Reality check on electric cars

There were skeptics and opinionists when they invented the battery operated dildo, the transistor radio, and even the automobile battery itself- I'm sure. See how easy these things are explained folks!

False equivalence. Nobody advocated for slaughtering all the horses before another method of locomotion became viable in the 20th century, but climate cultists are demanding an end to fossil fuels within the next few years with no available energy source to replace them.

It's been almost 7 years since old man Katzgutz's "solutions" were proposed.

None of them have taken the place of fossil fuels, and some are even deemed dangerous by the climate cult.

So, where will the additional electricity to recharge electric car batteries come from?

I'm willing to convert to hydrogen recharging vehicles. Why isn't that being promoted?
of course it can be extended. I never said otherwise, but it cannot be extended ENOUGH using wind and solar. By the way, do you know that each windmill requires 60 gallons of lubricating oil? you know, that evil OIL that you lib idiots hate so much.

Wow 60 whole gallons? That's like the equivalent of the oil changes in 12 ICE cars for a year. Meanwhile the average wind turbine in the US can produce enough power to power 400 Teslas to drive 12,000 miles for that year even if it only produces about 8% of its rated production. So that 60 gallons of oil in the wind turbine is saving over 1900 gallons of oil and about 160,000 gallons gasoline.

If the turbine produces at 33% which is considered the average production, that 60 gallons of oil saves over 8,000 gallons of oil and over 660,000 gallons of gasoline.
Aw dang. I was going to come crying to you.

Texas was essentially paralyzed for a week. I guess Tesla moving there sucked all the juice out of the state?

Windmills don't work in icing conditions, dude. The frost on the blades unbalances them.
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All finite and expensive energy sources which climate cultists are determined to scale back or end entirely. They abhor nuclear power, too.

So, where will the additional electricity come from?

Both oil and natural gas are renewable fuels. Coal is unknown at this time. Coal, oil, and natural gas are extremely cheap, watt for watt. That is despite the high gases, artificially produced by Biden's Handlers.
of course it can be extended. I never said otherwise, but it cannot be extended ENOUGH using wind and solar. By the way, do you know that each windmill requires 60 gallons of lubricating oil? you know, that evil OIL that you lib idiots hate so much.

Wind and solar are the most expensive methods of producing electricity there is, watt for watt. Far more expensive then nuclear power. Wind and solar are just piddle power.
There were skeptics and opinionists when they invented the battery operated dildo, the transistor radio, and even the automobile battery itself- I'm sure.

Can't please everybody!

And some people don't like technology- MOST ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO SELL THE OLD TECHNOLOGY! LOL!



See how easy these things are explained folks!

You can't use technology to overrule physics, dude. Where is the additional electricity coming from?
False equivalence. Nobody advocated for slaughtering all the horses before another method of locomotion became viable in the 20th century, but climate cultists are demanding an end to fossil fuels within the next few years with no available energy source to replace them.

It's been almost 7 years since old man Katzgutz's "solutions" were proposed.

None of them have taken the place of fossil fuels, and some are even deemed dangerous by the climate cult.

So, where will the additional electricity to recharge electric car batteries come from?

I'm willing to convert to hydrogen recharging vehicles. Why isn't that being promoted?

Hydrogen is a low density fuel. Electrolysis still requires a power source to run it. You will not get any more energy out of the hydrogen then it took to create it.
Wow 60 whole gallons? That's like the equivalent of the oil changes in 12 ICE cars for a year. Meanwhile the average wind turbine in the US can produce enough power to power 400 Teslas to drive 12,000 miles for that year even if it only produces about 8% of its rated production. So that 60 gallons of oil in the wind turbine is saving over 1900 gallons of oil and about 160,000 gallons gasoline.

If the turbine produces at 33% which is considered the average production, that 60 gallons of oil saves over 8,000 gallons of oil and over 660,000 gallons of gasoline.

You only drive 12,000 miles a year? It that as far as your Tesla can take you?
You can't use technology to overrule physics, dude. Where is the additional electricity coming from?

Electricity is made available according to consumption and need. Like food and gasoline,.

Supply meeting demand is all a part of our Free Enterprise System.

I believe there will be technologies, in the future, where electrical power generated at power plants will come from electrically powered turbo engines that output 100x more electricity- than they use as input.

I also believe water will be extracted from the sea, and be converted to fresh drinking water here in the US some day- LIKE the Israelis have been using as their number one and only source of fresh drinking water like they have been using for many decades now.

And when people get tired of not having all of the things that grow in California they consume on a regular basis, I believe Water Pipelines will be established to move water across the nation to where it is needed the most. A great way for the Great Lake states to guarantee a fortune for themselves, as they help heal a national drought problem that will never get any better than it is now- DUE TO THE WARMING OF THE EARTH PROBLEM BEING IGNORED BY THE TRUMPTARDS!

Basically, there is no excuse for not having that kind of technology available and put to use now. Well, except for politics and self-centered/lobby-interests getting in the way.
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