Rand Paul KO’s Fauci in the first round

Regnery Publishing, the last bastion for publishing junk science... junk everything


According to the link I posted the US has the most deaths (542,872) of all those countries, along with the most cases (29,861,965.) So maybe people believe they have a higher chance of dying if they get the virus.

Yes, and I'm using the figures from Worldometers as well. Deaths per million is a much more reliable figure than cases and total numbers of deaths. I also notice that you've totally ignored the role of obesity in driving this. I also question the accuracy of those mortality figures especially if they were determined using the PCR test.
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Yes, and I'm using the figures from Worldometers as well. Deaths per million is a more reliable figure than cases and total numbers of deaths. I also notice that you've totally ignored the role of obesity in driving this.

I suspect that's because she's used to ignoring obesity, Tom.
Rand Paul is a grandstanding, mouth frothing loon who sucks at the asshole of the rabid teabagger right and says whatever idiotic shit he thinks will score points with low brow, deplorable trash like the OP and his little cohorts.

Having the vaccine does not mean that one cannot still spread the virus if one gets exposed to it.

The point of wearing a mask is to keep from spreading the virus, not to keep the wearer from getting it.

But of course, members of the "me first and screw everyone else" shit bag right are not programmed to think in terms of other people and what is good for society as a whole.

It's all about looking out for #1 with them.

Also wearing the mask is to protect oneself from airborne viruses, the affects of second hand smoke and the filth and stench of others.
Also wearing the mask is to protect oneself from airborne viruses, the affects of second hand smoke and the filth and stench of others.

Who told you that?

A COVID virus particle ranges in size from 20 nm to 500 nm.

Current guidance based on community exposure, for people exposed to people with known or suspected COVID-19 or possible COVID-19[/B]

Individual who has had close contact (within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes or more)

Exposure to:

Person with COVID-19 who has symptoms (in the period from 2 days before symptom onset until they meet criteria for discontinuing home isolation; can be laboratory-confirmed or a clinically compatible illness)
Person who has tested positive for COVID-19 (laboratory confirmed) but has not had any symptoms (in the 2 days before the date of specimen collection until they meet criteria for discontinuing home isolation).

Note: This is irrespective of whether the person with COVID-19 or the contact was wearing a mask or whether the contact was wearing respiratory personal protective equipment (PPE) .

Yes, and I'm using the figures from Worldometers as well. Deaths per million is a much more reliable figure than cases and total numbers of deaths. I also notice that you've totally ignored the role of obesity in driving this.

You never even brought up obesity for me to ignore! All I want to know is why we have so many more cases and deaths than countries that are a lot worse off. I feel like you're making it political, not just you but most on the right. Why can't we just talk about it as a disease to be eradicated instead of all these threads bashing Fauci?