Reality check on electric cars

So you have to pay to charge your electric car?

OMG!! That's like paying for gas...and waiting hours to leave. I'll gawk when I drive by


The resale value of a EV can drop 50% in 2/3 years as the technology is constantly changing.
hahahaha what?

You do not know that EV are already working fine in most big cities and across a growing number of mid sized cities where the infrastructure you think does not exist yet, is readily available??? Several car giants are abandoning EVs in favour of hydrogen combustion and fuel cell cars.

How the fuck do you not know this?

It mirrors the way Gas station infrastructure rolled out across the country as ICE vehicle became more and more popular.

I know, i know, Derps like you (and Terry) would argue ICE vehicle can never work as all the infrastructure does not exist at the very beginnings of the roll out. But that is because you are dumb.

Very dumb.

With almost all ICE manufacturers committed to make the bulk oof their fleets EV's the infrastructure is a given as is the improvements in technology.

But ya, i am laughing how naïve and dumb you are.

Derps ffs, how old are you?? Only ignorant cock wombles use such childish words! Several car giants are favouring hydrogen fuel cell and combustion cars over EVs.,to%20enter%20the%20
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The resale value of a EV can drop 50% in 2/3 years as the technology is constantly changing.

This is true.

I really don't care if they build and sell electric cars. What pisses me off is the government incentives. Nobody gave her a government incentive when the GF just bought a new SUV (V6). Nice car, but not cheap, and I know the owner and sales manager. I didn't get one on my SUV. Probably wouldn't have gotten one for the Cobra, though.
Then, you have these green fanatics vilifying us ICE owners, especially those of us who own older "gas guzzlers," and we don't drive them every day.
Seems people these days don't like history and don't like tradition. That is sad.
You Luddites slow progress down. EVs are a technology whose time has arrived.
You gullible leftists are easily manipulated because none of you understand any science. EVs are terribly fuel inefficient. Why do the least possible with fuel that we have rather than do the most?

So right now, you are terribly confused by what I just wrote because you have been told by your thought-masters that EVs are the perfect technology and are far more fuel efficient than ICEs, and you are too scientifically illiterate to ever call booooolsch't when you should, so you regurgitate really stupid things. Learn the 2nd law of thermodynamics; the answer is there.
I won't address the easier BS in the OP, but I will address this:

1. A supercharger station can fully charge a battery in under two hours.

2. The closer an EV battery is to being fully charged, the slower it charges. If it takes a battery, say, 30 minutes to reach 50%, it will take another 30 minutes to reach 75%, and another 30 minutes to reach 100%.

In other words, if you take an EV on a long trip, it's faster to drive on partial charges than to fully charge it at every stop.

Oh, and the newest Tesla models go from 0 to 60 in like 1.8 seconds.

First off, I am not against EV but would like to address what you say here. So if you take a long trip in an EV and it makes sense to only charge it to 50% because of the time involved how often do you have to stop for that 30 minutes to charge it to 50%? Even if you get 200 miles out of a 50% charge which I doubt, you have to stop for 30 minutes every couple hundred miles? I can drive well over 400 miles and fill up in 10 minutes. By the time you drive from the east to the west coast in an EV how many hours are you going to sit waiting for a charge? I'll be on the beach in Santa Monica while you are waiting for a charge in Denver. A Hybrid makes perfect sense, an EV doesn't if you ask me.
Okay let me acquaint you with some reality I know that's not your thing because you spend all your time either taking meth or drinking everclear. There's no way you're going to make it coast to coast in any ice car You're going to have to stop at a gas station. Stopping at a gas station takes about as much time as recharging the newer electric cars. The fact that you're such a dumbass inbred moron should embarrass the hell out of you but you're too damn stupid to be embarrassed. A lot of people especially younger people work remote now and aren't going to own a car and they're just going to rent a car on the rare occasion they go on a road trip. Younger people are so disgusted with the congestion on freeways that they just assume take transit. This is all stuff that is common information this is all stuff educated people know but being that you're a meth addict drunk on everclear and totally uneducated this is all stuff that you wouldn't know.

No, stopping at a gas station does not take anywhere near what it takes to charge your EV. I can fill up, use the restroom and pick up a sandwich and be back on the road easily in 10-15 minutes. By the time you are at 50% charge I will be 40-50 miles down the road. I can go well over 400 miles between stops and you can't do half that. By the time we are half way across the country I'll be 4-5 hours ahead of you. I've got gas stations practically everywhere while you are constantly searching and calculating where your next stop will be. I have nothing against EV but not for me. Now a hybrid may well be a possibility, 40-60 miles to the gallon and charge while I drive.
No, stopping at a gas station does not take anywhere near what it takes to charge your EV. I can fill up, use the restroom and pick up a sandwich and be back on the road easily in 10-15 minutes. By the time you are at 50% charge I will be 40-50 miles down the road. I can go well over 400 miles between stops and you can't do half that. By the time we are half way across the country I'll be 4-5 hours ahead of you. I've got gas stations practically everywhere while you are constantly searching and calculating where your next stop will be. I have nothing against EV but not for me. Now a hybrid may well be a possibility, 40-60 miles to the gallon and charge while I drive.

Stopping at a gas station takes a lot more of your personal time and effort. You charge an EV as you sleep at night. It powers up with no effort past plugging the cord into your car.

Use your phone and type in charging stations. Then your zip and your screen will fill with charging stations and what level it is. That misconception of yours will be settled.
The only time charging is a problem is if you travel a long distance through rural areas.
If you are stopping to sleep at a motel or hotel, you charge when you sleep. And chargers are a lot faster than you Luddites know. They get faster all the time. Some charge in a few minutes.
This is a family car, a 6 seater grocery go getter.It was not built to race at drag strips. Can you understand that significance?

The GT500 isn't built to drag race either. And it will destroy a Tesla on a road course.

Oh, and it was you who brought up the drag race with that turd!
Stopping at a gas station takes a lot more of your personal time and effort. You charge an EV as you sleep at night. It powers up with no effort past plugging the cord into your car.

Use your phone and type in charging stations. Then your zip and your screen will fill with charging stations and what level it is. That misconception of yours will be settled.
The only time charging is a problem is if you travel a long distance through rural areas.
If you are stopping to sleep at a motel or hotel, you charge when you sleep. And chargers are a lot faster than you Luddites know. They get faster all the time. Some charge in a few minutes.

If your battery is near empty as far as a charge how long will it take to charge it. Not at night, at 11am after driving 4+hours? just answer the question, how many hours?
You gullible leftists are easily manipulated because none of you understand any science. EVs are terribly fuel inefficient. Why do the least possible with fuel that we have rather than do the most?
Because a small group of elites can enrichen themselves via the Green New Scam and it further advances the Democrats' power/control agenda.

So right now, you are terribly confused by what I just wrote because you have been told by your thought-masters that EVs are the perfect technology and are far more fuel efficient than ICEs, and you are too scientifically illiterate to ever call booooolsch't when you should, so you regurgitate really stupid things. Learn the 2nd law of thermodynamics; the answer is there.
Stopping at a gas station takes a lot more of your personal time and effort.
It really doesn't. It doesn't take any more than a few minutes.

You charge an EV as you sleep at night.
Yeah, because one falls asleep because it's rather boring to wait for hours upon hours for the damn thing to refuel when an ICE vehicle can be refueled in a matter of minutes.

It powers up with no effort past plugging the cord into your car.
... and waiting... and waiting... ... and waiting... and waiting... ... and waiting... and waiting... ... and waiting... and waiting... ... and waiting... and waiting... ... and waiting... and waiting... ... and waiting... and waiting... And that's only during acceptable conditions. Under cold conditions, there's even more waiting involved and the car might not even accept a charge and become a very expensive paper weight for some time (ask Chicago residents if you don't believe me).

BTW, an ICE vehicle powers up with no effort past putting the gas nozzle into the gas tank opening and "enabling auto-fill mode". After a couple minutes, you're back on the road again.

And chargers are a lot faster than you Luddites know. They get faster all the time. Some charge in a few minutes.
A bald-faced lie.
If your battery is near empty as far as a charge how long will it take to charge it. Not at night, at 11am after driving 4+hours? just answer the question, how many hours?
It'll take a few hours, even on a "fast charger" in ideal conditions. It'll "take all day" (and not exactly in a figurative way) on a "slow charger" in ideal conditions.

In non-ideal conditions, it'll take even longer, and if it's cold enough, it might not even take a charge at all. Ask a Chicago resident for further details.
The GT500 isn't built to drag race either. And it will destroy a Tesla on a road course.

Oh, and it was you who brought up the drag race with that turd!

Oh wait, you are wrong, Lyingfish brought it up. It showed that a Tesla, designed and functioning as a family vehicle is faster than nearly every ICE on the road. The Tesla was not designed to be a road racer. The fact is electric cars just provide a lot of speed and acceleration out of the dealership.