Religious Typology Quiz

Unfortunately I am to blame for some of this. Doc Dutch clearly just wants to fight anyone but I sense there might be some interesting information to get from him once the more "trolly features" subside. He actually seems like he might know some stuff. But he's too invested in picking fights. He will calm. I just need to remember to be more gentle with the concept of "faith" on this forum. Some people take any negative discussion of faith very badly and I honestly can't say I blame them.

There is common ground we can all agree on. Even though I'm an atheist there's a lot in the BIble that I really do like. I hope that if I can ease over the pain I've cause Doc and Cypress we can get back to more fruitful discussion and less personal attacks. It actually pains me for Cyrpess to call me an antisemite and it pains me to have Doc call me a "violent athiest" and a "nazi". I don't think that's a charitable approach but I fear I may have caused them to be harsh by my harshness on faith. I overstepped.
Creepy Dutch, Fowl and Cypress belong to a cyber gang that chases off noobs. Their next step will be to doxx you. That's how they get aroused. Let me know if I can be of any help.
Creepy Dutch, Fowl and Cypress belong to a cyber gang that chases off noobs. Their next step will be to doxx you. That's how they get aroused. Let me know if I can be of any help.

Yikes! Doxxing people? That's a bit scary. Thanks for the heads up.
Good story, in a very real sense the truck was a part of a community he shared with buddies, camping trips, and girlfriends. It was a type of freedom in the sense of participating in community and the freedom to be part of something bigger than oneself.

The Anglo-American tradition of treating absence of constraints as the very definition of freedom is in some sense a very limited conception of freedom - and it is not necessarily well regarded in other parts of the world as an acceptable definition of freedom.
If by “absence of constraints” you mean the MAGAt “government constraints” and laissez faire capitalism (Yankee Trader), then I agree it’s a very limited concept. Being subject to constant raids by bandits and marauders or being tricked by snake oil salesmen isn’t Freedom, IMO.

A fuller definition is the freedom to maximize oneself in a culture which includes mutual respect of the culture’s members.

Too many people see life as a Zero Sum game instead of recognizing the synergistic effect of working with others for the benefit of all.
Too many people see life as a Zero Sum game instead of recognizing the synergistic effect of working with others for the benefit of all.

As I've noted many times now, this is very much my view. It is a "good thing" but it's also a solid strategy for maximizing the protective value of a "social network" to the survival of an animal. We are social animals and our best strategy is to work together.

That's been my point all along. And, indeed, it's kind of why I like the verses in the Bible that I like as well! It's tough getting along with other members of society (as we've seen here after I offended everyone), but we are all capable of being forbearant with each other.

See? There's a lot we have in common!
A fuller definition is the freedom to maximize oneself in a culture which includes mutual respect of the culture’s members.

That's how you define "freedom"? Freedom is the freedom to maximize oneself? That seems somewhat circular (if you don't mind me pointing that out). So freedom is defined in part by itself? Freedom is freedom?

I prefer a more general definition of the word "freedom" so that it applies across a broader selection of concepts. That's why I prefer the "lack of constraint" approach since that is closer to what the actual definition of freedom is.
Good story, in a very real sense the truck was a part of a community he shared with buddies, camping trips, and girlfriends. It was a type of freedom in the sense of participating in community and the freedom to be part of something bigger than oneself.

The Anglo-American tradition of treating absence of constraints as the very definition of freedom is in some sense a very limited conception of freedom - and it is not necessarily well regarded in other parts of the world as an acceptable definition of freedom.

I am genuinely interested in what your actual definition of "Freedom" is. (I understand you may not be amenable to actually answering my question since I sense I am still in the "dog house" over my comments on faith. Hopefully we can move beyond that as I would actually love to know what the definition of "freedom" is per your philosophy).

That's how you define "freedom"? Freedom is the freedom to maximize oneself? That seems somewhat circular (if you don't mind me pointing that out). So freedom is defined in part by itself? Freedom is freedom?

I prefer a more general definition of the word "freedom" so that it applies across a broader selection of concepts. That's why I prefer the "lack of constraint" approach since that is closer to what the actual definition of freedom is.
Lack of constraint is a simple way of looking at it. In the context of religion and/or politics, freedom needs a more complex definition.

As such, in a civilized world, freedom can be defined as the ability to maximize one’s abilities with the only rule being “don’t hurt anyone”. A simple mind might whine that the sentence hurts them, but that’s because they are simple minded and unable to comprehend the more complex nature of a moral civilization.
I am genuinely interested in what your actual definition of "Freedom" is. (I understand you may not be amenable to actually answering my question since I sense I am still in the "dog house" over my comments on faith. Hopefully we can move beyond that as I would actually love to know what the definition of "freedom" is per your philosophy).

QED on trolling Cypress with your passive-aggressive bullshit.

I’ve heard adults lament about the “freedom” of a child but what they were really lamenting was innocence AKA ignorance along with having all their needs cared for by another. Is that what you want, Jank?

Publilius Syrus: In nil sapiendo vita iucundissima est. (In knowing nothing, life is most delightful.)
Lack of constraint is a simple way of looking at it. In the context of religion and/or politics, freedom needs a more complex definition.

As such, in a civilized world, freedom can be defined as the ability to maximize one’s abilities with the only rule being “don’t hurt anyone”. A simple mind might whine that the sentence hurts them, but that’s because they are simple minded and unable to comprehend the more complex nature of a moral civilization.

So freedom is freedom to do something. A bit on the tautological side. But I guess I will have to accept it.
QED on trolling Cypress with your passive-aggressive bullshit.

I’ve heard adults lament about the “freedom” of a child but what they were really lamenting was innocence AKA ignorance along with having all their needs cared for by another. Is that what you want, Jank?

I don't define Freedom that way. I tend to go with something more akin to the dictionary definition. I find it preferable to definitions that one simply makes up to please themselves.
I don't define Freedom that way. I tend to go with something more akin to the dictionary definition. I find it preferable to definitions that one simply makes up to please themselves.

I can see why you want to keep it simple. No worries.

If one goes strictly by the dictionary definition, then no country on the planet is free because they are all constrained. For example, your neighbor is constrained by law from blowing your head off for being a moron. Ergo, to simple-minds, the neighbor isn’t free.
No, but you are free to view and accept it however you please since the only person who can change your mind is you.

When I was in school I was taught that tautologies don't really provide any useful information. But perhaps in your philosophy classes it was different.
When I was in school I was taught that tautologies don't really provide any useful information. But perhaps in your philosophy classes it was different.
Agreed my classes were different since I know the definition of tautology.

Good luck with your classes, Jank. :thup:
Why religion is a bad influence on our nation:

Certain religious associations might also diminish empathy. In a fascinating study, “The End of Empathy: Why White Protestants Stopped Loving Their Neighbors,” John Compton looked at the decline of mainline Protestant churches that played a role in critical social justice movements and the rise of congregations of self-selected, homogenous people more concerned with maintaining power in a changing world than with traditional values (e.g., attending to the poor).
Certain religious associations might also diminish empathy. In a fascinating study, “The End of Empathy: Why White Protestants Stopped Loving Their Neighbors,” John Compton looked at the decline of mainline Protestant churches that played a role in critical social justice movements and the rise of congregations of self-selected, homogenous people more concerned with maintaining power in a changing world than with traditional values (e.g., attending to the poor).

While I readily agree with the claim “certain religious associations” are a bad influence, your oft-repeated dislike of all religion is also bad.