Reality check on electric cars

Gas powered cars are resalable for decades. A battery car is junk once the battery dies in it. Unless you have $10,000 + to slap down on a new battery you can't revive it. For $10,000 invested in something from the 60's or 70's you can get a decently running and drivable ICE vehicle.

You are lost in space.
I wonder if you know when peak electric usage is....

Nah.... I'm sure you don't.

Currently about 100% of homes have major appliances and yet owners are being asked to not use those appliances during peak hours. It's a disaster waiting to happen when Kim Kardashian no longer has clean underwear because she can't do her laundry at 2 in the afternoon on a Wednesday.

Life in the SDTC.
Nuclear is renewable both in the sense you can make more fuel (eg., breeder reactors),
No. Fission DESTROYS the uranium or plutonium. You don't get it back. It is split into other elements.
and can use many of the byproducts to produce energy.
That you can.
Of course, the amount of energy gotten out is so great compared to the fuel spent, that right now we have several millennia worth of nuclear fuel, and an infinite amount if you include hydrogen fusion in that mix.
Fusion isn't fission, of course. Sustained fusion so far has proved elusive. There is the Sun, of course. That's the best we have at this time.
Spent fuel, just for the idiots here and their insane complaints about that is really a non-issue.
All the current spent fuel in the US on nuclear power would fit inside a super Walmart store with lots of room to spare. It is all low-level alpha and beta emitters that pose a low risk in terms of radiation output. It can be safely stored in current cask designs basically forever. We have the storage facilities already built. It's only fear mongering and stupidity coming mostly from the radical environmental Left that prevents use.
It's simpler than that. Spent fuel can be put into another reactor designed for it and generate a bit of power.
The waste product from THAT can be put into a normal landfill.
Do you have any idea of the gas needed to fill up one car?
My tractor holds 5 gallons.
My truck holds 30 gallons.
My car holds 22 gallons.

Any other dumb questions, dude?
Oh.. wait.. almost no one fills up their car with gas every day.
Correct. About once a week for me, other than the truck, about once every two weeks.
Oh...wait.. almost no one with an EV will require a complete charge every day.
If they want to drive it every day, they will have to charge it every day.
For the average Texan, the power needed to charge their EV would be less per day than they use for AC. By charging their EV when their AC is not running, say at 2-6am, they don't put any stress on the grid.
Four hours is insufficient to charge an EV.
kwh needed to run AC for about 8 hours a day - 30-40kwh
kwh needed to charge an EV that has been driven for 50 miles - 17kwh.
Unit error. Watts are not watt-hours.
None of that changes that you have maybe 8 years at most on an EV before the battery goes bad and the car is junk. That alone makes them unsustainable.

Agreed. An eight year old truck still has plenty of life in it. An eight year old car still have plenty of life in it. An eight year old EV is junk. It originally cost twice as much as my truck too.
Then there's the copper shortage. You can't build electric cars without lots of copper...

A coming copper shortage could derail the energy transition, report finds

Copper Shortages Present New Manufacturing Challenges in 2022

And, as usual, Joke is contributing to this while kicking American workers and the US economy in the teeth.

US copper mines get riskier as Biden stalls Resolution land swap

Biden Administration Rescinds Approval For Job Creating Resolution Copper Mine

So, Biden sided with radical Leftists and environmentalists to keep what would be the largest copper mine in the world from opening when it was about to start operations.

Biden admin. cancels leases for copper-nickel mine near Boundary Waters

Biden cancels lease renewals for proposed Minnesota mine

Then he stopped a copper - nickel mine in Minnesota from starting operations.

And another mine in Alaska

Biden administration, settling a long fight, plans to block a mine in Alaska

And how does Joke propose to get the metals we need for his Green energy plans? Buy them from China of course!

Joe Biden's Buying Metals Abroad Could End Controversial Mining Projects

And using the administration's Modern Monetary Theory, they'll just print as much money as they need to do that...

Talk about a bunch of total fucking retards running the US... Well, we're getting to live with the inmates running the asylum! takes a lot of copper to build a house! :D
The only think Joe cares about is Joe.
So, Biden sided with radical Leftists and environmentalists to keep what would be the largest copper mine in the world from opening when it was about to start operations.
Then he stopped a copper - nickel mine in Minnesota from starting operations.
And another mine in Alaska
Didn't you know that environmentalists treat copper like it was plutonium?

And how does Joke propose to get the metals we need for his Green energy plans? Buy them from China of course!

And using the administration's Modern Monetary Theory, they'll just print as much money as they need to do that...
The government isn't buying copper for industrial use, so linking their money printing to buying copper from China is just random strawmen. Yes, they are all problems, but they are not related.
Talk about a bunch of total fucking retards running the US... Well, we're getting to live with the inmates running the asylum!

The people running the States are the people themselves, despite government's best efforts to keep them from doing it.
It's the people that run the companies, that buy the copper, that make the wire, and that make motors for EVs. Government does NONE of that.

Most of the copper we import comes from Canada, not China. Canada is currently a dictatorship, much like China though.
Rep. Massie to Buttigieg: Electric Cars Use 4 Times The Electricity Of An Air Conditioner

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) to Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg at a hearing on Tuesday: "Numbers are important. It would take four times as much electricity to charge the average household's cars as the average household uses on air conditioning. Do you think that could be -- so, if we reach the goal by 2030 that Biden has of -- of 50 percent adoption instead of 100 percent adoption, that means the average household would use twice as much electricity charging one of their cars as they would use for all of the air conditioning that they use for the entire year."
Buyer beware! Electric battery cars have a service life of roughly 5 to 7 years then they are worthless both for resale and further use due to the cost of battery replacement.

My 2006 Prius is running fine with no battery replacement. The battery is not as good as when it was new, but works very well considering it is 16 years old.
Anecdote isn't evidence

Anecdotal evidence is by definition evidence. Every last murder case is proven with anecdotal evidence.

your personal experience isn't statistically significant.

You made an absolute statement that the most one can get out of a battery is 8 years. I have gotten 16 years (and counting), so it is safe to say that 8 years is not the most.

What percent of the time can someone get more than 8 years, we do not know. I would guess about 100%, if one is willing to deal with shorter battery lives.
Anecdotal evidence is by definition evidence. Every last murder case is proven with anecdotal evidence.

You made an absolute statement that the most one can get out of a battery is 8 years. I have gotten 16 years (and counting), so it is safe to say that 8 years is not the most.

What percent of the time can someone get more than 8 years, we do not know. I would guess about 100%, if one is willing to deal with shorter battery lives.

I wasn't meaning it as an absolute, but as an average. A rule of thumb so-to-speak. The most you can hope for is somewhere between 16 and 20 years / 100,000 to 200,000 miles. But it most likely will be less.
I wasn't meaning it as an absolute, but as an average. A rule of thumb so-to-speak. The most you can hope for is somewhere between 16 and 20 years / 100,000 to 200,000 miles. But it most likely will be less.

The average is not 8 years. Geez.. most manufacturers have a 10 year warranty. If we accept your argument then they are replacing more than 50% of batteries within 8 years. We would be seeing that in the data.