It seems you aren't familiar with Tyndall or the experiments that proved that a gas mixture with more CO2 retains more heat.
Stop mocking Tyndall. Leave the poor guy out of your religion. It is not possible to store heat. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You are AGAIN ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
It is an experiment that has been repeated in a lot of HS science classes
No. The parlor trick you have been shown is just that...a parlor trick.
and all have the same result.
Of course. That's the point of the parlor trick.
Increasing the CO2 increases the temperature.
Nope. See the 1st law of thermodynamics. You cannot create energy out of nothing. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
No one is claiming that CO2 is the only cause for climate change.
Climate cannot change. There is no value associated with it that can change. There is no such thing as a global climate. Buzzword fallacy. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. Denial of the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Science is not a government organization.
lists multiple causes for increases in temperature and decreases in temperature
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. The IPCC is MAKING SHIT UP.
which is all based on the science conducted by thousands of scientists.
No science here...move along...move along...
Science isn't a scientist or any group of scientists. It does not use consensus. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. That's it. That's all. Nothing more. Nothing at all. It has no religion. It has no politics. It has no voting bloc. It does not use consensus in any way.
CO2 is one of the major drivers but is not the only one.
CO2 is not a 'driver'. Buzzword fallacy.
Who said that the hole was all due to the CFCs?
The Church of the Ozone Hole.
There has always been a hole. CFCs were making it bigger.
CFC's do not react with ozone. They are also heavier than air. They don't make it up to the ozone layer. The 'hole' is at the poles. Why would CFC's in California affect the pole?? You can fill a tank with ozone and put CFCs in it, and NOTHING HAPPENS. No chemical reactions at all!
Your desire to deny the actual science
You are describing yourself.
seems to make you think you can make up whatever straw men you want in order to defeat them.
Describing yourself again.
Refusing to actually look at the science is the fool's errand
Whatever you say, fool.
and you seem to want to be an errand boy extraordinaire.
You are describing yourself again. Inversion fallacy.