan to blast the snowflakes?

This isn't about prudently storing extra food for a storm.

It's about the paramilitary fantasy bunker mentality that comes from fear.

Pervasive fear.

Survivalists imagine all sorts of apocalyptic scenarios and feverishly imagine themselves heroically defending their suburban homes against hordes of ravenous refugees and/or "jackbooted government thugs".

It's hilarious.

and yet we have people here claiming that they would do exactly what we said we'd have to defend against, so how is that 'fear'?
and yet we have people here claiming that they would do exactly what we said we'd have to defend against, so how is that 'fear'?

What do you call it? "Vigilance"? Bullshit.

It's fear. You fear for your life. You fear for your property. You fear for your family.

You fear.
I do have "No Trespassing" signs up on my property. Can you go back and reread the part of this thread in which Apple posted that mobs of hungry people would take our food by force? Or is that perfectly acceptable to you?

So will you shoot people, or not? Yes, or no?
LOL Really? So why did we not do so during the oil embargoes of the 70s? Just how ignorant are you? (or are you simply desperate to defend a stupid position?)

What do you suppose Europe, Russia, China, and others would do if the U.S. were to actually invade and take over the oil fields of one or more ME countries for our own use? Can you say World War III, even nuclear response? We may have the military capability to take over any one or even two ME countries, but we do not have the capability to handle the reaction of those who also depend on ME oil exports. The very idea just shows how horrendously ignorant you can be.

Unfortunately, it is you who’s dumber than a box of rocks. No one is suggesting taking over ALL the oil producing countries. As far as Europe, Russia and China are concerned nothing would change. The remaining countries could and would supply them.

If OPEC decided to completely cut off the US from oil what do you picture would happen? Do try to think this through a bit further.

But, hey, you see no reason to prepare for more than a few days inconvenience due to man-made or natural disaster caused crises, then do not do anything except your normal attitude of depending on your precious mommy government to come to your pathetic rescue. Sit all comfortable in your home, and should the worst happen, you and yours will be among those pathetic souls wandering around looking for food and drinkable water while starving to death; killing and/or being killed by opposing mobs wandering around for the same purpose of basal survival. Go ahead and burn out some of those who had the foresight to prepare, as that is, indeed, likely to occur, though not nearly to the degree you seem to proclaim. Do you really think the mobs will survive hitting prepared and armed people long enough to get all of them? If one in 10 urban survivalists outlast the wandering mobs, they will be the survivors because NONE of the wandering mobs will survive unless they can find a survivalist willing to take them - in return for labor. Doubtful, because, by your own words, you murdering mindless animalistic liberals who have no reason to prepare for long term economic collapse are untrustworthy. Who would let your type in, in the first place, when you are just as likely to try to cut our throats in the night as actually work for what others had the foresight to stock?

Those who DO prepare for more than waiting for mommy government to come to the rescue are about 90% more likely to survive a truly major, society-changing disaster. Some, even many urban survivalists - especially those stupid enough to let it be widely known they DO have stocks of food, water, etc - will not survive the wandering mobs. But, some, even many WILL survive the wandering mobs. Conversely NONE of the wandering mobs will survive beyond a few months at most, with the vast majority being killed by each other the first few weeks, and the rest eventually starving as their numbers constantly dwindle to the point they can no longer sustain an attack on a defended position.

I truly hope that the stores I have stocked will never be needed for anything other than a hedge against inflation. I buy everyday foods in canned or dried form so I can use them in every day use as well as use in event that resupply becomes difficult or impossible. I hope the ammunition I have stored and continue to purchase monthly will continue to be used for nothing more than target practice and hunting. I hope the generator I have will continue to be used for nothing more than the occasional blackouts that occur around here. I hope some of the other things I have accumulated, such as medical and first aid will also only see occasional use for minor incidents. AND I truly hope more people will do their own preparations, so fewer people end up in wandering, murderous mobs of mindless animals.

But I am much too aware of history, as well as current events, to simply assume the civilization we depend on for day-to-day living can even be described as stable, let alone eternal.

An economic collapse is not a food shortage. Try to differentiate between the two. The amount of money in the economy has nothing to do with the amount of grain in the silos. Whether or not someone has a job has nothing to do with the amount of livestock on the farms.

I know this is difficult for some Conservatives to grasp but money does not produce fruit and vegetables. If the food is there, and it is, there is no food shortage. Now, either the government can supply the needy with sufficient funds to buy the food or the government can confiscate the food for distribution or the government can sit back and watch a revolution occur.

People tend to compare today with the Great Depression but that is incorrect. First, there was crop failure and, second, limited ways to get produce to market and, third, no social programs. Today, people will not simply fold up and die knowing there is sufficient food stored somewhere, whether or not they have the money to buy it.

Society can be kept stable and the Conservative will share either by the government confiscating the food or sending money to those in need so they can purchase it.
Now, either the government can supply the needy with sufficient funds to buy the food or the government can confiscate the food for distribution or the government can sit back and watch a revolution occur. People tend to compare today with the Great Depression but that is incorrect. First, there was crop failure and, second, limited ways to get produce to market and, third, no social programs. Today, people will not simply fold up and die knowing there is sufficient food stored somewhere, whether or not they have the money to buy it. Society can be kept stable and the Conservative will share either by the government confiscating the food or sending money to those in need so they can purchase it.

The conservative is busy trying to remove governments ability to respond to emergencies, and will return America to the pre-Depression days of no social programs if they can.
I know this is difficult for some Conservatives to grasp but money does not produce fruit and vegetables. If the food is there, and it is, there is no food shortage. Now, either the government can supply the needy with sufficient funds to buy the food or the government can confiscate the food for distribution or the government can sit back and watch a revolution occur.
I know this is difficult for liberals to acknowledge, but the grain in the silos, vegetables in the gardens/fields, and the meat in the pastures does not belong to you or the government with the latter having the right to confiscate it. where did you get the moronic notion that you can do whatever you feel like in the interest of humanity?

Society can be kept stable and the Conservative will share either by the government confiscating the food or sending money to those in need so they can purchase it.
or we can just kill you all when you attempt to do so.
try to take property not belonging to you, see how idle it becomes.

What's in your Moms basement that anyone would want?

So will you shoot people, or not? Yes, or no?

Moronic question. Will I shoot people who are walking by? Will I shoot people who just happen to cross my path? Will I shoot people who look at me funny? Will I shoot people who ask for food? Will I shoot people who attack my home?

It is not a "Yes or No" answer.