Reality check on electric cars

Seems there are aftermarket kits for EV's to make them sound like muscle cars instead of wimpy sewing machines.

Ya know, in all reality, I'd probably see that as a good thing. I bike a lot around the town I live in and there's nothing more terrifying than having a car appear right beside you having made ZERO noise. I've often thought that maybe they could put some speakers on it and generate a sound.
Ya know, in all reality, I'd probably see that as a good thing. I bike a lot around the town I live in and there's nothing more terrifying than having a car appear right beside you having made ZERO noise. I've often thought that maybe they could put some speakers on it and generate a sound.
EV make noise. It's just wimpy, whiny noises...
Seems there are aftermarket kits for EV's to make them sound like muscle cars instead of wimpy sewing machines.

There are, and in some cases, they are starting to be required so people with compromised vision can hear the car coming. EVs normally only make significant noise in reverse (because of the poor timing on the motor).
Looks like Sybil is merely in 2nd place. The Dumb Dog took 1st place.
Ahhh, yup. So far this month, the Dumb Dog is in 1st place. Sybil (under the Nordy moniker) can never quite get a 1st place showing in any given month, but does seem to "get on the scoreboard" the most often.

The Dumb Lizard has been slacking lately... or more likely, I'm just happening to avoid his "award worthy" posts. After all, I can only document whatever I happen to see.
Ahhh, yup. So far this month, the Dumb Dog is in 1st place. Sybil (under the Nordy moniker) can never quite get a 1st place showing in any given month, but does seem to "get on the scoreboard" the most often.

The Dumb Lizard has been slacking lately... or more likely, I'm just happening to avoid his "award worthy" posts. After all, I can only document whatever I happen to see.
Quite true. I am considering starting my Monthly Contest again. Just figuring out to best implement it here on JPP.

You've inspired me! :D
Well, I'll be looking forward to it nonetheless. :) I remember those days!
I'll probably do it in the War Zone. Part of the problem is the number of socks in use by Sybil. How do I score them? I suppose I could use your method, by scoring under each individual name he uses....even it it does give him an unfair advantage. After all, since when did fairness stop Democrats?

As always, it will be open only to the Elite, as chosen by me.

Since this contest has never run here, I'll have to explain the rules on the first iteration of it. Like you, I'll only score 'em if I see 'em.
Maybe I'll start the first one on Halloween. It IS the day the original Contest started, after all.
... and the phenomenon of how proud EV owners are about not maintaining their EVs.

Do these twits think that these are "magick EVs" (similar to "magick satellites")?
So to sum up so far in the EV thread:

People that support EVs tend to tout their simplicity of design, and that they are somehow 'saving the planet' by driving one. They tend to ignore the government subsidies of these things and the government mandates requiring people to install charging stations at their own expense.

These so-called 'Green' laws are the biggest thing wrong with the whole EV movement.

They also tend to ignore the various disadvantages of owning an EV, as opposed to a gasoline or diesel vehicle, especially the weight problems and cost problems associated with it.

The Church of the EV stems from the Church of Global Warming, and like the Church of Global Warming, blames a Magick Holy Gas that somehow creates energy out of nothing, ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.