Reality check on electric cars

It's interesting that every gas station has warnings that gas is flammable. One would almost think that gas was dangerous.

It is. How to deal with the dangers of gasoline are well known. Pumps have safety shutoffs and drive away protections. Every station owner and fireman knows you don't fight a gasoline fire with water and they have the equipment to handle it. Gasoline fires are rare and happen for obvious reasons.
Battery fires can happen without warning and in a seemingly normally functioning car. The batteries burn hot and fast (faster than a gasoline fire). It is similar to magnesium burning. While not a class D fire, it is an electrical fire. The best extinguisher is CO2. Most shops are not equipped to fight a battery fire. Most fire departments aren't either. Just a few weeks ago an entire container ship was lost due to battery fire in one of the cars it was carrying. The ENTIRE ship, plus the thousands of high end European cars, lost to battery fire. Fortunately, the crew abandoned ship and got off safely.
The future is electric for many many reasons. Environmental concerns, population health, oil is a controlled product with price-fixing, Unfriendly nations sell it, and it blows cars and stations up.
You guys are so firmly welded to the past.

yes we all need more lead and carcinogens in our cars when driving them. We all need our plans delayed 2-4 hours or more because we need to stop for a charge. Chase off that oil dumbass and we will see what pharmaceutical products and personal care items you can really do without, and fuck the northeast and their heating oils, let them eat cake
yes we all need more lead and carcinogens in our cars when driving them. We all need our plans delayed 2-4 hours or more because we need to stop for a charge. Chase off that oil dumbass and we will see what pharmaceutical products and personal care items you can really do without, and fuck the northeast and their heating oils, let them eat cake

It is not like that. You plug in overnight and can drive 300 miles. There is no waiting around. Nor do EV drivers run their cars to zero. You wake up and go where you want to go,
The interesting thing is that the energy and pollution that is caused by building a battery is less than 1% of the energy and pollution required to drill, pump, refine, deliver and power an ICE car for 10 years.

So? That means nothing. Without a fixed point of reference, this statement is meaningless. Here's why. If the energy and pollution necessary to deliver oil is negligible, then the difference is a meaningless exercise in hair splitting.
This is from 2016 so is outdated for emissions since the US electricity produced by coal has dropped by half since then and renewables have increased to surpass coal for electrical production.
An electric car produces about 20-30% of the CO2 compared to an ICE car over its lifetime.

When it comes to environmental effects of mining, the dangers and costs can't begin to compare to the costs of the environmental disasters that have been caused by oil spills.

And, what if you think that the whole CO2 thing is a pile of bullshit purveyed by the same crackpots that told us the world would end if we didn't do something about the hole in the ozone layer, or that 50 some years ago the world was headed to a new ice age?
As usual, good stuff from you.
Everyone also forgets to mention the repair of EV's which presents its own set of problems. Many body shops won't touch them with a 25 ft. pole which is close to the recommended distance they are to be kept from other vehicles in the shop due to the possibility of fire and explosion. Groups of batteries in differing states of discharge can be a hazard and even the manufacturer of my charger recommends only charging my Li-ion 18650 or 16650 batteries on a metal surface and always with someone nearby. As a heavy user of US-made flashlights, (Malkoff and Surefire), I only use rechargeable batteries from Japan and none of them have ever let me down.

Until the manufacturing, cost, recycling, and efficiency issues are worked out, these are just toys for the rich who want to feel good.

Speaking of the Japs, they make some extremely accurate and repetitive machine tools. Their CNC's hold tenths all day long, the only adjustments needing made are for tool wear.
And, what if you think that the whole CO2 thing is a pile of bullshit purveyed by the same crackpots that told us the world would end if we didn't do something about the hole in the ozone layer, or that 50 some years ago the world was headed to a new ice age?

Yet they let some rich fuck punch holes in it with a blue dildo...
And, what if you think that the whole CO2 thing is a pile of bullshit purveyed by the same crackpots that told us the world would end if we didn't do something about the hole in the ozone layer, or that 50 some years ago the world was headed to a new ice age?

And what if you think that the world is flat? Your deflection to denying that CO2 is a problem doesn't change the fact that the graphic clearly shows that EV's produce less over their lifetime when all processes are included from vehicle manufacture to powering it for a period of 10 years.
And what if you think that the world is flat? Your deflection to denying that CO2 is a problem doesn't change the fact that the graphic clearly shows that EV's produce less over their lifetime when all processes are included from vehicle manufacture to powering it for a period of 10 years.

You miss the point. If CO2 is irrelevant as a pollutant, then the whole point of an EV is irrelevant as a "Green" thing. If you count all pollutants, EV's don't do much better, if any, over ICE vehicles. Regardless, if you aren't a true believer in the Church of Gorebal Warming then the EV is simply a choice based on what you want to drive and not something that's political virtue signaling.
Note the source. Also note Brandon just shut down the starting up of a huge nickle and copper mine in MN.

Electric Car Batteries Are Going to Need a Lot of Nickel
that's bullshit, I have been towed twice when trusting someone's tesla. 300 miles is nothing

Reds using incidents and thinking that proves the case. I have had an electric since 2015. I have never run short on electricity. Therefore what you said is wrong. The fact is people have range anxiety and are careful to keep it topped off. If somebody ,somewhere fucks up, that is not an argument against it.
Note the source. Also note Brandon just shut down the starting up of a huge nickle and copper mine in MN.

Electric Car Batteries Are Going to Need a Lot of Nickel

Yea, well Joke and his clown car administration is fighting to keep the largest copper mine in the US, the Resolution in Superior Arizona, from opening fully because a few radical Leftist Native Americans say they gather acorns or some nonsense nearby. This is the typical radical Leftist ploy when legal means fail, environmental pleading fails, and people won't listen to their nonsense--at least in Arizona. They trot out a handful of radical nutjob Native Americans who suddenly claim out of thin air that the location is "sacred" and can't be used for whatever. The tribal leadership shuts up and stays out of it the second they are paid off.


That's one of about a dozen "sacred" billboards the Gila tribe put up after the loop 202 south in Phoenix was finished. When the route--which runs along the border of the Gila River reservation--was being started, the Gila tribe fought against it on claims the land was "sacred." They were ignored and the road went in. Right after it completed, the tribe stuck up at least a dozen billboards--far more than would be allowed anywhere else in the state other than a res--and began collecting rent on them.

Anyway, the Joke administration is siding with the Apache over the Resolution mine for now because they don't want copper mined there...
Get educated in 1:47

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Reds using incidents and thinking that proves the case. I have had an electric since 2015. I have never run short on electricity. Therefore what you said is wrong. The fact is people have range anxiety and are careful to keep it topped off. If somebody ,somewhere fucks up, that is not an argument against it.

300 miles is not even a 1/2 days driving for me, so no, you are full of shit