Republican Platform Chokes on Ukraine

The United States is not a united country. What matters is a country unified under a national government and that is Ukraine just as it is the U.S. And Ukraine is a member state of The United Nations.
We are not in an armed civil war, yet, like Ukraine.

What do you think should be done with the millions of Russian speaking Ukrainians that want to be part of Russia? Round them up, confiscate their propety, and put them in re education camps?
We are not in an armed civil war, yet, like Ukraine.

What do you think should be done with the millions of Russian speaking Ukrainians that want to be part of Russia? Round them up, confiscate their propety, and put them in re education camps?
"We" shouldn't do anything with them. Telling you resort to bullshit (Ukraine in an armed civil war) to make an argument. That ship sailed, as they say.
Welcome to the board, Scott.

I'm not new, I just changed my forum name from Phoenyx, to Scott. Was tired of Doc Dutch always suggesting I was female, so I decided to just use the name I use in real life.

Like the typical white lib, you don't know any facts. Which is why you can't form your own opinion; only parrot that of others.

I actually presented you with a great many facts in my previous post, mainly due to an article I quoted and linked to. I also questioned where you had gotten a certain notion and pointed out why Obama refused to arm Ukraine.
We are not in an armed civil war, yet, like Ukraine.

What do you think should be done with the millions of Russian speaking Ukrainians that want to be part of Russia? Round them up, confiscate their propety, and put them in re education camps?

You make a good point there. Those supporting the U.S. and NATO's role in helping Ukraine militarily against Russia tend to ignore the fact that Ukraine started a civil war 8 years ago due to a lot of Eastern Ukraine not being happy about the new far right government that was installed following the ouster of elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
The United States is not a united country. What matters is a country unified under a national government and that is Ukraine just as it is the U.S. And Ukraine is a member state of The United Nations.

For a long time, Ukraine has been torn between western powers, with the U.S. leading the way, and Russia. For a while, it managed to maintain some balance. From everything I've seen, that balance was shattered during Euromaidan and the ouster of Ukraine's elected President Viktor Yanukovych. Following that bloody affair, we got Crimea holding a referendum to rejoin Russia and Russia accepting and thus annexing Crimea back to Russia. We also had the rebellions in eastern Ukraine, most notably in the Dobass area, leading to a very pronounced civil war in Ukraine for the past 8 years prior to Russia's military intervention. The U.S. clearly has its differences, and I really wouldn't be surprised if it soon engages in a civil war of its own, but so far, that hasn't happened.
I'm not new, I just changed my forum name from Phoenyx, to Scott. Was tired of Doc Dutch always suggesting I was female, so I decided to just use the name I use in real life.

I actually presented you with a great many facts in my previous post, mainly due to an article I quoted and linked to. I also questioned where you had gotten a certain notion and pointed out why Obama refused to arm Ukraine.
Zelensky did not become president until 2019.

What was hot mic Obama's reason for giving Crimea to Vlad? We know he was colluding with Vlad and wanted to keep it a secret from American citizens.
I'm not new, I just changed my forum name from Phoenyx, to Scott. Was tired of Doc Dutch always suggesting I was female, so I decided to just use the name I use in real life.

I actually presented you with a great many facts in my previous post, mainly due to an article I quoted and linked to. I also questioned where you had gotten a certain notion and pointed out why Obama refused to arm Ukraine.
Zelensky did not become president until 2019.

What was hot mic Obama's reason for giving Crimea to Vlad? We know he was colluding with Vlad and wanted to keep it a secret from American citizens.

Obama didn't give Crimea to Putin. Putin annexed it after Crimeans held a referendum wherein they decided they wanted to rejoin Russia. Very few western journalists have investigated what really happened there. The only article I've seen from a reporter who actually went to Crimea after the fact is Canadian American Eva Bartlett. Her article is here:
True to its cowardly subservience to Donald Trump, of all people, the GOP is planning to introduce a platform that will say nothing on the war in Ukraine. This is a Munich moment but for Republicans it is more about giving Trump a gift he can deliver to his idol.

Trump's instinct, which is parroted by MAGA, is to cut aid to Ukraine and pressure them into surrendering a significant amount of their sovereign territory to Vlad Putin.
Hardly. A "Munich moment" would be Biden doing nothing to stop Putin from invading to begin with. This is more akin to FDR staying out of the Russian-Finnish war.

It’s a dictator Push to allowed evil men to enslave populations and STEAL land and resources
Obama didn't give Crimea to Putin. Putin annexed it after Crimeans held a referendum wherein they decided they wanted to rejoin Russia. Very few western journalists have investigated what really happened there. The only article I've seen from a reporter who actually went to Crimea after the fact is Canadian American Eva Bartlett. Her article is here:
I don't care about her opinion.

In the Budapest memorandum, the U.S. pledged to defend Ukraine. Obama did not.

The referendum was not held until after Vlad invaded, took control and deposed any resistance.
I don't care about her opinion.

In the Budapest memorandum, the U.S. pledged to defend Ukraine. Obama did not.

The referendum was not held until after Vlad invaded, took control and deposed any resistance.
We don’t give a fuck about your completely failed “logic”

You NEVER turn out to be correct

Don’t blame us for your utter failure
True to its cowardly subservience to Donald Trump, of all people, the GOP is planning to introduce a platform that will say nothing on the war in Ukraine. This is a Munich moment but for Republicans it is more about giving Trump a gift he can deliver to his idol.

One of the best parts of the Republican platform
For a long time, Ukraine has been torn between western powers, with the U.S. leading the way, and Russia. For a while, it managed to maintain some balance. From everything I've seen, that balance was shattered during Euromaidan and the ouster of Ukraine's elected President Viktor Yanukovych. Following that bloody affair, we got Crimea holding a referendum to rejoin Russia and Russia accepting and thus annexing Crimea back to Russia. We also had the rebellions in eastern Ukraine, most notably in the Dobass area, leading to a very pronounced civil war in Ukraine for the past 8 years prior to Russia's military intervention. The U.S. clearly has its differences, and I really wouldn't be surprised if it soon engages in a civil war of its own, but so far, that hasn't happened.
It won’t be a real civil war

It will be the crushing of a criminal left overs of a dead Republican Party revenants

Racist criminals