Reality check on electric cars

you dont have any logical questions

here they are again since you are incapable or comprehending what you read:

Ok, so you agree that wind and solar can never provide enough power to recharge millions of electric cars every night, what can? answer: nuclear, oil, gas, coal, hydro, wind, solar, wave action i.e. all of them combined. and next lesson, what is the net energy usage when all those sources are used to convert electric energy into battery energy and then to motor energy and then to turning the wheels? Is the total energy requirement greater or lesser than using gasoline energy to turn the wheels? Bottom line: electric cars may be cool but they are not the answer to our energy or environmental issues.
you dont have any logical questions

and to your foolish juvenile sig line: a fake emmy, a fake nobel prize. two fake impeachments.

but during Trump's 4 years we had:
lowest unemployment is decades, especially for blacks, hispanics, and women
lowest fuel prices in decades
energy independence
tax cuts for everyone who pays taxes
dialog with North Korea
China under control thru tariffs and trade deals
a fair trade deal with the UK
USMCA, a fair trade deal with Canada and Mexico
consumer confidence at record highs
a secure border
a strong military
low crime rates
respect for police and military and first responders
the real cost of oil is much higher than the pump price. We have subsidized them for many decades. We have not made them chip is for the health problems their pollution cause. We have gone to wars for oil. We paid in blood and treasure.

Is that so? But the left wants to eliminate fossil fuel-powered vehicles, don't they?
the real cost of oil is much higher than the pump price. We have subsidized them for many decades. We have not made them chip is for the health problems their pollution cause. We have gone to wars for oil. We paid in blood and treasure.

Most, well nearly all, of what this article claims is oil subsidies are nonsense. Take this one for example:

The cost of securing our access to Middle East oil - deploying U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf, patrolling its water and supplying military assistance to Middle East countries - is estimated at $50 billion per year, which adds additional dimes to each gallon of gasoline we purchase

The US deployed military forces to that region before oil production existed there. If the Middle East were peaceful and there was no US military presence or assistance to the region, oil production would still occur. One is not dependent on the other, thus US military aid and presence in the Middle East is not a subsidy of oil production. US forces there do not primarily defend oil fields, nor does military assistance given do the same.
The claim the article makes is irrelevant to oil subsidies.

Aside from that, the US does not get most of their oil imports from the Middle East. Only about 15 to 20% (depending on year) or so comes from the Middle East.



It is also one of the first regions to see a reduction in imports if US domestic production goes up. This is because of the distance in shipping required raising the price.
stop putting words in my mouth you sleazy sack of pus

I am not. You have made each of these arguments. You with to utterly discard them now?

Now you admit that wind and solar are piddle power, and you want to keep coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power plants?

What's it gonna be, dude?
there was a wreck on a nearby interstate yesterday, traffic backed up for hours. I saw two Teslas on the side of the road with dead batteries. Does AAA offer a roving diesel powered recharging truck?

No, obviously! :D. That poor truck would be busy charging a Tesla for several hours before serving the next one! That's outside of AAA response policy!
I can fill up my gas tank in under 5 minutes. Keep your bullshit.

The only time it becomes an issue is if you plan on taking a long road trip in an EV. But if you're like most people, a vehicle is a daily commuter (work, groceries, etc). These days, a fully charged EV can last over 300 miles. When it gets low, you just plug it in overnight.
I am not. You have made each of these arguments. You with to utterly discard them now?

Now you admit that wind and solar are piddle power, and you want to keep coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power plants?

What's it gonna be, dude?

nope, as usual your pus brain is defective