Truck Fump / h1b
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Back to your perversions Asshat ? Why am I not suprised. I think this tactic is less offensive when I am referred to as a GED type.....
Shut up, racist.
Back to your perversions Asshat ? Why am I not suprised. I think this tactic is less offensive when I am referred to as a GED type.....
He really gets gross.
He really gets gross.
Same tactic as spinner just different language/insults.
Shut up, racist.
Well why did Regans Vice President GHWB call Reganomics, voodoo economics Dano ?
Because Bush men are not known for their intelligence
I knew you liked me because now you are taking on my traits. I asked CK why Obama is garnering less than 50% of the black vote in the polls. How is that denying racism exists? People in the press are asking the same question.
who nees to read all that crap; it';s obvious racism, sexism, ethnocism, etc, etc, etc, still exists and probably always will...just have to watch and happens all the time, even in 'liberal' NY state.
That is correct and I've never denied it. I have, on the other hand, maintained that if a black person ran for a national office and "knuckle dragging" southerners agreed with his policy, they would vote for him. I guarantee you that if it weren't for Iraq and Condalezza Rice was running against Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, she'd win the south in a landslide even though she is black and she is a woman. It is policy that matters.
I suspect you're the sort who would blame a woman for getting herself raped by wearing attire you consider provocative, too.It doesn't call bs on anything. Black culture is fucked up from 400 years of white oppression. Addressing these socio-psychological problems left over which are holding them back is the key. In black culture, doing well in school is considered "acting white". The "thug life" is the set of values blacks are embracing. Your continual bleating about Unfair Unfair is counterproductive, and itself, racist. J'accuse!
Part of the problem is that most white people, save the best educated -- and this is borne out by studies as well; it is not simply class snobbery -- will not accept the fact that racism continues to stymie black progress. They blame all of black America's problems on the breakdown of the black family; as a cause, rather than a symptom.
I suspect you're the sort who would blame a woman for getting herself raped by wearing attire you consider provocative, too.
This bears reiterating, especially in light of the bigotry on display above:
I don't know how you can post that with a straight face. The breakdown in the family with blacks came in the 1960's at a time with unprecedented gains in a society becoming less racist.I suspect you're the sort who would blame a woman for getting herself raped by wearing attire you consider provocative, too.
This bears reiterating, especially in light of the bigotry on display above:
That's because what you call "the breakdown of the family" is undefined and therefor entirely up to your imagination. I'd be curious to see your methodology here.I don't know how you can post that with a straight face. The breakdown in the family with blacks came in the 1960's at a time with unprecedented gains in a society becoming less racist.
The reality is that the breakdown in the family affected ALL races that lived in those areas where nothing but Liberal social welfare policies were promoted (ie: the inner cities), blacks just happened to be in higher percentages living there, but it's not like the whites there fared any better.
The father's role in a family is not only as a provider but as a point of stability. Government supplanting that with "programs", checks and food stamps is what lead a lot of women there to ditch the father and a lot of father's to feel less guilty about leaving.
Racism had fuck all to do with it, Americans were WAY more racist in previous generations before the 1960's and you did NOT see barely any breakdown in the family at all.
I guarantee you that neither Rice or Powell would win in the south.
It's like Charles Barkley professing he wants to the Governor of Alabama.
Before Iraq II I would have loved to see that scenario play out. I really think you would have to back up on that first statement.
As for Charles (I am not a role model) Barkley, yes, I suspect he would have a hard time winning an election. But then people change and I haven't seen what he thinks is good policy now. It has been a long time since he made that statement.
That's because what you call "the breakdown of the family" is undefined and therefor entirely up to your imagination. I'd be curious to see your methodology here.![]()
The breakdown of the family is a largely meaningless phrase. It's also almost entirely irrelevant the way that most people seem to use it.
The point you seem incapable of addressing is that the negative trends in African American culture so often cited by bigots -- and others, admittedly -- are actually symptoms of the problem, not causes of the problem. The problem being that discrimination by the dominant culture has caused a disproportionate number of African Americans to be mired in poverty for generations. And the effect becomes worse with each generation so afflicted.
I suspect you're the sort who would blame a woman for getting herself raped by wearing attire you consider provocative, too.
This bears reiterating, especially in light of the bigotry on display above:
Oooo. A "mentality of dependancy (sic)"? Wow, that sounds really bad. And "normalcy"? What the heck is that, anyway? As to fathers, well, many perfectly stable and decent families don't have them. Or have several, for that matter. You'll have to justify any assertion that one is the only appropriate number thereof.It's not UNDEFINED you oaf. It's the breakdown of the family itself, no father, a mentality of dependancy, the replacement of normalcy with "thug life" values etc. These are symptoms left over from a problem in the past. BUT YOUR PEOPLE ARE STILL ACTING THIS WAY. Stop whining about whitey.