Republican Platform Chokes on Ukraine

What happens in Europe greatly effects the United States, everything from culture to economics is interconnected, appears this poster ^ is stuck in the 19th Ce
Says a supporter of the idiots that allowed Russia to invade Crimea AND Ukraine, after first DISARMING UKRAINE.

Let Germany, France and Britain kick in until they each equal what we have; then maybe we can split it 4 ways .

The only damage Ukraine causes us is massive bleeding off of our resources, we're approachung $100 BILLION.

Obama didn't give Crimea to Putin. Putin annexed it after Crimeans held a referendum wherein they decided they wanted to rejoin Russia. Very few western journalists have investigated what really happened there. The only article I've seen from a reporter who actually went to Crimea after the fact is Canadian American Eva Bartlett. Her article is here:
I don't care about her opinion.

It's not an opinion piece. She literally went to Crimea and asked Crimeans what happened. She's literally the only western journalist I know who actually went there and wrote an article about what actual Crimeans have to say about Crimea's return to Russia.

In the Budapest memorandum, the U.S. pledged to defend Ukraine. Obama did not.

I actually agree with you here, but I think it's important to note -where- Obama failed Ukraine. He failed Ukraine in working with far right elements in Ukraine to topple the elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych, thus destabilizing the country, getting Crimea to decide to rejoin Russia and the Donbass region to rebel, resulting in an 8 year civil war. Just how far the U.S. went in toppling Yanukovych's government is not clear, but what -is- clear is what those far right elements in Ukraine did to get this done. A good article on the subject:

The referendum was not held until after Vlad invaded, took control and deposed any resistance.

This simply isn't true. From Eva Bartlett's article:
Since there was so much hype in Western media about a Russian takeover of the peninsula, I ask the burning questions: Were Crimeans forced to take part in the referendum? What was the mood like around that time? Tata replied:

I never saw so many people in my life go out to vote, of their own free will. There was a period before the referendum, maybe about two months, during which there were two holidays: International Women’s Day, March 8, and Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23.
Normally, people would go away on vacation during these holidays. But that year, Crimeans didn’t go anywhere; they wanted to be sure they were here during the referendum. We felt the sense of a miracle about to happen. People were anxiously awaiting the referendum.
There were military tents in the city, but they were not erected by the military, but by local men. They would stand there every day, and people could come and sign a document calling for a referendum.
I went one day and asked if I could add my name but I couldn’t, because I have a Russian passport. Only Crimean citizens could sign it. This was the fair way to do it.
At that time, my husband was in America. One day, he was watching CNN and got scared and called me because he saw reports of soldiers in the streets, an ‘invasion’ by Russia.
The local navy came from Sevastopol to Yalta and anchored their ships off the coast, made a blockade to ensure no larger Ukrainian or other ships could come and attack.
But I never saw tanks, I never saw Russian soldiers. I never saw any of that in the city.”


Full article:
It's not an opinion piece. She literally went to Crimea and asked Crimeans what happened. She's literally the only western journalist I know who actually went there and wrote an article about what actual Crimeans have to say about Crimea's return to Russia.

I actually agree with you here, but I think it's important to note -where- Obama failed Ukraine. He failed Ukraine in working with far right elements in Ukraine to topple the elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych, thus destabilizing the country, getting Crimea to decide to rejoin Russia and the Donbass region to rebel, resulting in an 8 year civil war. Just how far the U.S. went in toppling Yanukovych's government is not clear, but what -is- clear is what those far right elements in Ukraine did to get this done. A good article on the subject:

This simply isn't true. From Eva Bartlett's article:
Since there was so much hype in Western media about a Russian takeover of the peninsula, I ask the burning questions: Were Crimeans forced to take part in the referendum? What was the mood like around that time? Tata replied:


Full article:
Russia invaded Crimea on 20 February 2014. The referendum vote was Mar. 16, 2014. That is the timeline.

(Pro Russian) Yanukovytch deceived the people. In 2013 he broke his promise to be pro Europe. People protested and he had them beaten. By 2014, he was having protesters shot in the streets. It backfired on him, and he chose to flee amongst the chaos he created.

The "pro Russia - pro Europe" civil conflict had been boiling since 2004 when (pro Europe) Yushchenko was poisoned with dioxin, and the democratic election results were rejected and overturned.
Ukraine is not a major issue to Americans, other than the $billions we keep giving them. Dems are likely taking kickbacks from it , Biden especially.
Don't forget the Uniparty Republicans, RINOs and Neo-Cons..... they are filthy as well.
Russia invaded Crimea on 20 February 2014.

Based on Eva Bartlett's article, I can see that this is what CNN was reporting. Quoting from an actual Crimean on this is educational:
Since there was so much hype in Western media about a Russian takeover of the peninsula, I ask the burning questions: Were Crimeans forced to take part in the referendum? What was the mood like around that time? Tata replied:

"I never saw so many people in my life go out to vote, of their own free will. There was a period before the referendum, maybe about two months, during which there were two holidays: International Women’s Day, March 8, and Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23.

Normally, people would go away on vacation during these holidays. But that year, Crimeans didn’t go anywhere; they wanted to be sure they were here during the referendum. We felt the sense of a miracle about to happen. People were anxiously awaiting the referendum.

There were military tents in the city, but they were not erected by the military, but by local men. They would stand there every day, and people could come and sign a document calling for a referendum.

I went one day and asked if I could add my name but I couldn’t, because I have a Russian passport. Only Crimean citizens could sign it. This was the fair way to do it.

At that time, my husband was in America. One day, he was watching CNN and got scared and called me because he saw reports of soldiers in the streets, an ‘invasion’ by Russia.

The local navy came from Sevastopol to Yalta and anchored their ships off the coast, made a blockade to ensure no larger Ukrainian or other ships could come and attack.

But I never saw tanks, I never saw Russian soldiers. I never saw any of that in the city.”


Full article:

(Pro Russian) Yanukovytch deceived the people. In 2013 he broke his promise to be pro Europe. People protested and he had them beaten. By 2014, he was having protesters shot in the streets.

No, Yanukovych was -not- the one who ordered the shootings in the Euromaidan massacre. The truth there is far, far darker. There are numerous articles on what really happened there, but the key takeway is that it was the far right neo nazis who replaced Yanukovych who played a large role there:
Based on Eva Bartlett's article, I can see that this is what CNN was reporting. Quoting from an actual Crimean on this is educational:
Since there was so much hype in Western media about a Russian takeover of the peninsula, I ask the burning questions: Were Crimeans forced to take part in the referendum? What was the mood like around that time? Tata replied:

"I never saw so many people in my life go out to vote, of their own free will. There was a period before the referendum, maybe about two months, during which there were two holidays: International Women’s Day, March 8, and Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23.

Normally, people would go away on vacation during these holidays. But that year, Crimeans didn’t go anywhere; they wanted to be sure they were here during the referendum. We felt the sense of a miracle about to happen. People were anxiously awaiting the referendum.

There were military tents in the city, but they were not erected by the military, but by local men. They would stand there every day, and people could come and sign a document calling for a referendum.

I went one day and asked if I could add my name but I couldn’t, because I have a Russian passport. Only Crimean citizens could sign it. This was the fair way to do it.

At that time, my husband was in America. One day, he was watching CNN and got scared and called me because he saw reports of soldiers in the streets, an ‘invasion’ by Russia.

The local navy came from Sevastopol to Yalta and anchored their ships off the coast, made a blockade to ensure no larger Ukrainian or other ships could come and attack.

But I never saw tanks, I never saw Russian soldiers. I never saw any of that in the city.”


Full article:

No, Yanukovych was -not- the one who ordered the shootings in the Euromaidan massacre. The truth there is far, far darker. There are numerous articles on what really happened there, but the key takeway is that it was the far right neo nazis who replaced Yanukovych who played a large role there:
forced to vote? NO, not a burning a question.

Enticed to vote with promises of gov't cash handouts? Yes.

It was a stealthy invasion; no tanks. Russians often wore Ukrainian uniforms, camo with no insignia, or civilian clothes.

Please define Ukrainian far right Neo Nazi.
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We are not Europe, and their track record is catastrophic; we have our own issues, and Ukraine is NOT one of them.

It is a democrat money laundering scam.

We need to clean up our own backyard.
If we cleaned up our own backyard you would be back in school.
Trump's instinct, which is parroted by MAGA, is to cut aid to Ukraine and pressure them into surrendering a significant amount of their sovereign territory to Vlad Putin.
That would be the territory held by the pro-Russian Ukrainians which has been recognized by the Russians as independent of Ukrainian Nazism - according to the will of its inhabitants.
True to its cowardly subservience to Donald Trump, of all people, the GOP is planning to introduce a platform that will say nothing on the war in Ukraine. This is a Munich moment but for Republicans it is more about giving Trump a gift he can deliver to his idol.

specific military actions in platforms is the act of an in-denial latent homosexual.
Not sure where you're getting this idea that this is what Obama did.

He was smart. Journalist Aaron Mate touches upon why Obama refused to arm Ukraine in an article he wrote a few months after Russia's military operation in Ukraine began:

Quoting the introduction:
On a warm October day in 2019, the eminent Russia studies professor Stephen F. Cohen and I sat down in Manhattan for what would be our last in-person interview (Cohen passed away in September 2020 at the age of 81).

The House was gearing up to impeach Donald Trump for freezing weapons shipments to Ukraine while pressuring its government to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter. The Beltway media was consumed with frenzy of a presidency in peril. But Professor Cohen, one of the leading Russia scholars in the United States, was concerned with what the impeachment spectacle in Washington meant for the long-running war between the US-backed Ukrainian government and Russian-backed rebels in the Donbas.

At that point, Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky was just months into an upstart presidency that he had won on a pledge to end the Donbas conflict. Instead of supporting the Ukrainian leader’s peace mandate, Democrats in Congress were impeaching Trump for briefly impeding the flow of weapons that fueled the fight. As his Democratic allies now like to forget, President Obama refused to send these same weapons out of fear of prolonging the war and arming Nazis. By abandoning Obama’s policy, the Democrats, Cohen warned, threaten to sabotage peace and strengthen Ukraine’s far-right.


I think it's a great article. Aaron then launches into the main theme of his article, how the U.S.'s encouraging of the far right in Ukraine led to Zelensky's turnabout from peace candidate to war cheerleader. He starts with how things were back in 2019:
“Zelensky ran as a peace candidate,” Cohen explained. “He won an enormous mandate to make peace. So, that means he has to negotiate with Vladimir Putin.” But there was a major obstacle. Ukrainian fascists “have said that they will remove and kill Zelensky if he continues along this line of negotiating with Putin… His life is being threatened literally by a quasi-fascist movement in Ukraine.”

Peace could only come, Cohen stressed, on one condition. “[Zelensky] can’t go forward with full peace negotiations with Russia, with Putin, unless America has his back,” he said. “Maybe that won’t be enough, but unless the White House encourages this diplomacy, Zelensky has no chance of negotiating an end to the war. So the stakes are enormously high.”

The subsequent impeachment trial, and bipartisan US policy since, has made clear that Washington has had no interest in having Zelensky’s back, and every interest in fueling the Donbas war that he had been elected to end. The overwhelming message from Congress, fervently amplified across the US media (including progressive outlets) with next to no dissent, was that when it comes to Ukraine’s civil war, the US saw Ukraine’s far-right as allies, and its civilians as cannon fodder.

and now Democrats are dumb.
True to its cowardly subservience to Donald Trump, of all people, the GOP is planning to introduce a platform that will say nothing on the war in Ukraine. This is a Munich moment but for Republicans it is more about giving Trump a gift he can deliver to his idol.

They backed down on abortion and Ukraine.
That would be the territory held by the pro-Russian Ukrainians which has been recognized by the Russians as independent of Ukrainian Nazism - according to the will of its inhabitants.
Is that why Obama folded so quickly on Crimea?
Is that why Obama folded so quickly on Crimea?

Obama didn't "fold" to Russia. He simply didn't interfere. If only his Administration hadn't aided neo Nazi elements to essentially lead a coup against the elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, I doubt Crimea would have rejoined Russia.

Anyway, after the coup from Neo Nazis in Kyiv, Crimeans decided to have a referendum on whether they should rejoin Russia. They voted overwhelmingly to do so and Russia accepted their request, annexing them back into Russia. As far as I know, there has only been one article written by a western journalist who actually went to Crimea to find out what really happened after Russia annexed them, Canadian American journalist Eva Bartlett. Her article can be seen here:
Is that why Obama folded so quickly on Crimea?
Probably. I don't remember exactly.

As I explained to Bigdog in my previous post, Obama didn't "fold" at all. He simply didn't interfere, which was wise. What's sad is that his administration certainly played a part in Euromaidan. Had Neo Nazi forces not taken over in Kyiv, I doubt Crimea would have felt the need to rejoin Russia to begin with.
Russia invaded Crimea on 20 February 2014. The referendum vote was Mar. 16, 2014. That is the timeline.

(Pro Russian) Yanukovytch deceived the people. In 2013 he broke his promise to be pro Europe. People protested and he had them beaten. By 2014, he was having protesters shot in the streets. It backfired on him, and he chose to flee amongst the chaos he created.

The "pro Russia - pro Europe" civil conflict had been boiling since 2004 when (pro Europe) Yushchenko was poisoned with dioxin, and the democratic election results were rejected and overturned.
but i still don't care if crimeans feel russian.

fuck this neocon bullshit.

this is a waste.

neocons need to sit the fuck down now.