Racism Extinct? Or, Republicans just stupid?

How about my tirade about black pride?

Can I preface my comments with some simple mathematics?

Been here for almost 400 years, relatively free for 42 years. That's it .. the conclusions are inescaplabe.

However, after nearly 400 years of demonic oppresion and the degrading of black people, "black pride" was essential to self-preservation. It was not about how ugly you are, but how powerfully equal I am.

And it's currently essential for white individuals who must stand up to the anti-white discrimination liberals think is englightened. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
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I don't mean to imply you should spend more time with religion my sister. You are doing just fine as you are. :)

But religious history is fascinating and tells the story of the greatest mindfuck in human history. It declares and SCREAMS out that humans are not a fully evolved species. .. We are stuck on stupid.

But that's good news for our future and perhaps one day humans of the future can look back on these days and say "DAYUM, those motherfuckers were as primative as dinasours"

No I know, I didn't take it the wrong way, but what you posted was fascinating, as usual bac. :)
I have already asked you, far more reasonably and nicely than you deserve, to explain what "mentality of dependency" means.

Just because I feel the urge to butt in...

The mentality of dependancy might just mean a mindset that the government or some other entity should provide for me rather than me providing for myself.

Just my opinion.... provided due to a lack of repsonse from a certain other party.
Just because I feel the urge to butt in...

The mentality of dependancy might just mean a mindset that the government or some other entity should provide for me rather than me providing for myself.

Just my opinion.... provided due to a lack of repsonse from a certain other party.

The mentality of dependancy might just mean a mindset that the government or some other entity should provide for me rather than me providing for myself.

The cadillac-driving welfare mom argument? Sorry. Ronnie Reagan told a lie on that one. And continued to tell the lie, years after it was debunked.

This country doesn't reward sloth, contrary to what Ronnie told you. You simply can't collect lifelong welfare benefits. Its not possible.

Now, the disabled, the sick the elderly and children might be entitled to long term public benefits. But, Ron Paul will see to it that we get rid of those. :)
Just because I feel the urge to butt in...

The mentality of dependancy might just mean a mindset that the government or some other entity should provide for me rather than me providing for myself.

Just my opinion.... provided due to a lack of repsonse from a certain other party.
It might. If it did, of course, one would then be expected to demonstrate that (A) such a mindset actually exists to an extent great enough to make the observation significant and (B) such a mindset is common enough to be of concern.

I was, however, trying to get AssHat to set out exactly what he meant by the phrase. This was an act of purest altruism on my part, since he's never shown the slightest inclination toward supporting or defending his ideas in the past: he appears determined to be judged an idiot, no matter how many opportunities I give him.
And it's currently essential for white individuals who must stand up to the anti-white discrimination liberals think is englightened. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
So we have to secure an existence for our children with less color in their skin? Why? My two kids with my first wife are no different, better or worse, than my third child whose mother is of Mexican ancestry. I want a world secured for all three of them. I have been a white man my whole damn life and NEVER have I been unable to get a job, a place in college or law school or any thing else. Again, I listen to you WHINE about being white. For four hundred years in this country whites were the ONLY ones that could own property, and at that they needed a penis. Four hundred fucking years of buying up all the property. Imagine if you can a field full of gold nuggets, millions of them, and you and I are going to go out and get as many of them as we can. Now imagine that someone tells you you have to wait 2 years before you can pick up one. I am going to have way more nuggets than you. Now imagine I and my progeny get 400 years jump on you and yours. I am not going to just have more I am going to have almost all. And then I am going to whine when someone tells me that you are going to get a chance to harvest nuggets too. Damn, I can't get a break. How am I going to preserve a life for me and my kids? That is how stupid you sound whining about being white.
So we have to secure an existence for our children with less color in their skin? Why? My two kids with my first wife are no different, better or worse, than my third child whose mother is of Mexican ancestry. I want a world secured for all three of them. I have been a white man my whole damn life and NEVER have I been unable to get a job, a place in college or law school or any thing else. Again, I listen to you WHINE about being white. For four hundred years in this country whites were the ONLY ones that could own property, and at that they needed a penis. Four hundred fucking years of buying up all the property. Imagine if you can a field full of gold nuggets, millions of them, and you and I are going to go out and get as many of them as we can. Now imagine that someone tells you you have to wait 2 years before you can pick up one. I am going to have way more nuggets than you. Now imagine I and my progeny get 400 years jump on you and yours. I am not going to just have more I am going to have almost all. And then I am going to whine when someone tells me that you are going to get a chance to harvest nuggets too. Damn, I can't get a break. How am I going to preserve a life for me and my kids? That is how stupid you sound whining about being white.

It is not fair to punish people for the sins of previous generations, just because they happen to be the same color. Are any crimes handled in this way? NO. Cuz it's fucked in the head stupid, like you.

All individuals have a right to secure a future for themselves and their children, even white people.
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And it's currently essential for white individuals who must stand up to the anti-white discrimination liberals think is englightened. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

You can do whatever you want and engage in any form of you thinking you're superior to everybody else you so choose to engage in .. but as always, the reality is there to smack that ignorance right back into the dark ages.

Too bad that superiority is not on display here on this site. Do you see any level of superiority in you amongst posters here?

Better articulation?

Better grasp of the issues?

Were you even capable of seeing through the Iraq bullshit they stuck in the face of dummies?

I don't see it sir.

If you think this is your country, think again .. it does not belong to white people who think like you. The future of your children is going to be black, brown, white, and yellow .. and a whole bunch of shades in between. Some of them may be calling you grandad one day.

So you go right ahead there sir and teach your children the same ignorance that fucks you up, and teach them how not to get along with and appreciate the multi-cultural world they will exist in. That seems like a very intelligent thing to do to your children .. grandaddy

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It is not fair to punish people for the sins of previous generations, just because they happen to be the same color. Are any crimes handled in this way? NO. Cuz it's fucked in the head stupid, like you.

All individuals have a right to secure a future for themselves and their children, even white people.
I completely understand this but the shade of their skin is an accident of birth. NO ONE CHOSE to be white or black or any other color. Who cares if slowly through intermarriage the whole US becomes beige? It does not matter. You put too much emphasis on being white.
I completely understand this but the shade of their skin is an accident of birth. NO ONE CHOSE to be white or black or any other color. Who cares if slowly through intermarriage the whole US becomes beige? It does not matter. You put too much emphasis on being white.

Right. So noone should be discriminated against, not even white people, BUT YOU LEFTY FASCISTS BELIEVE IN DISCRIMINATING AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE. Read about affirmative action. It's nothing but racial discrimination.
Right. So noone should be discriminated against, not even white people, BUT YOU LEFTY FASCISTS BELIEVE IN DISCRIMINATING AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE. Read about affirmative action. It's nothing but racial discrimination.
Wrong. It is a way of preventing parasites like you from passing their advantages along to their spawn. Assuming they can have any: I'm reasonably unconcerned in your case. :cool:
Wrong. It is a way of preventing parasites like you from passing their advantages along to their spawn. Assuming they can have any: I'm reasonably unconcerned in your case. :cool:

So you openly believe in racial discrimination against white people. Fuck you and your ugly soul. I don't advocate racial discrimination, you do.
this is a great article, thanks.

"Part of the problem is that most white people, save the best educated -- and this is borne out by studies as well; it is not simply class snobbery -- will not accept the fact that racism continues to stymie black progress. They blame all of black America's problems on the breakdown of the black family; as a cause, rather than a symptom."

See, this really caught my eye. Much of america is in denial. I can't tell you how many times a con or libertarian poster says we shouldn't have affirmative action, or federal civil rights laws (it's not part of the consitutional enumerated powers!!!), and that we should simply all strive to get along and be color blind. As if soothing messages from ron paul about colorblindness is an actual solution to the near term problem.

Wrong. Racial inequality and economic stratification is here to stay, at least for the forseeable future. Whatever modest tools we have to address that inequality is well justified, assuming they are applied in a fair and judicious manner.

Side note: the comments on economic stratification caught my eye too. And I suspect that its not only working class and poor blacks who are faring poorer in the post reagan, "supply sided" economics era, but also working class and poor whites. This is the fact-based assertion I gave that caused superfreak to have a meltdown about, and again it turns out that I was right! :cof1:

I, too, thought it was a very good article. I don't deny that racism exists today. Although, unlike the University of Delaware and the author of this article, I believe all human beings tend to be racist. We're all narcissistic. It is just plain human nature.

But that is besides the point. However, I disagree with what you say here:

Whatever modest tools we have to address that inequality is well justified, assuming they are applied in a fair and judicious manner.

If the goal is to right the inequities then we're fighting an unwinnable war. We can never, ever right the inequities of slavery or even the hundred years of "freedom" blacks suffered under after slavery was abolished. It is impossible especially since all of those who were directly affected by slavery have now moved on to their eternal homes. But, I don't think the goal should be just to right those inequities. The goal should be to eliminate racial hatred for the future.

How can we accomplish this with a government that promotes racial hatred which is exactly what Affirmative Action does? Affirmative Action does nothing to address the underlying issues behind racial hatred. Rather it builds them up. I don't honestly have an answer for how to change thousands of years of racial hatred over night. I wish I did. We do have laws against discrimination, but they like most of our laws (including Affirmative Action) are pretty much ineffective. What else can be done?

Like I said, I don't have an answer to how to bring the races together so that we can all sing "Kumbaya" in one big, happy circle. But instituting racism via Affirmative Action is not going to accomplish this either nor will it ever right the wrongs of slavery or racism of the past. In fact, I believe that AA only makes the matters worse. It only breeds more hatred. If it did anything at all to help everyone see that the other guy is not so bad afterall, I'd be for it, but it does exactly the opposite of that.

I'm all for laws that end discrimination. I believe discrimination is wrong, but, I just don't see AA as accomplishing the end of discrimination. Maybe AA goes to righting the wrongs of the past, but if it only makes things worse for the future, it defeats the goal that I believe to be more important.

What always gets me though is that some people seem to think that only whites are racists. Sure, if you are talking about "institutional racism" that cannot be denied, but to me racism isn't just institutional. Racism is the hatred of other people for no other reason than the fact that they have a different colored skin than you do. It is epitomized by skinheads and The Uhuru Movement alike.

Affirmative Action does nothing to get to the root causes of racial hatred. The author of this article highlights several issues that affect racial hatred:

while no liberal would argue that cultural patterns inside communities of color do not have an effect -- including particularly absentee parenthood, the lack of positive role models in ghetto communities, and the glorification in rap music of anti-social behavior

to that I would have to include (but maybe this is more a result of the above than one of the above) lack of educational opportunities, which is a result of racism I am sure, but is still one of the problems. It is these things we should be addressing first and foremost. Before you make the claim that AA addresses education opportunities, let me state that although this is true, there are many other ways to address this rather than making it a racial issue, especially because it is not only a problem for minorites, but rather for the poor regardless of race.

Racism extinct? Hell no it is not extinct. It is alive and well and thriving on our hatred for each other and our government is feeding it.

I guarantee you that if it weren't for Iraq and Condalezza Rice was running against Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, she'd win the south in a landslide even though she is black and she is a woman. It is policy that matters.

I can completely agree with this. She'd win and she would win big, and in order to get there, I think she would kick the crap out of everyone of the white, male Republican candidates in the primaries. But, unfortunately, there is that issue of Iraq and the fact that her integrity has been called into question repeatedly and rightly so.

I, also, think Colin Powell had an excellent chance of winning big in the South before Iraq. But, now, I think that opportunity is gone for both of them.

You can do whatever you want and engage in any form of you thinking you're superior to everybody else you so choose to engage in .. but as always, the reality is there to smack that ignorance right back into the dark ages.

{edited out the garbage}

If you think this is your country, think again .. it does not belong to white people who think like you. The future of your children is going to be black, brown, white, and yellow .. and a whole bunch of shades in between. Some of them may be calling you grandad one day.

So you go right ahead there sir and teach your children the same ignorance that fucks you up, and teach them how not to get along with and appreciate the multi-cultural world they will exist in. That seems like a very intelligent thing to do to your children .. grandaddy


But, can you explain to me why some people think it is wrong for me as a white person to be proud of the good things that my race has accomplished and to want to have my heritage seen as good in some ways too? I know my race is guilty of some pretty horrific things. I'm not denying that. But, we get blasted whenever we try and talk about our heritage. I honestly don't understand this. Well, I do understand it. It is because it is not the politically correct thing to do. But because something is not politically correct doesn't make it wrong.

Sure, if some fool was talking about white supremacy, I'm right there beside you or maybe in front of you, shouting down the jackass, but believe it or not... I'm not 100% evil simply because I am white. ;)

Why is it always wrong for me to want my children to know about my heritage in the same way you want your children to know about yours?

I am struggling with even posting this, because I don't like the word proud in the first sentence, but I hope you will understand what I am attempting to say here.

Immie: But that is besides the point. However, I disagree with what you say here:

Cypress: Whatever modest tools we have to address that inequality is well justified, assuming they are applied in a fair and judicious manner.

Immie: If the goal is to right the inequities then we're fighting an unwinnable war. We can never, ever right the inequities of slavery or even the hundred years of "freedom" blacks suffered under after slavery was abolished. It is impossible especially since all of those who were directly affected by slavery have now moved on to their eternal homes. But, I don't think the goal should be just to right those inequities. The goal should be to eliminate racial hatred for the future.

Legal tools to address racism and inequality are absolutely part of the mix. It's not the government's job to cleanse hearts and minds of all vestiges of racism. That has to come from american society at large.

Its the government's job to enforce equality, fair treatment, and equal protection under the law.

To that end, we have some very modest tools, like Affirmative Action, Small Business Loan Adminstration, and other public functions that mitigate a very undeniable problem: if you have black skin, you are automatically born into a disadvantage in this country, from the moment you leave the womb.
Immie: But that is besides the point. However, I disagree with what you say here:

Immie: If the goal is to right the inequities then we're fighting an unwinnable war. We can never, ever right the inequities of slavery or even the hundred years of "freedom" blacks suffered under after slavery was abolished. It is impossible especially since all of those who were directly affected by slavery have now moved on to their eternal homes. But, I don't think the goal should be just to right those inequities. The goal should be to eliminate racial hatred for the future.

Legal tools to address racism and inequality are absolutely part of the mix. It's not the government's job to cleanse hearts and minds of all vestiges of racism. That has to come from american society at large.

Its the government's job to enforce equality, fair treatment, and equal protection under the law.

To that end, we have some very modest tools, like Affirmative Action, Small Business Loan Adminstration, and other public functions that mitigate a very undeniable problem: if you have black skin, you are automatically born into a disadvantage in this country, from the moment you leave the womb.

But Affirmative Action is not "equality under the law". It's discrimination against white people and men.