Questions that Wingnut Presidential Candidates need to Answer

It is alive, however.. Is it a person? There is a difference.

LadyT is correct, were it dead it could not be successfully implanted into a uterus for incubation.

Yes, the clump of cells are alive. No they aren't people. And no. I have no emotional attachment or obligation to those clump of cells. And they shouldn't be given "rights" that supercede the host persons wishes.
Yes, the clump of cells are alive. No they aren't people. And no. I have no emotional attachment or obligation to those clump of cells. And they shouldn't be given "rights" that supercede the host persons wishes.

Ah... the next evolution of the left wingnut line of thought... calling it a clump of cells. Does not change the fact that it is a human clump of cells, does not change the fact that it is alive, does not change the fact that killing it ends a human life.... just makes it easier for you to sleep at night.

Now, the argument of whether it can be considered a "person" is legitimate. As it is not something determined by science. It is an arbitrary decision as to what "qualifies" as a person.

If you consider the clasic definition to be that a person = individual, then it is a person. If you consider the definition to include the phrase "self-aware" then it is not a person. But again, these are arbitrary definitions and have nothing to do with the science of the matter.


"1) If the embryo is not implanted within a womans womb, then it cannot be growing or developing... in short, it cannot be alive... now can it? The "potential" to become alive does not count."

You are quite wrong. It is alive as sperm, or ovum, or a combination thereof until it erxpires. because it isn't developing does not mean it isn't alive.

It just isn't yet a human being.
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1. Do you support the right to use contraception?


2. Would you support legislations that requires pharmacies to both stock and fill prescriptions for birth control pills including Plan B emergency contraception?


3. As President (Senator/Congresswoman) would you support continued funding of Title X, which provides contraception and related reproductive health care services to low-income women?


4. Would you support legislation that require hospitals to offer information and prescriptions of emergency contraception to victims of sexual assault?


5. Would you support legislation requiring schools to include information about contraception as part of any sex ed curriculum?


6. Would you support legislation requiring health insurance providers to cover oral contraceptives in their prescription plans?


For some reason I don't think I'll make it in the primaries, though.
and again, here comes the strawman. a fertilized egg that implants itself and begins to grow and develop is most certainly a human being.

No it isn't---yet

fertilized egg in a petri dish is NOT ALIVE. Now is it?
Yes it is, at least until it expires

{quote]You can call them blastocysts all you want, call them fetus while you are at it. Genetically it will NOT change the fact that they are a unique human life. [/QUOTE]

You are quite right, but they are not yet a human being--simply a human Life. there is a great difference.
how many are parasitic in nature?
None of them.

A parasite is defined as:

A parasite is defined as an organism of one species living in or on an organism of another species (a heterospecific relationship) and deriving its nourishment from the host (is metabolically dependent on the host). (See Cheng, T.C., General Parasitology, p. 7, 1973.)

Just because the embryo is metabolically dependant does not make it a parasite as it is of the same species.

Another part of the terminology, a parasite invades from outside, it is not of the same species, and makes direct contact with the host, not through an umbilical cord attached to a placenta created by the organism itself to nourish in the body its offspring. The placenta is created within the body by the host to encourage and enable the offspring to nourish itself, the umbilical is created by the embryo during development, this symbiotic relationship is not indicative of a parasitical invasion.

Anyway, it doesn't meet the definition as the embryo is of the same species and could not therefore ever meet the definition of a parasite.
"You are quite right, but they are not yet a human being--simply a human Life. there is a great difference."

As I stated previously, you can certainly make the case that they are not a "person" yet as the definition of person is arbitrary. The term "being" is similar. It is arbitrary and the definition can differ based on differing philosophies. But I am glad you have come to the realization that it is indeed a human life that is ended.
Funny, but I was under the assumption that the fertilized eggs were frozen, then thawed prior to being implanted.

Frozen <> dead. If they were dead they wouldn't take. The cells are in a form of statis when they are frozen all metabollic processes are slowed down.
Ah... the next evolution of the left wingnut line of thought... calling it a clump of cells. Does not change the fact that it is a human clump of cells, does not change the fact that it is alive, does not change the fact that killing it ends a human life.... just makes it easier for you to sleep at night.

Now, the argument of whether it can be considered a "person" is legitimate. As it is not something determined by science. It is an arbitrary decision as to what "qualifies" as a person.

If you consider the clasic definition to be that a person = individual, then it is a person. If you consider the definition to include the phrase "self-aware" then it is not a person. But again, these are arbitrary definitions and have nothing to do with the science of the matter.

and of course the only consideration for you is whether if I did. it is human and whether it is alive. My thumb is alive, and it is human, and I don't want to lose it, BUT it would not be the rnd of the world.

It is a matter of degree. the little hungry waif on the street is far more important to me than the embryo in a petri dish. yet I can't save all the waifs either. They die all the time.Why not put yoiur effort to saving them???
None of them.

A parasite is defined as:

Just because the embryo is metabolically dependant does not make it a parasite as it is of the same species.

Another part of the terminology, a parasite invades from outside, it is not of the same species, and makes direct contact with the host, not through an umbilical cord attached to a placenta created by the organism itself to nourish in the body its offspring. The placenta is created within the body by the host to encourage and enable the offspring to nourish itself, the umbilical is created by the embryo during development, this symbiotic relationship is not indicative of a parasitical invasion.

Anyway, it doesn't meet the definition as the embryo is of the same species and could not therefore ever meet the definition of a parasite.
Sorry Dano but I will have to disagree with you on two issues

!. I would like to see where you gleened that definition of a parasite where it say that it isn'ty a parasite if it is of t6he same species. I have to beleive you added your opinion to the definition, since it is well founded that all mammal fetuses are indeed parasites to their mothers.FURTHER:

2. The placentia is formed BY the Fetus, not the other way around. The placentia and imbilical cord are part of the newborn, not of the mother
This whole debate has...

degenerated into a segment from 'Battlestar Galactica'...Bottom line...I have already stated my position on abortion in this for should men carry the fetus to term...hell no...'Genetics' and or 'Mother Nature' or as I prefer 'God' created man and women...both different with different objectives in life...women were created to carry,give birth and nurture the family/children...Men were created physically stronger to be the Hunter/ Gather(Provider and security for the family) Therefore this whole argument is a moot point...If you believe that men or women should be transexuals...sorry I am not on board for this Frankenstein experiment!

To close if one is not inclined to suffer the pain emotionally,physically or financially to give birth and raise a child...then men keep your zipper up and women keep your dress down...simple really!
degenerated into a segment from 'Battlestar Galactica'...Bottom line...I have already stated my position on abortion in this for should men carry the fetus to term...hell no...'Genetics' and or 'Mother Nature' or as I prefer 'God' created man and women...both different with different objectives in life...women were created to carry,give birth and nurture the family/children...Men were created physically stronger to be the Hunter/ Gather(Provider and security for the family) Therefore this whole argument is a moot point...If you believe that men or women should be transexuals...sorry I am not on board for this Frankenstein experiment!

To close if one is not inclined to suffer the pain emotionally,physically or financially to give birth and raise a child...then men keep your zipper up and women keep your dress down...simple really!

It's ironic that this freaks you out, but you'll put on a dress and sing showtunes.

And what a great plan!

R's on Birth control: Don't have sex.
R's on Health Care: Don't get sick.

I think you guys are going to go far with that platform. No really.
Excuse me...

It's ironic that this freaks you out, but you'll put on a dress and sing showtunes.

And what a great plan!

R's on Birth control: Don't have sex.
R's on Health Care: Don't get sick.

I think you guys are going to go far with that platform. No really.

Where did I ever put on a dress like Rudy...I only particiapated in a little humor about that person or song if ya for no sex...I did not say that either...I just said if you have sex and a accident happens...well accept the responsibilty to raise "Your" child...if you cannot accept the occassional accident even though you may or may not have taken the precautions...then abstain from sex until you are old enough to accept the responsibilty of said entertainment! End of story!
degenerated into a segment from 'Battlestar Galactica'...Bottom line...I have already stated my position on abortion in this for should men carry the fetus to term...hell no...'Genetics' and or 'Mother Nature' or as I prefer 'God' created man and women

Just as we suspected. You're false outrage for "the children" doesn't hold up when you are asked to make the same sacrifice the mother is asked to.

...both different with different objectives in life...women were created to carry,give birth and nurture the family/children...Men were created physically stronger to be the Hunter/ Gather(Provider and security for the family)
Yes. And then we evolved. Now "hunting and gathering" consists of working in a cube farm which men and women can do equally. And eventually science will evolve to point where men are going to have the option. Ectopic pregnancies baby!

An ectopic pregnancy is one in which the fertilized ovum is implanted in any tissue other than the uterine wall.

Its quite feasible for a fetus to develop outside a uterus.

Therefore this whole argument is a moot point...If you believe that men or women should be transexuals...sorry I am not on board for this Frankenstein experiment!

No one is saying you have to become a transexual. The discussion is about men carrying babies to turn.