Reality check on electric cars

... and the phenomenon of how proud EV owners are about not maintaining their EVs.

Well, I took you guys' advice and bought some Valvoline and just poured it over the motor figuring some will leak into where it is supposed to go.

Car's runnin' great...all the cylinders are firing smoothly. But there IS a smell and the smoke is kind of getting concerning.

Do these twits think that these are "magick EVs" (similar to "magick satellites")?

When you say "magick" with a "k" I think of Crowley's Sex Magick and I can confirm that those of us who DO have EV's love them SO MUCH many of us have divorced our spouses and married our EV's. (It's legal in most Blue States)
On Top Gear, they submerged a Toyota Hilux and in less than an hour with a mechanic with hand tools had it running again...


Gee, if an EV sunk in the ocean, would you want to be in it, or face a shark. Very Trumpian.
Did you really think that post was relevant?
Finland now has over 50 percent of their vehicles as EVs. Not all countries are as stubbornly, proudly stupid as the US.
Gee, if an EV sunk in the ocean, would you want to be in it, or face a shark. Very Trumpian.
Did you really think that post was relevant?
Finland now has over 50 percent of their vehicles as EVs. Not all countries are as stubbornly, proudly stupid as the US.
Absolutely. Top Gear tried to deliberately kill / make unusable a Toyota Hilux diesel pick up truck. They tried crashing it into stuff. They tried to drown in salt water. They dropped a travel trailer on it. They set it on fire. The put it on top of a 10-storey building and let it fall during the demolition of the building. In the end it still ran and was drivable.

You couldn't do that to ANY EV on the market today. That is their argument: Make cars that last, not ones that are politically correct.

Try to do this with an EV:
