Reality check on electric cars

I've got a 220V charging station in my home.
You have 3 phase power in your home??????!?
Now, I'm not as stupid as having a Hummer EV but it doens't take 24 hours to charge my car. I get 300 miles on a full charge.
Only 300????!? Heck, my Subaru can go 480 miles on a single tank of fuel.
Since you refuse to describe what car you have, I will use the Tesla Model 3 as an example:
The time to charge depends on several factors, including the condition of the battery itself, and the charging system used. For charging a new battery from dead to full charge:
120v standard outlet 22-40 hours.
240v 50A outlet with Tesla charger 8-12 hours. This is the same as commercial chargers in your typical shopping center.
Tesla DCFC (Tesla super charger) 15-25 minutes.

The faster you charge the battery, the less lifespan it will have.

If the pack gets wet and corrosion sets in (such as damage from flood or snow or exposure to sea air), catastrophic fire is the usual result, and usually while the car is just sitting there. Because the doors are electric in these cars and the computer is typically inoperable during these conditions, if the fire occurs while the vehicle is occupied the only way to escape is to break the windows. The fire itself burns like a firework.

This is unable to tow anything. The car itself is too heavy to take on additional load on the brakes and springs. There's no place to mount a towing bar anyway.

The oil doesn't need to be changed often, lasting about like oil in a transmission. The radiator fins should be checked regularly though for debris. Failure to maintain the oil will result in destruction of the drive motors.
The coolant should be changed regularly, and the radiator for that should also be checked regularly for debris. Failure to maintain the coolant will result in battery fire.

Tesla offers an expensive option for driver assist level 3. It is NOT a self driving mode and should not be treated as such. It cannot cope with sharp curves, unusual situations such as construction zones (especially when badly marked), or sudden obstacles or inclement weather conditions. Under good conditions and a good roadway, it performs well. Tesla makes use of LIDAR for situational awareness.

Base model suggested retail price (without driver assist or any other options) is currently $35000, offering 220 mile range.

Like other Tesla cars, this car has seen a lot of recalls, typically for software fixes. These are among the most recalled cars in America.

Tires for this car are expensive, being around the same price as a truck tire, but for a coup. It's an unusual size and difficult to find them as well. Tires for a Subaru Impreza, a comparable sized car, are about 3/4 of the price. The reason is a simple one. The Tesla Model 3 is a very heavy car for it's size, with a curb weight similar to a full sized pickup truck.

You guys are so fucking easily duped. You have to be the dumbest lot imaginable

You don't like EVS...GOOD! Don't get one, ya whiney fuckups.
Okay. I won't. I don't want to waste my time constantly recharging my car. My vehicles have to work all day. They're a lot cheaper to buy too.
LOL. Were you howling when America's farmers had to fight to regain "right to repair"? Surely you don't think this particularly nasty outgrowth of late stage capitalism is unique to Tesla!
Only certain pieces of equipment had this problem on farms, and that only involved the computerized systems this equipment used. The engine was FADEC, just like all new cars are today, but these are easily repaired by the farmer himself or by any shop. John Deere has very good maintenance and shop manuals, particularly for their smaller tractors (such as the 1 series, which has no computer at all in them).
No, it was pioneered by the very same companies you folks on the Right lionize and fetishize with your trickle down BS and your constant fear baiting over "socialism". LOL.
John Deere is in the process of correcting it, due to unhappy customers. Kubota and Ford has largely already corrected it. Tesla, on the other hand, has firmly taken the stand that everything must be worked on by the dealer, except the tires and simple body maintenance. Due to the fire hazard of these cars, many shops will refuse to work on them at all anyway.
And are you of the opinion that somehow "electric cars" engender this kind of behavior? Or do you generally hate capitalism? Because at the end of the day, this is what the market will bear. No one likes it, and indeed, it's a GREAT case for government mandates, but you guys on the Right hate those things. So I guess you are back to bitching about something you support. Huh.

I'm the same poster I have always been. Just fuck off.

The market isn't bearing it. Only about 1% of the cars on the road in a typical populated area are EVs. Away from populated areas, even that falls off rapidly to near zero.
You make my point.

No one is saying point of fact the same people that the GOP toady to with massive support and tax cuts turn around do this sort of thing because they have no conscience.

I think you will be sadly surprised at exactly how much worse it will get before it gets better...if it ever does.

When companies can go to a "subscription" service for literally everything it is non-stop profit taking at our expense. And that's the ideal endstate for a good Capitalist.

You forget that a business must satisfy it's customers or go out of business.
Republicans don't believe in evolution or climate science. Now they've added electrical engineering to that list.

What's next?

There is no such thing as 'climate science'. Buzzword fallacy. The Church of Evolution is a religion, nothing more. Redefinition fallacies. Inversion fallacy.
NOT something to be proud of.

Without Trump showing the GOP that there were no guardrails on democracy you wouldn't have DeSantis!

I understand you prefer your presidents to actively attack the Constitution.

I wasn't triggered. But I see I triggered you. A bit too close, eh?

You love Trumpian excess. So you love DeSantis. Sure DeSantis is on the outs with Trump right now but DeSantis wouldn't even be a name if it weren't for Trump showing you Right Wingers that America is a concept best destroyed.


The United States was never a democracy. Don't try to hide behind the Constitution you despise.
Yeah because you Trumpers are all alike: you can't IMAGINE a world in which technology advances faster than your limited non-technical thinking. And you FIGHT it every step of the way.

You are the PAST. You will be long forgotten as the world unfolds. You are...IRRELEVANT. Enjoy!

Void argument fallacy. EVs are in the past, dude.
Oh go back and continue working at the glory hole at the park you dimwit.

I don't live in Cali, you fuck up. I live in the PNW. And I have solar (yes!) and I charge my car on solar.

I don't feel bad calling you a moron, an idiot, a dimwit, a fuckup, a useless piece of shit. You literally mean NOTHING to me. Sorry, bubs, but I have not time for mouthbreathers like YOU.

Go finish your GED, moron.

So you are one of the arrogant ones around here, eh?
Ummm, are you sure about that?
A Tesla Model 3 is not unlike what I've got (Chevy Bolt) similar size, similar range.
Nope. They are completely different cars.
You DO NOT charge it on a 110V outlet. It simply would take too long.
I once tried to charge my Bolt on a 110V drop and it would have taken several days to get me a full charge.
So you make my point for me.
Does your neighbor literally put his car on the charger every single time he's not driving it? Otherwise it won't really work that well.
Yes he does.
Fuck your stupid made up fallacies. You have never set foot in a philosophy or logic class. STFU.
You are describing yourself again. I didn't make up any fallacies. YOU are the one making fallacies. Only YOU can correct them.
Hey, ALPHA DOG, how much have you paid for gasoline over the past 3 years? Me? I haven't paid jack shit to drive my EV. 300 miles on a charge, charge it up on my solar at home, doesn't cost me a thing. NOT A PENNY.

Maintenance? LOL. I have almost none that is needed. YOU are having to get your oil changed every so often (when you remember to stop sucking off dudes at the park long enough to take care of your hummer). I don't have to do that.

Whose the cuck now? Seems like big oil is fuckin' you sideways, missy. LOL

Since you are obviously making things up (solar panels don't provide the current you require to charge the car at the speed you claim), I have reason to believe you are making ship up about how well your car performs as well.

Obviously you would rather go with Big EV rather than Big Oil. Your choice, but stop asking others to pay for your car and stop with the mandates.
Can you read? I mean, do you own any books that DON'T contain pictures or require crayons?

Sorry I triggered you.

Since you are obviously making things up (solar panels don't provide the current you require to charge the car at the speed you claim)

AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Are you trying to lie to other people? Because I know better, you dishonest POS.

, I have reason to believe you are making ship up about how well your car performs as well.

Go google Chevy Bolt you dimfuck.

Obviously you would rather go with Big EV rather than Big Oil. Your choice, but stop asking others to pay for your car and stop with the mandates.

Dishonest moron talks but doesn't say anything.
Hey, ALPHA DOG, how much have you paid for gasoline over the past 3 years? Me? I haven't paid jack shit to drive my EV. 300 miles on a charge, charge it up on my solar at home, doesn't cost me a thing. NOT A PENNY.

Maintenance? LOL. I have almost none that is needed. YOU are having to get your oil changed every so often (when you remember to stop sucking off dudes at the park long enough to take care of your hummer). I don't have to do that.

Whose the cuck now? Seems like big oil is fuckin' you sideways, missy. LOL

Hey Cuckster. Gas prices don't make a shit difference. One of my drivers is this son. A spectacular specimen



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AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Are you trying to lie to other people? Because I know better, you dishonest POS.

Go google Chevy Bolt you dimfuck.

Dishonest moron talks but doesn't say anything.

Making shit up shows you don't know any better.

Assuming you actually HAVE a Chevy Bolt, here is some information:

Chevrolet is well known for corrosion and electrical issues in their cars. They have little to no protection against general corrosion, including electrical items. Typical electrical failure points are grounding lines, switches which handle high current (they tend to use switches not rated for the current involved), connectors (which are not very protected from moisture and weather), and chafing (wire harnesses are not mounted securely, resulting in damage to wiring). The body of their cars also tend to suffer corrosion damage pretty easily, since there is no protection against it in many areas of the vehicle.

Turns out the Chevy Bolt is no exception to this pattern.

This EV has powertrain issues, stemming from the electrical control systems handling it corroding. Battery corrosion is a real problem too, and quite a few of these cars catch fire (just sitting there) as well. Should the battery need replacement (assuming no fire destroys the car), you can expect about $19,000 for a new battery pack, plus labor.

The suggested retail price of this car is about $26,000; making it quite probably the cheapest EV available at the time. This car is being discontinued due to ongoing problems with it's design and the resulting recalls involving large numbers of these cars.

Well...that's Government Motors for you.
Making shit up shows you don't know any better.

Assuming you actually HAVE a Chevy Bolt, here is some information:

Chevrolet is well known for corrosion and electrical issues in their cars. They have little to no protection against general corrosion, including electrical items. Typical electrical failure points are grounding lines, switches which handle high current (they tend to use switches not rated for the current involved), connectors (which are not very protected from moisture and weather), and chafing (wire harnesses are not mounted securely, resulting in damage to wiring). The body of their cars also tend to suffer corrosion damage pretty easily, since there is no protection against it in many areas of the vehicle.

Turns out the Chevy Bolt is no exception to this pattern.

This EV has powertrain issues, stemming from the electrical control systems handling it corroding. Battery corrosion is a real problem too, and quite a few of these cars catch fire (just sitting there) as well. Should the battery need replacement (assuming no fire destroys the car), you can expect about $19,000 for a new battery pack, plus labor.

The suggested retail price of this car is about $26,000; making it quite probably the cheapest EV available at the time. This car is being discontinued due to ongoing problems with it's design and the resulting recalls involving large numbers of these cars.

Well...that's Government Motors for you.
Is that why you Trump Lickspittles went around posting pictures of Joe Biden on gas pumps when the prices were high?

LOL. You're pathetic.

We will run out of diesel in 3 weeks. 2 weeks after that people will be taking a baseball bat and smash your car to bits, along with John Kerry's head.

What a dumb time card punching ass wipe you are. Slave away stupid
We will run out of diesel in 3 weeks. 2 weeks after that people will be taking a baseball bat and smash your car to bits, along with John Kerry's head.

What a dumb time card punching ass wipe you are. Slave away stupid

It does not appear that your post was in any way related to my post to which you are responding. Are you suffering a stroke?