Reality check on electric cars

My Hyundai is just fine. Small 4 cyl. with a turbo. A slug out of the hole, but surprisingly nice on the highway. I bought it new and had it over 5 years now with no problems. Needs tires. though.
My other car, however, does have a carb. Mid 1965 technology, ground pounding big block. Sucks hi-test and octane booster to the tune of 10 mpg. Ain't nothing like it on the road today.

That's true! Your turbo performs well when the engine is already up to speed. For acceleration from a dead stop, you need a supercharger, not a turbocharger.
Bet you like that 60's hunk of iron (they did build 'em in those days!) just for the simplicity of the machine and the classic lines.

That's true! Your turbo performs well when the engine is already up to speed. For acceleration from a dead stop, you need a supercharger, not a turbocharger.
Bet you like that 60's hunk of iron (they did build 'em in those days!) just for the simplicity of the machine and the classic lines.


It depends on how the turbocharger is set up. It takes a moment to spin up to speed, so one way to get around that is rev the engine while stopped to get it spun up and reduce the delay time.
Research Shows Electric Charging Stations In America Are Facing Major Problems

According to a research study from J.D. Power, the EV charging network in the US has already eroded, and at least one in five charging attempts by EV drivers failed to connect. And, oh boy, do we relate.

It's bad enough that the adoption rate of all-electric vehicles is double the rate of chargers being installed. Yet, the existing ones are already aging with a lack of maintenance, repair, and software updates to keep up with evolving batteries. According to the report, there was a steady rise from the first quarter of 2021 to the third quarter of 2022 of failed charging attempts from 15 percent to 21 percent. But it gets worse.

According to the research, customer satisfaction with Level 2 and Level 3 chargers has plummeted to its lowest point. Level 2 chargers are typically what you'll find in homes and work parking lots that assume a car will be there for around five to six hours at a time. Level three chargers should charge the majority of an EV's battery in 15-30 minutes.

Defective charging stations is becoming more of an issue as these things age.
Even worse, a defective station does not always show up on the app as defective.
You claim they have no resale value. Can you keep up with that? However, most EVs are too new to be part of resale lists. Tesla has a car that makes the list and it is no. 2 in resale. Is that hard for you to grasp? Every time I take my Volt for service, the dealer sends me lots of emails and letters offering high prices to buy my car.

You really do like to make up shit, don't you?

The grid in the SDTC is part of the WRIC, which extends into two provinces of Canada and covers most of the western States.
However, since the SDTC now imports almost all their power from the WRIC, their transmission lines are becoming overloaded. If one sags enough from the load to touch a tree, the SDTC could find itself in blackout. The WRIC will be forced to disconnect it to save the rest of the grid.
yeah, California is having trouble keeping up with the impact of global warming. They are also suffering from Enron damage.

This is correct. The SDTC is suffering under the Church of Global Warming as a state religion, and also suffered from the Enron fiasco.

Still, they don't learn.
He also lies about the cost. He is making no attempt at honesty. he is trying to win through lies. The EV Leaf is 28,000 dollars. The Bolt is 35 K. There are many ,many EVs that are surprisingly cheap. But he will keep saying 70 K. Would it be fair to say ICEs cost 300,000 bucks because a Rolls Royce does?

The Leaf is far more expensive than a gasoline car of the same size and quality.
The Bolt, which is a piece of shit, is VERY expensive compared to a gasoline car of the same size and quality.

No, EVs are NOT cheap.
As lithium becomes more scarce, they will only get more expensive.

Further, they are a waste of energy, consuming about twice the energy of a gasoline car of similar size going the same distance.
The reason California's grid is increasingly unstable is simply that the sources powering it are themselves both unstable and lacking in capacity. This was brought on by radical Leftist environmentalist thinking that has pushed wind and solar while trying hard to remove other means of generation. Couple that with a push to force all residential homes and commercial establishments into being all-electric, and you have a perfect storm of stupidity driving California energy policy.
The Leaf is far more expensive than a gasoline car of the same size and quality.
The Bolt, which is a piece of shit, is VERY expensive compared to a gasoline car of the same size and quality.

No, EVs are NOT cheap.
As lithium becomes more scarce, they will only get more expensive.

Further, they are a waste of energy, consuming about twice the energy of a gasoline car of similar size going the same distance.

Congrats on a completely wrong post. EVs are cheaper than comparable ICEs, cheaper to operate, and require less maintenance. Throw out all your lithium/cad batteries. Toss out your cell phone and computer. You never make sense. You just twist in the wind to back your poorly thought-out suppositions again and again.
Joey wets panties

So what? Clean energy is in the hands of the energy companies that are making strides in wind, solar, and nuclear. EVs' contribution is not spewing out poisonous exhaust particles that are bad for the lungs and the environment.

Nordy you buffoon, an EV is just a car with its exhaust pipe in another location miles away.
Nordy you buffoon, an EV is just a car with its exhaust pipe in another location miles away.

LYingfish, you are unable to understand how pollution works. The energy companies are in the process of greening. The tailpipe you see in your smog-filled eyes is getting greener in spite of neanderthals like you.