Religious Typology Quiz

Disagreed. While it’s very difficult to identify if a person will truly become violent or not, identifying those promoting violence is easy if one uses the definition of Hate Speech.

Jank lies about theists by claiming they are following a Genocidal God. Ergo, according to him, they much be advocating genocide too and, therefore, are a threat which must be stopped.

How is Jank any different than Nazis lying about Jews? White Supremacists lying about African-Americans?

OK, clearly I have insulted you beyond all rational thought and now you are lashing out in anger. I should apologize to both you and @Cypress since you are both clearly heavily invested in your faiths. It is not my intention to make it personal about the faith that sustains you and gives you comfort.

I forget myself at times and think it is possible for people to speak dispassionately about religion. The more deeply held it is, the harder it is to disengage from it emotionally.

Disagreed. While it’s very difficult to identify if a person will truly become violent or not, identifying those promoting violence is easy if one uses the definition of Hate Speech.

Jank lies about theists by claiming they are following a Genocidal God. Ergo, according to him, they much be advocating genocide too and, therefore, are a threat which must be stopped.

How is Jank any different than Nazis lying about Jews? White Supremacists lying about African-Americans?

I still just see it as just polemics, because the pattern is so clear and transparent.

The Holy Rollers will cherry pick quotes that make gays seem degenerate and sinful.

The militant atheists will cherry pick some quotes to make it look like the Jewish God commands the faithful to be genocidal.

The Islamophobes cherry pick the Qur'an to paint Islam as a religion of evil.

I'm telling you, there must be some websites somewhere that provides cherry picks for fundys, atheists, and Islamophobes to reinforce their preconcieved notions.
My point was about the ethical frameworks that arose out of the religious and intellectual traditions of the Axial Age, which conventionally is considered to be about 600 to 200 BCE. Right in the heart of the Iron Age.

If you want to complain about what the Yahweh said centuries earlier in the late Bronze age, find a Jewish person to complain to.

That is irrelevant to the point I made.

I think we can all agree that any point raised that does not comport with your wishes is irrelevant to your point. That seems to be the modus operandi working here.

But I appreciate you dismissing my points with your ex cathedra proclamations. As you said earlier: I wish I could be as certain of my correctness as you are of yours.
A good example of Jank’s antagonistic attitude toward anyone he thinks or claims is a theist.

IMO, he’s using a passive-aggressive* means to convey hate speech.

A good example of Jank’s antagonistic attitude toward anyone he claims is a theist.

IMO, he’s using a passive-aggressive* means to convey hate speech.


All I can do is apologize. I have clearly pissed you off so much that now you are just going to attack. Non-stop. I see how this is going. I should have heeded the early warnings when you lost it the minute I started talking like an atheist. That sets a lot of Evangelicals off.
That bad, eh? Sad.

Do you think the world would be better off if we killed ourselves off? If so, the odds are fair to middlin’ you’d get your wish. :thup:

Romans 13:13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
All I can do is apologize. I have clearly pissed you off so much that now you are just going to attack. Non-stop. I see how this is going. I should have heeded the early warnings when you lost it the minute I started talking like an atheist. That sets a lot of Evangelicals off.
Scroll up, Jank. It’s clearly me that has pissed you off by getting under your skin.

As I pointed out earlier, that’s 100% on you so I won’t apologize for your error….much less apologize insincerely like a pussified lame-ass. LOL
Romans 13:13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

Romans was written by Paul who, IMO, fucked up the words of Jesus and derailed early Christianity into the fucking abortion it is today. Fuck him and any dumbass who quotes him.
Scroll up, Jank. It’s clearly me that has pissed you off by getting under your skin.

As I pointed out earlier, that’s 100% on you so I won’t apologize for your error….much less apologize insincerely like a pussified lame-ass. LOL

This is one of my favorites from the bible:

Luke 6:27 "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,"
Romans was written by Paul who, IMO, fucked up the words of Jesus and derailed early Christianity into the fucking abortion it is today. Fuck him and any dumbass who quotes him.

Ecclesiastes 7:9 "Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools."
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I still just see it as just polemics, because the pattern is so clear and transparent.

The Holy Rollers will cherry pick quotes that make gays seem degenerate and sinful.

The militant atheists will cherry pick some quotes to make it look like the Jewish God commands the faithful to be genocidal.

The Islamophobes cherry pick the Qur'an to paint Islam as a religion of evil.

I'm telling you, there must be some websites somewhere that provides cherry picks for fundys, atheists, and Islamophobes to reinforce their preconcieved notions.
Agreed on what the religious extremists do but disagreed that’s simply a polemic since I see cherry-picking done in such a manner as to distort the truth to be a lie. As the saying goes, “half-truths are whole lies”.

Jank clearly hates religion and considers anyone with a whiff of being less than an ardent atheist to be a theist. Consider his repetitive attacks on you as an example. You are trying to see both points of view and he repeatedly paints you as a Jesus Freak. He has no desire to discuss, he only likes to spread anti-theist hatred against anyone who isn’t a full-blown atheist.
Agreed on what the religious extremists do but disagreed that’s simply a polemic since I see cherry-picking done in such a manner as to distort the truth to be a lie. As the saying goes, “half-truths are whole lies”.

Jank clearly hates religion and considers anyone with a whiff of being less than an ardent atheist to be a theist. Consider his repetitive attacks on you as an example. You are trying to see both points of view and he repeatedly paints you as a Jesus Freak. He has no desire to discuss, he only likes to spread anti-theist hatred against anyone who isn’t a full-blown atheist.

I think perhaps this is an appropriate verse to consider at this time:

Matthew 5:39 "But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."

While I am not a believer there are many things I value in the Bible. It has truth in there as well as stuff that I may disagree with.
Why is it your favorite, Jank?

Because it is the hardest thing to do for any person. There's a lot of supernatural stuff that I don't believe in in the Bible, but when it exhorts us to be our "best selves" and really dig deep to do the really hard stuff I think it shines.

I freely admit I have difficulty with this one. But I try. I'm trying right now! And I hope you are able to reciprocate.

What's your favorite verse? (I've actually got several!)
Because it is the hardest thing to do for any person. There's a lot of supernatural stuff that I don't believe in in the Bible, but when it exhorts us to be our "best selves" and really dig deep to do the really hard stuff I think it shines.

I freely admit I have difficulty with this one. But I try. I'm trying right now! And I hope you are able to reciprocate.

What's your favorite verse? (I've actually got several!)
Dude, this thread proves you don’t even try to live up to your favorite quote.

FWIW, the way you bounce all over strikes me as odd…and if you knew anything about me, then you’d know the Abbie Normals are the most interesting to me even though I like chatting with normal intelligent, educated and sane people like Cypress.

Dude, this thread proves you don’t even try to live up to your favorite quote.

Not all are perfect beings. I never claimed to be. I do, however try.

FWIW, the way you bounce all over strikes me as odd…and if you knew anything about me, then you’d know the Abbie Normals are the most interesting to me even though I like chatting with normal intelligent, educated and sane people like Cypress.

Are you a psychiatrist of some sort? Is that what your area is? (Although I can't imagine a professional calling people "Abbie Normals", but perhaps you just being a bit cheeky here).

The reason I'm trying to dial it back here is it was getting really heated. You were obviously upset, I was getting annoyed and poor Cypress is apparently beside himself until things cool off.

Thought I would try a different tack and show you that, indeed, there is much in the Bible I value. I'm not a "violent athiest" or a "nazi" as you say. I just didn't realize how poorly you would take it when I focused on making a point about where religion fails. I must have taken it too far.

So I'm dialing it back. You down with that?
Not all are perfect beings. I never claimed to be. I do, however try.

Are you a psychiatrist of some sort?
Agreed. Agreed again. Bullshit.

No. I have no desire to help nutjobs unless they are family or friends*. You are neither.

*by referring them to a professional.
Jesus thought freedom meant freedom from ignorance and sin.

John Locke thought freedom essentially meant the protection of private property.

Martin Luther King thought freedom meant full, universal, and unobstructed access to institutions of power.

The Buddha thought freedom meant liberation from Samsara.

Marx thought freedom meant the ability to have control over one's creative capacity to create economic products.

Hegel conflated freedom with service to the nation.

I would love to know what are the test tubes and microscopes that would be amenable to studying that and giving us mathmatical laws of casuality to explain it.

The concept of freedom has a long philosophical and theological tradition in human history

The French Enlightenment thinkers thought of freedom as laissez faire, a right to be left alone by the government, by established institutions, by moral authorities to be able to do as one pleases.

The Germans Romantics didn't think too highly of the laissez faire concept of freedom, because it represented a type of negative freedom: it says what shouldn't happen to us, but it doesn't say much about what we should do. So in Germany, freedom didn't mean an absence of constraints, it meant a freedom to participate, be part of something, to better oneself.

I've known a lot of physicists, chemists, ecologists, biologists but I really don't think they see freedom as something out there in the universe that has properties which can be measured and mathmatically analyzed.

I think the reasonable person would say freedom is an innate idea that exists in the human mind and does not exist independently out there in the universe.
The concept of freedom has a long philosophical and theological tradition in human history

The French Enlightenment thinkers thought of freedom as laissez faire, a right to be left alone by the government, by established institutions, by moral authorities to be able t do as one pleases.

The Germans Romantics didn't think too highly of the laissez faire concept of freedom, because it was a type of negative freedom: it says what shouldn't happen to us, but it doesn't say much about what we should do. So in Germany, freedom didn't mean an absence of constraints, it meant a freedom to participate, be part of something, to better oneself.

I've known a lot of physicists, chemists, ecologists, biologists but I really don't think they see freedom as something out there in the universe that has properties which can be measured and mathmatically analyzed.

I think the reasonable person would say freedom is an innate idea that exists in the human mind and does not exist independently out there in the universe.
Not sure about the Universe, but the evidence on Earth is mixed.

Some animal species born in the wild do not take well to captivity. Some animals, once they go feral, do not like being restrained to a fenced pen.

Although I’ve studied comparative psychology, my information on feral animals is limited to anecdotal evidence such as trying to “rescue” feral dogs. Some took well to being cared for, some liked running free (meaning digging under the fence) and then returning at meal time.

There is this tidbit on feral horses:
More Alike than Different
Both domestic and feral populations of the common horse, as well as the reintroduced populations of takhi, share many distinctive traits. Domestic horses readily adapt to life in the wild, and feral herds show survival traits typical of animals that have never been domesticated. On the basis of observations of captive populations of takhi, the physiology and social organization of feral herds of the common horse and wild populations of takhi appear much the same. The horses range in small bands of 5 to 15 animals, consisting of a dominant stallion, his harem of mares, and their offspring.
The exchange between domestic and feral horse populations is ongoing. A feral stallion will instinctively attempt to recruit domesticated mares for his harem, and mares will readily join a feral herd. Conversely, feral horses are sometimes captured and returned to the domestic herd.
Not sure about the Universe, but the evidence on Earth is mixed.

Some animal species born in the wild do not take well to captivity. Some animals, once they go feral, do not like being restrained to a fenced pen.

Although I’ve studied comparative psychology, my information on feral animals is limited to anecdotal evidence such as trying to “rescue” feral dogs. Some took well to being cared for, some liked running free (meaning digging under the fence) and then returning at meal time.

There is this tidbit on feral horses:
thanks for the comment

I see instinctual desire to forage, roam, and to mate as substantially different than the various human conceptions of freedom. Although watching soaring hawk has a certain inspirational value. I also cringe at the thought of animals living in cages.

The mere absence of any constraint is a very limited and mechanical type of freedom that barely scratches the surface of the innate ideas of human freedom considered by Jesus, The Buddha, Marx, Nietzsche, Martin Luther King, etc.