Reality check on electric cars

Base rate fallacy. Average is not peak, dumbass.

Well, who said anything about peak? When you have 400 cars, you don't calculate the number of miles per car based on peak driving.

But thanks for introducing your usual fallacy fallacy. You didn't anser my questions. Care to explain yourself?
Are you always this stupid? Is it because you were dropped on your head as a child?
Matt, think that through; in that situation you'd be toast in a F-150. It'd be worse on a horse.


1 horse is under 5 BHP. ;)
Every second, all day, day in and day out.

Nope. Food and gasoline can be stored. The electrical grid does not store electricity.

So why do you advocate shutting down supply? That's fascism, dude.

You can't create energy out of nothing, dude. See the 1st law of thermodynamics.

Already happens. We call it 'rain' or 'snow'.

Very little grows in the SOTC anymore. Many farms and ranches have been abandoned. Lack of water supplies, you see. The SOTC has systematically been dismantling water collection and distribution systems.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Obviously you have NO concept of friction!

What national drought problem? Perhaps you had better start by defining 'drought'.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. How do you know it's warming?
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. See the 1st law of thermodynamics.
No gas or vapor has the capability to reduce entropy. See the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
No gas or vapor has the capability to not emit light due to thermal energy. See the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

The Church of Global Warming denies science AND mathematics.

Since you deny physics, you do not see the problem with national water pipelines.

Nope. Physics, engineering, and cost. All to serve a need that simply isn't there.

WHATEVER you ARE SMOKING- please share!
What you say is true but what you're too inbred and low IQ to understand is that you carry a battery with you with enough of a charge to drive a couple of miles or AAA loads it on a trailer just like they do with an ice car or you told the car a few miles to use a regenerative braking to charge the battery enough to drive to a recharge station. This is the sort of stuff educated people know I wouldn't expect an inbred trailer park guy like you to know this stuff.

Wow I guess not replying to you for a few days really got you antsy. I guess I'll take that as a compliment that you got so fucking worked up over not getting a reply that you replied to my post like 3 times. Fucking weirdo.
If the government has to use huge tax and rebate incentives to get people to buy something, and they still don't buy it, what does that say about that something's popularity with the public?
no one ever suggested wind or solar is the answer. all we are saying is you guys are morons, that sums it up really.

being realistic about electric cars does not make anyone a moron. It defines that person as a thinking intelligent individual who is not swayed by lying propaganda.

Ok, so you agree that wind and solar can never provide enough power to recharge millions of electric cars every night, what can? answer: nuclear, oil, gas, coal, hydro, wind, solar, wave action i.e. all of them combined. and next lesson, what is the net energy usage when all those sources are used to convert electric energy into battery energy and then to motor energy and then to turning the wheels? Is the total energy requirement greater or lesser than using gasoline energy to turn the wheels? Bottom line: electric cars may be cool but they are not the answer to our energy or environmental issues.
being realistic about electric cars does not make anyone a moron. It defines that person as a thinking intelligent individual who is not swayed by lying propaganda.

Ok, so you agree that wind and solar can never provide enough power to recharge millions of electric cars every night, what can? answer: nuclear, oil, gas, coal, hydro, wind, solar, wave action i.e. all of them combined. and next lesson, what is the net energy usage when all those sources are used to convert electric energy into battery energy and then to motor energy and then to turning the wheels? Is the total energy requirement greater or lesser than using gasoline energy to turn the wheels? Bottom line: electric cars may be cool but they are not the answer to our energy or environmental issues.

You aren't being realistic You're just being a moron
If the government has to use huge tax and rebate incentives to get people to buy something, and they still don't buy it, what does that say about that something's popularity with the public?

your assertion that tesla is selling ev's faster than they can make them is correct
You aren't being realistic You're just being a moron

If stating facts makes me a moron, then I plead guilty. So why don't you, with all your intellectual brilliance, tell us how you plan to recharge millions of electric cars every night in california where they are already having brown outs and black outs from lack of power.
your assertion that tesla is selling ev's faster than they can make them is correct

there was a wreck on a nearby interstate yesterday, traffic backed up for hours. I saw two Teslas on the side of the road with dead batteries. Does AAA offer a roving diesel powered recharging truck?