Religious Typology Quiz

Islam also claims Abraham as the father of their religion.

What the Hebrew tribes were practicing 3500 years ago wasn't monotheism, and it is more properly called Yahwism. A recognizable religion of Judaism didn't exist until about the 6th BCE, and actually a lot of the Hebrew Bible wasn't composed until well after that

According to Qur'anic tradition, Abraham built the Kaaba in Mecca with his son Ishmael.
It is sheer speculation to guess that moral frameworks were basically the same 5000 years ago, as they were when the religious traditions of the Axial Age arose.

We actually have evidence. Anyone who carefully reads the surviving texts of the Greek preclassical age, the late bronze age of the Near East, the Vedic texts of pre-classical India will notice distinct differences in the ethical frameworks, values, virtues, and metaphysical priorities, compared to the ethics and values that arose our of the Axial age traditions.

According to Qur'anic scholar Martyn Oliver, the scant surviving pre-Islamic literature of Arabia is decidedly this-worldly, emphasizing ethos such as glory, honor, and pleasure. One could be said to live on only through heroic fame or patrimony.

Whatever complaints we have about the Qur'an, it represented a binding moral obligation to give ten percent of your wealth to the poor, to ensure just treatment of widows and orphans, and to live righteously.
OK. I understand you are still stinging. The wound is too raw.

I wouldn't even try to be a psychiatrist! LOL.
LOL. Thanks for more proof you’re not even trying…which means you are dishonest when you claim you do. Sad.

Me neither! :rofl2:

Since you obviously don’t know what a psychiatrist does, let me help drag you out of your own ass the darkness:

a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness
LOL. Thanks for more proof you’re not even trying…which means you are dishonest when you claim you do. Sad.

Me neither! :rofl2:

Ephesians 4:26. "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:"

James 1:19 "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:"
Agreed. Agreed again. Bullshit.

No. I have no desire to help nutjobs unless they are family or friends*. You are neither.

*by referring them to a professional.

Novo is not a nutjob. He's actually trying to find some common ground here with you. An olive branch, so to speak. You won't die if you reciprocate, I promise.
Freedom does, indeed, include having nothing to lose…or, at least not caring about what is lost. It’s the basis of Buddhism that life is full of suffering and the cause of suffering is attachment. Mostly to things, but can include people.

I recently heard a book author relate a tale of his high school years when he owned a beat up old 4WD truck. He partied with his friends, didn’t care if the truck was muddy or got an extra dent, and saw lots of girls come around. Later, he traded in the truck for a hot sports car. Instead of parking up front near the school and his friends, he parked in the back row to protect the car. It could only carry one other person, not 3 up front (4 if someone sat on a lap) and a bunch in the back. He became unhappy because he was no longer able to enjoy his friends as he did with the truck. He ended up going back to the dealer and trading the car back in for his truck.
Novo is not a nutjob. He's actually trying to find some common ground here with you. An olive branch, so to speak. You won't die if you reciprocate, I promise.

Sorry, but I disagree. Take me out of the picture and read the posts where he repeatedly trolled Cypress to get a clearer picture of Jank.

He claims to be 60ish but acts 20ish. He feeds off the pain of others much like the Kooky Kunt Klub except not as bad….yet. LOL

Also, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s Perry PhD’s sock. They have similar personalities.

FWIW, I admire Cypress’s attempts to be patient with Jank, but also saw it as a futile effort.
Sorry, but I disagree. Take me out of the picture and read the posts where he repeatedly trolled Cypress to get a clearer picture of Jank.

I fear I have offended Jank as I have offended you. You both got very upset when I focused on the unpleasant bits of the O.T. So it was clear I was cutting too close to a nerve. I'm hoping now to show you that there is GOOD that even I, an atheist, find in the Bible.

He claims to be 60ish but acts 20ish. He feeds off the pain of others much like the Kooky Kunt Klub except not as bad….yet. LOL

More accusations. I wish you weren't in such a need of this anger. It seems to consume you.

FWIW, I admire Cypress’s attempts to be patient with Jank, but also saw it as a futile effort.

Cypress is actually quite pleasant overall. I don't think they have been particularly good at responding to my posts what with the accusation of antisemitism and constantly attacking me as "cherry picking" the Bible. But overall Cypress seems to be a relatively nice person. The fact that they now have taken only to responded to their own posts indicates I have cut too harshly.

I stand accused and I can only apologize.
Novo is not a nutjob. He's actually trying to find some common ground here with you. An olive branch, so to speak. You won't die if you reciprocate, I promise.

Unfortunately I am to blame for some of this. Doc Dutch clearly just wants to fight anyone but I sense there might be some interesting information to get from him once the more "trolly features" subside. He actually seems like he might know some stuff. But he's too invested in picking fights. He will calm. I just need to remember to be more gentle with the concept of "faith" on this forum. Some people take any negative discussion of faith very badly and I honestly can't say I blame them.

There is common ground we can all agree on. Even though I'm an atheist there's a lot in the BIble that I really do like. I hope that if I can ease over the pain I've cause Doc and Cypress we can get back to more fruitful discussion and less personal attacks. It actually pains me for Cyrpess to call me an antisemite and it pains me to have Doc call me a "violent athiest" and a "nazi". I don't think that's a charitable approach but I fear I may have caused them to be harsh by my harshness on faith. I overstepped.
Sorry, but I disagree. Take me out of the picture and read the posts where he repeatedly trolled Cypress to get a clearer picture of Jank.

He claims to be 60ish but acts 20ish. He feeds off the pain of others much like the Kooky Kunt Klub except not as bad….yet. LOL

Also, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s Perry PhD’s sock. They have similar personalities.

FWIW, I admire Cypress’s attempts to be patient with Jank, but also saw it as a futile effort.

See the two posts above. :)
Yeah, probably. But since I don't think of myself as "Jank" it's easy enough that it stuck in my head as I was typing.

Either way I fear I have offended Cypress as well.

It’s literally in your name, dumbass. Stuck in your head is why it’s a Freudian Slip, Jank, Perry or whoever you choose to be.

Here’s the deal, Jank: you are free to troll and lie as much as any Trumper or other nutjob. You’re as free to have as many socks as anyone else. The bad news for you is that other’s are free to ignore you or call you on your bullshit.
Freedom does, indeed, include having nothing to lose…or, at least not caring about what is lost. It’s the basis of Buddhism that life is full of suffering and the cause of suffering is attachment. Mostly to things, but can include people.

I recently heard a book author relate a tale of his high school years when he owned a beat up old 4WD truck. He partied with his friends, didn’t care if the truck was muddy or got an extra dent, and saw lots of girls come around. Later, he traded in the truck for a hot sports car. Instead of parking up front near the school and his friends, he parked in the back row to protect the car. It could only carry one other person, not 3 up front (4 if someone sat on a lap) and a bunch in the back. He became unhappy because he was no longer able to enjoy his friends as he did with the truck. He ended up going back to the dealer and trading the car back in for his truck.

Good story, in a very real sense the truck was a part of a community he shared with buddies, camping trips, and girlfriends. It was a type of freedom in the sense of participating in community and the freedom to be part of something bigger than oneself.

The Anglo-American tradition of treating absence of constraints as the very definition of freedom is in some sense a very limited conception of freedom - and it is not necessarily well regarded in other parts of the world as an acceptable definition of freedom.
It’s literally in your name, dumbass. Stuck in your head is why it’s a Freudian Slip, Jank, Perry or whoever you choose to be.

Here’s the deal, Jank: you are free to troll and lie as much as any Trumper or other nutjob. You’re as free to have as many socks as anyone else. The bad news for you is that other’s are free to ignore you or call you on your bullshit.

You are extremely angry. I spoke ill of "faith" and it struck a nerve. You are getting more and more vicious with your posts. I should probably let you be for a while since clearly my posting has offended you deeply.

I hope you can calm down enough to one day have a conversation as I sense that you are actually quite sharp and would have some interesting things to say. I promise to be more kind to "faith" when talking to you so that I don't upset you even more than you are right now.

Peace, man.
The Freudian Slip was my favorite. The rest was what is quickly becoming his standard insincere, mealy mouthed BS.

Notice that even Cypress is ignoring him as a troll.

My name is neither Novo nor Jank but my handle on here is Novojank. I just made that up. In my head I only ever really focus on the "Novo" part and never think of it as "Jank". Hope that explains it.

Cypress is ignoring me for much the same reason as you are extremely upset with me and attacking now. I spoke ill of faith and clearly you two are good people of faith. You don't take it lightly. And I overstepped.

Don't worry, I've seen it before. I've been in conversations with Creationists who would get equally upset anytime I suggested Creationism wasn't science. Now obviously you two are not "Creationists" but faith is very important to you...AS IS RESPECT FOR THAT FAITH. I screwed up and didn't treat faith with the respect you feel for it. And then you had to call me a "Violent atheist" and a "nazi" and Cypress had to call me an "Antisemite".