Questions that Wingnut Presidential Candidates need to Answer

degenerated into a segment from 'Battlestar Galactica'...Bottom line...I have already stated my position on abortion in this for should men carry the fetus to term...hell no...'Genetics' and or 'Mother Nature' or as I prefer 'God' created man and women...both different with different objectives in life...women were created to carry,give birth and nurture the family/children...Men were created physically stronger to be the Hunter/ Gather(Provider and security for the family) Therefore this whole argument is a moot point...If you believe that men or women should be transexuals...sorry I am not on board for this Frankenstein experiment!

To close if one is not inclined to suffer the pain emotionally,physically or financially to give birth and raise a child...then men keep your zipper up and women keep your dress down...simple really!

as for should men carry the fetus to term...hell no.....If you believe that men or women should be transexuals...sorry I am not on board for this Frankenstein experiment!

Hey, it was superfreak that claimed he'd carry a baby. He's the only man I've ever met that would claim to do that.

I appreciate your honesty though. Hell no, I don't know any man that would want to carry a baby.

Which makes it all the more hilarious, when those wingnut men pound the table with their fists and proclaim that abortion is "murder", and embryos are "human beings"!
as for should men carry the fetus to term...hell no.....If you believe that men or women should be transexuals...sorry I am not on board for this Frankenstein experiment!

Hey, it was superfreak that claimed he'd carry a baby. He's the only man I've ever met that would claim to do that.

I appreciate your honesty though. Hell no, I don't know any man that would want to carry a baby.

Which makes it all the more hilarious, when those wingnut men pound the table with their fists and proclaim that abortion is "murder", and embryos are "human beings!

Stop, I can't stop laughing over the iimage of SF carrying a baby.
Whatever. He says that now knowing its never going to come to fruition in his childbearing years. I'm sure if the option were there tomorrow it would be a completely different story.
Whatever. He says that now knowing its never going to come to fruition in his childbearing years. I'm sure if the option were there tomorrow it would be a completely different story.

In his childbearing years! LMAO.

Now I am picturing him as Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny. If you remember that scene with her biological clock ticking. "Meanwhile, ten years later, and my biological clock is going tick tick tick, and the way things are going, I ain't never having no baby".
How would SF even deliver the baby?

I mean, men's genital orafice is pretty small. I mean, I squirm just from the thought of it.....:shock:
Well, I saw a special on TV and my guess is that the fetus would develop somewhere in the abdomen cavity and then be delivered by c-section. I can assure you that guys would not have to deliver through their urethra's or through their anal cavities. Now, that would be almost impossible (as far as I know).
In his childbearing years! LMAO.

Now I am picturing him as Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny. If you remember that scene with her biological clock ticking. "Meanwhile, ten years later, and my biological clock is going tick tick tick, and the way things are going, I ain't never having no baby".

Oh yeah! I remember that!
Sorry Dano but I will have to disagree with you on two issues

!. I would like to see where you gleened that definition of a parasite where it say that it isn'ty a parasite if it is of t6he same species. I have to beleive you added your opinion to the definition, since it is well founded that all mammal fetuses are indeed parasites to their mothers.FURTHER:

2. The placentia is formed BY the Fetus, not the other way around. The placentia and imbilical cord are part of the newborn, not of the mother
If you note, I posted the bibliography for you.

And no, the umbilical cord is formed by the fetus, the placenta is formed from the uterine wall by the host, the mother.

And I am not Dano, that is an entirely different poster who is afraid to come here and face uscit.

Read up:

(3) a thin unaltered or boundary layer, next the uterine muscular fibers, containing the deepest parts of the uterine glands, which are not dilated, and are lined with columnar epithelium; it is from this epithelium that the epithelial lining of the uterus is regenerated after pregnancy. Distinctive names are applied to different portions of the decidua. The part which covers in the ovum is named the decidua capsularis; the portion which intervenes between the ovum and the uterine wall is named the decidua basalis or decidua placentalis; it is here that the placenta is subsequently developed. The part of the decidua which lines the remainder of the body of the uterus is known as the decidua vera or decidua parietalis.

Note here, the placenta is formed by epithelium of the uterus, not from the embryo.

Please educate yourself before you continue to embarrass yourself on this subject.
Sorry for the DANO/DAMO typo(I'm good at that)

Note here, the placenta is formed by epithelium of the uterus, not from the embryo.

It does NOT say that. You have added your opinion and assumption to the written word.

Please educate yourself before you continue to embarrass yourself on this subject.

You seem to have a habit of making that selfsame statement, because people don't agree with you.

For your information, I have studied the issue over a period of several years. I am never embarrassed by being wrong, but in this instance I wonder WHICH of us should or would be embarrassed.
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Sorry for the DANO/DAMO typo(I'm good at that)

It does NOT say that. You have added your opinion to the written word.

You seem to have a habit of making that selfsame statement, because people don't agree with you.

For your information, I have studied the issue over a period of several years. I am never embarrassed by being wrong, but in this instance I wonder WHICH of us should or would be embarrassed.
Except it does say that, you seriously have a problem admitting to being wrong about something.

Note that the uterine wall is remade by the same epithelials that are used to make the placenta? Seriously, was the language too technical?
If you note, I posted the bibliography for you.

And no, the umbilical cord is formed by the fetus, the placenta is formed from the uterine wall by the host, the mother.

And I am not Dano, that is an entirely different poster who is afraid to come here and face uscit.

Read up:

Note here, the placenta is formed by epithelium of the uterus, not from the embryo.

Please educate yourself before you continue to embarrass yourself on this subject.

Seems like common knowledge to me. I didn't think we had to post links with common knowledge anymore.
Seems like common knowledge to me. I didn't think we had to post links with common knowledge anymore.

How is that common knowledge? I have never run across a group of men who profess to be experts on uteruses and douching!

I never cease to be amazed.

Just as we suspected. You're false outrage for "the children" doesn't hold up when you are asked to make the same sacrifice the mother is asked to.

Yes. And then we evolved. Now "hunting and gathering" consists of working in a cube farm which men and women can do equally. And eventually science will evolve to point where men are going to have the option. Ectopic pregnancies baby!

An ectopic pregnancy is one in which the fertilized ovum is implanted in any tissue other than the uterine wall.

Its quite feasible for a fetus to develop outside a uterus.

No one is saying you have to become a transexual. The discussion is about men carrying babies to turn.

:lolup: :FootMouth:
Read again what I said...then read again your silly are not equipped to carry a fetus...women are not physically capable of a one on one physical encounter with a male...thus men are better suited to fight wars and do law enforcement...albeit women can and do jobs related to these fields very well!

:lolup: :FootMouth:
Read again what I said...then read again your silly are not equipped to carry a fetus...women are not physically capable of a one on one physical encounter with a male...thus men are better suited to fight wars and do law enforcement...albeit women can and do jobs related to these fields very well!

Read my original post again. The question revolves around science evolving to a point where men have that option. Just like people now have the option to have a different nose, bigger chests, etc. I've never claimed that men can do it now. We are talking about if and when men do have that option.
As for for your comment on physically capable of a one on one encounter with a male, I've never said that healthy men don't tend to be physically stronger than healthy women of the same age. As for the rest of your diatribe, its your usual theorized BS. Meh......I mean "do law enforcement" what exactly does that mean? And weren't you the one going on and on about your grand daughter or daughter "doing law enforcement"?
Whatever. He says that now knowing its never going to come to fruition in his childbearing years. I'm sure if the option were there tomorrow it would be a completely different story.

please, enlighten me oh wise one... just what makes you think my opinion would change?

I never said I would LIKE to do it. But if it was a question of aborting my child or carrying the child myself, I would choose the latter.
Thats correct....

Read my original post again. The question revolves around science evolving to a point where men have that option. Just like people now have the option to have a different nose, bigger chests, etc. I've never claimed that men can do it now. We are talking about if and when men do have that option.
As for for your comment on physically capable of a one on one encounter with a male, I've never said that healthy men don't tend to be physically stronger than healthy women of the same age. As for the rest of your diatribe, its your usual theorized BS. Meh......I mean "do law enforcement" what exactly does that mean? And weren't you the one going on and on about your grand daughter or daughter "doing law enforcement"?

The GD is in law enforcement...she was just recently hired(pt) on as a administrative assistant to the Sheriff at seventeen...they will pay for her post when she turns twenty one...then give her a grant for college (UNR) for her BS...then she plans on going to the FBI Academy if accepted...she knows her physical limits... investigations work out quite well for the female gender as well as males!

As for the 'if and when'...that only applies to those men who wish a transexual gender change...your point is a moot one!