Reality vs. trump supporters

You and that other buffoon keep going off OP topic by regurgitating every right wing BS you can remember. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Well regulated militia had and have that means that every yahoo with a few bucks can show up with a bazooka and claim he's part of a militia. So that means that YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO OWN ANY TYPE OF WEAPON YOU WANT, BUT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO A WEAPON. "regulated" means just that. Jeez!

So, that being said....Conway is a joke, and the Trump is on the hook for his abuse of power. Deal with it.

You ARE a moron. Thank you.
Wait a minute. Are you actually defending Hillary?

Worst president is Barack Obama, by far. He destroyed this country through exploitation of our laws - like a cancer from the inside out. Pathological liar. Gave 221m to Palestine on his last day in office. Restored over 150B to Iran in an effort to turn them back into a regional power and weaken Israel.
Obama is anti-Semitic and approves of suicide bombings and other acts of terror when committed against the west. He spent over 5 billion on a website that didnt even work. This guy is a total fraud. His family is a sham. He is a homosexual - and uses crack cocaine. You my friend, are the gullible fool in this case. You are nothing but a pawn in the grand scheme of things.

Barry IS a poofter, that's undeniable. ALL of his major boyfriends and butt buddies from the past have died mysterious deaths or have been murdered. The Obama Body Count list, while not nearly as extensive as the Clinton Body Count list, is quite real and frightening.
Lol spoken like a true liberal. Unfortunately the reality is that when you DO agree to the terms it is no longer being taken advantage of. If you worked for me I should make more than you. It's my business, it's there to make money, when it does it's my money. Just as if it loses it's all me. All you have to do is take your money and run.

Seems like now under this great president you can look for a better job and find one. The last president was horrible.

Which begs the question if you are so hard working and good why not open your own? No start up money? No desire/drive (lazy)? Scared to try/risk it all on a chance? All talk no action equals hourly worker jealous of his boss ei you!

Spoken like a true exploiter. If you agree to the terms because you have no real alternative you're still being exploited. Trump is certainly no better than Obama. It's just your ODS that makes you think he is.
It appears that ODS is s precursor to TDS.

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6 month waits, cancer death more likely, 4 hour plus emergency room waits minimum. Great care lol.
As usual, nothing to back up your position. If you were at all interested in the truth, you'd already know that I'm right.

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You and that other buffoon keep going off OP topic by regurgitating every right wing BS you can remember. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Well regulated militia had and have that means that every yahoo with a few bucks can show up with a bazooka and claim he's part of a militia. So that means that YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO OWN ANY TYPE OF WEAPON YOU WANT, BUT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO A WEAPON. "regulated" means just that. Jeez!

So, that being said....Conway is a joke, and the Trump is on the hook for his abuse of power. Deal with it.

Yet another ignorant opinion about the 2nd Amendment. "Well regulated " has nothing to do with rules or regulations. It means well adjusted or well trained, like a well regulated clock. See Federalist #29, "Concerning the Militia".
And, originally, it did mean that you could own any kind of weapon that you wanted to. That only changed after the Civil War, when laws infringing on the 2nd were passed to try and keep blacks from being able to defend themselves. Those laws were never intended to apply to whites.
Federal law defines 2 classes of militia. There is the organized militia, which is the National Guard and any state militias. Then there is the unorganized militia, which is just about everyone else.
"Trump" has acquired a new meaning. Nowadays it means a criminal clown.

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Barry IS a poofter, that's undeniable. ALL of his major boyfriends and butt buddies from the past have died mysterious deaths or have been murdered. The Obama Body Count list, while not nearly as extensive as the Clinton Body Count list, is quite real and frightening.
Purest ODS, from both Steven and the merc.

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Kelly Ann Conway is a babbling buffoon as Chris Wallace showed, and the whistleblower was the impetus for Trump to get up off of those weapons and give Zelensky that press conference. Zelensky sure as hell isn't going to piss off the one guy who can give his country the weapons needed to fight a war against Russian proxy aggression.

Deal with it, folks.

OR the fake, second hand, don't have facts correct, likely a deep state anti trumper, non whistleblower who the coup attempting traitorous demonrats refuse to produce because trump released the transcript could be part of and in bed with said demonrats to push this impeachment for political gain.

You guys have already shown an inability to make sense out of the demonrats actions. #1 if the aid was so urgently needed to fight off Russia, why did Obama only give blankets? #2 if this impeachment is so urgent all regular or normal rules giving the accused a proper defense must be tossed out because trump is a danger to democracy then why is pelosi now slow rolling the articles and refusing to give them to the senate?

This is all bullshit. Watched the sham trial. Read the perfect transcript. Waited 2 years for the russian witchhunt bs in their first attempt. CAN'T WAIT TO VOTE FOR TRUMP AGAIN. The left has proven that they will do anything necessary including impeachment to affect the election the very thing they now claim trump is trying to do. You guys are traitors to this country. Those responsible must be punished.
You and that other buffoon keep going off OP topic by regurgitating every right wing BS you can remember. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Well regulated militia had and have that means that every yahoo with a few bucks can show up with a bazooka and claim he's part of a militia. So that means that YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO OWN ANY TYPE OF WEAPON YOU WANT, BUT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO A WEAPON. "regulated" means just that. Jeez!

So, that being said....Conway is a joke, and the Trump is on the hook for his abuse of power. Deal with it.

Then after a comma, the sentance is cleared up to include the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms. ALSO numb nuts if you would bother to read our founders own words at the constitutional convention you would see that they absolutely intended that the people keep and bear arms to defend against both the ruffian and foreign threats.

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

Thomas jefferson.

Doesn't say crap about regulated here does he.

Educate yourselves before freely giving up your rights by drinking the lefts koolaid.
Steven VanderMolen;3405504 [QUOTE said:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You and that other buffoon keep going off OP topic by regurgitating every right wing BS you can remember. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Well regulated militia had and have that means that every yahoo with a few bucks cannot show up with a bazooka and claim he's part of a militia. So that means that YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO OWN ANY TYPE OF WEAPON YOU WANT, BUT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO A WEAPON. "regulated" means just that. Jeez! So, that being said....Conway is a joke, and the Trump is on the hook for his abuse of power. Deal with it.

]You ARE a moron. Thank you.[/QUOTE]

Projecting again, Stevie? If you don't have the cojones to concede a point, then don't waste time reading and responding to my threads/posts. The OP stands valid, as you and your compadres have demonstrated an inability to counter or disprove it. Even your deviation couldn't stand up to basic analysis.

Blather on, Stevie.
Barry IS a poofter, that's undeniable. ALL of his major boyfriends and butt buddies from the past have died mysterious deaths or have been murdered. The Obama Body Count list, while not nearly as extensive as the Clinton Body Count list, is quite real and frightening.

One idiot blathers on and another agrees. Just to pull the rug out from under these fools...they should check into what Former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy had to say about Obama....I won't do homework for the willfully ignorant. Get crack'in boys.
Yet another ignorant opinion about the 2nd Amendment. "Well regulated " has nothing to do with rules or regulations. It means well adjusted or well trained, like a well regulated clock. See Federalist #29, "Concerning the Militia".
And, originally, it did mean that you could own any kind of weapon that you wanted to. That only changed after the Civil War, when laws infringing on the 2nd were passed to try and keep blacks from being able to defend themselves. Those laws were never intended to apply to whites.
Federal law defines 2 classes of militia. There is the organized militia, which is the National Guard and any state militias. Then there is the unorganized militia, which is just about everyone else.
"Trump" has acquired a new meaning. Nowadays it means a criminal clown.

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Beg to differ.....regulation of militia in the colonies preceded the 2nd Amendment. Don't take my word for it, look into it. That pattern kept on after the 2nd Amendment BEFORE the Civil War. Case in point

There is no such thing as an "unorganized militia"... unless you categorize anyone with a gun who's an American as part of one...which they are not. Militia's are ORGANIZED and RECOGNIZED by the individual States. State militia's now exist besides the National Guard....look it up. I won't call you ignorant....just not well versed on the subject.

that being said, the OP stands valid.
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Beg to differ.....regulation of militia in the colonies preceded the 2nd Amendment. Don't take my word for it, look into it. That pattern kept on after the 2nd Amendment BEFORE the Civil War. Case in point

There is no such thing as an "unorganized militia"... unless you categorize anyone with a gun who's an American as part of one...which they are not. Militia's are ORGANIZED and RECOGNIZED by the individual States. State militia's now exist besides the National Guard....look it up. I won't call you ignorant....just not well versed on the subject.

that being said, the OP stands valid.

10 U.S.C. § 311 says otherwise:
"Title 10. Armed Forces § 311. Militia:  composition and classes

(a)* The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in*section 313 of title 32*, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b)* The classes of the militia are--

(1)* the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia;  and

(2)* the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia."

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OR the fake, second hand, don't have facts correct, likely a deep state anti trumper, non whistleblower who the coup attempting traitorous demonrats refuse to produce because trump released the transcript could be part of and in bed with said demonrats to push this impeachment for political gain.

You guys have already shown an inability to make sense out of the demonrats actions. #1 if the aid was so urgently needed to fight off Russia, why did Obama only give blankets? #2 if this impeachment is so urgent all regular or normal rules giving the accused a proper defense must be tossed out because trump is a danger to democracy then why is pelosi now slow rolling the articles and refusing to give them to the senate?

This is all bullshit. Watched the sham trial. Read the perfect transcript. Waited 2 years for the russian witchhunt bs in their first attempt. CAN'T WAIT TO VOTE FOR TRUMP AGAIN. The left has proven that they will do anything necessary including impeachment to affect the election the very thing they now claim trump is trying to do. You guys are traitors to this country. Those responsible must be punished.

Rather, it is Trump supporters who are the real traitors. Pelosi is now "slow rolling" things because McConnell has made it clear that he and the Republicans are all traitors and in Trump's hip pocket. They will refuse to do their duty to the country and the Constitution. They are the real deep state, totally devoted to Trump. The U.S. is now dead. All hail the United States of Trump!

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Rather, it is Trump supporters who are the real traitors. Pelosi is now "slow rolling" things because McConnell has made it clear that he and the Republicans are all traitors and in Trump's hip pocket. They will refuse to do their duty to the country and the Constitution. They are the real deep state, totally devoted to Trump. The U.S. is now dead. All hail the United States of Trump!

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Because you say so lol. No proof of a crime in multiple attempts to do so from multiple directions, with multiple millions, using all the powers of government even BEFORE TRUMP WAS IN OFFICE, but you are right because you say so.

I love the liberal slap fight going on over the 2nd amendment. Funny that the one issue that the liberal agrees with the conservative the winning liberal has provided proof that militias consisted of the people. But your focus on militia completely ignoring the rest of the sentence giving the people the right as well.
Spoken like a true exploiter. If you agree to the terms because you have no real alternative you're still being exploited. Trump is certainly no better than Obama. It's just your ODS that makes you think he is.
It appears that ODS is s precursor to TDS.

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I worked for wages for over 30 years. Not one time was I an envious crybaby blaming my bosses for my plight in life. Instead I worked hard, learned the business, saved my money, allowed my family to grow older and self sufficient, and then I took my chance risking all i had saved/ worked for. Thankfully its worked out so far. I find it humiliating and sad to have your mindset on work. It's often the mindset of the incapable or unwilling. The lazy and undisciplined. Easy to blame others for your short comings. Typical liberal mindset.
Because you say so lol. No proof of a crime in multiple attempts to do so from multiple directions, with multiple millions, using all the powers of government even BEFORE TRUMP WAS IN OFFICE, but you are right because you say so.

I love the liberal slap fight going on over the 2nd amendment. Funny that the one issue that the liberal agrees with the conservative the winning liberal has provided proof that militias consisted of the people. But your focus on militia completely ignoring the rest of the sentence giving the people the right as well.

You've probably figured out by now that rj is QUITE, QUITE dim.............
You've probably figured out by now that rj is QUITE, QUITE dim.............

Lol dim bulb? Road the little bus to school? Toughest three years of his life......3rd grade?

Naw he's just bias, hard headed, and way over confident. He also lacks critical thinking skills. Not to mention hes a liberal and liberalism is a mental disorder. He has zero debate skills making proclamations instead of structuring a proper rebuttal. Sad but fun to mess with. I prefer an educated liberal because it's a tad bit tougher to destroy their argument.