Reality check on electric cars

No car (except certain prototypes) drives itself.
Self driving cars can be any type of power plant. It doesn't have to be an electric car.

If you are letting your Tesla drive itself, you are placing other vehicles and danger and breaking the law. Tesla itself says not to do this.

Last CES I was at, where they were showing off self driving cars and autonomous robots, a self driving car ran over an autonomous robot. Was the robot jaywalking? Was the car taking murderous revenge on competition?
In this case, of course, it only resulted in one group of programmers shouting at another group of programmers on who's fault it was.

Now imaging a real case, where a self driving car kills a pedestrian. There are no drivers at fault. The only place the lawsuit can go is right back to the car manufacturer. Invest in it if you want to, I wouldn't touch that industry with a 100 ft pole.

Self driving cars are in their infancy. Do not judge them for the future. They are coming. The question is when.
Do you add in the bread you eat when the wheat was harvested by a diesel-powered International Harvester?

What is the home you live in made out of? All wood, concrete block, concrete and steel, or aluminum and wood?

Either way, ICE engines harvested the materials to build it, guaranteed.

Wait..unless you live in some kind of Adobe mud hut, or an old cracker river rock/cement house.

Try and make sense. That failed. We know coal and energy plants are filthy, far dirtier than they have to be. There are huge pockets of citizens around them with respiratory illnesses and kids with asthma.
Top speed is lower as the battery flags. The faster you go, the shorter the life of the charge.

Joules are joules. You don't get energy for free with the electric car.

Your gas mileage in an ICE gets worse with high speed and hot-rodding. So what is the point? Electric cars get 300to 400 miles per charge. The cost of operating an electric is 1/3rd of a gas vehicle. With the high prices of gas, it is getting better and better for electrics..
Amazon is in the process of taking delivery on 100,000 rivian electric vans. Tesla is the most valuable car company in the world. You'd be better off if you stop being such an inbred moron.

Bullshit! Toyota is the most profitable car company in the world. Tesla ranks 7th.

Amazon may be buying electric vehicles, but they are a specialized need. And, if fuel cells were available they'd likely switch to those as they are infinitely more practical.
Bullshit! Toyota is the most profitable car company in the world. Tesla ranks 7th.

Amazon may be buying electric vehicles, but they are a specialized need. And, if fuel cells were available they'd likely switch to those as they are infinitely more practical.

as usual your opiois addiction has you all delusional. Why is it so important to you to be a moron? . "Amazon may be buying electric vehicles, but they are a specialized need. And, if fuel cells were available they'd likely switch to those as they are infinitely more practical.[/QUOTE]" you say a lot of stupid stuff but this is one of the stupidest comments you have made in some time.
Facts are irrelevant in America.

One must take his/her side's official position or become an outcast without a faction to call home.

The consistency is pretty amazing across the forum.

Even with my disdain for wokeness and relative indifference to gun control, my opinions run pretty consistent with my side.

The most incoherent people are the independents and centrists.
They have feelings, not clear opinions, and tend to be afflicted with terminal optimism that falls outside the realm of sanity.


facts matter.

your "facts don't matter" horseshit is why dems are losing hearts and minds.
as usual your opiois addiction has you all delusional. Why is it so important to you to be a moron? . "Amazon may be buying electric vehicles, but they are a specialized need. And, if fuel cells were available they'd likely switch to those as they are infinitely more practical.
" you say a lot of stupid stuff but this is one of the stupidest comments you have made in some time.[/QUOTE] 1,good thing. 3 Honda Clarity Fuel Cell.

Hydrogen fuel cell cars are already available.

You fill up at a gas station taking minutes, just like a gasoline powered vehicle.


Infinitely more practical than a battery car.
Try and make sense.
He is making sense.
That failed.
What failed?
We know coal and energy plants are filthy, far dirtier than they have to be.
So wind farms are far dirtier than they have to be? Solar power is dirtier than it has to be? What is 'dirtier than it has to be'???
There are huge pockets of citizens around them with respiratory illnesses and kids with asthma.
From what? Coal plants??? No, modern coal plants don't put out any soot.
Your gas mileage in an ICE gets worse with high speed and hot-rodding.
So? You can refuel them in minutes.
So what is the point?
You can refuel them in minutes.
Electric cars get 300to 400 miles per charge.
And then you must take hours to recharge them for another 300 to 400 miles.
The cost of operating an electric is 1/3rd of a gas vehicle.
No. The vehicle itself is more expensive. You still must buy your energy from somewhere. For long trips, you are going to require many more motels or camping.
With the high prices of gas, it is getting better and better for electrics..
No. Many electric plants are oil fired.
These blokes prove you dead flat wrong

The reason is a simple one. A Prius is a hybrid design. You are carrying around the weight of TWO power plants but extra batteries. It's a heavy car for it's size.

Joules are joules. You require the same joules to move a given weight a given distance. Increase the weight, and you have to use more energy.
" you say a lot of stupid stuff but this is one of the stupidest comments you have made in some time. 1,good thing. 3 Honda Clarity Fuel Cell.

Hydrogen fuel cell cars are already available.

You fill up at a gas station taking minutes, just like a gasoline powered vehicle.


Infinitely more practical than a battery car.[/QUOTE]

Much more so. It isn't, however, more practical than a gasoline or diesel car. Hydrogen just doesn't have as much energy.