Sad state of affairs on this site

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Actually, technically winter, what got them banned was being dumb enough to believe I was f'ing superfreak!!

I LMAO every time I think about that one.
Hmmm You F'ing SF? Jesus.....I tried visualising that and I keep coming up with a certain scene from Deliverance. The part where you tell him to "Squeel like a pig" is pretty damned disturbing too.
grind, you used to be a cool person, what happened to you? i never joined howey's board, i don't even know the name of it.

you're just a washed up darla girl. you're pathetic. you resort to outright lies now. you were never like this before darla put her hooks in you.

i almost feel bad for you, but, i gave you the chance and you slapped it away. and you allowed MM back just to spite me. you're a pathetic whiny prick. damo didn't want him back, you're the only one who advocated for it. you talk about perm bans and people who stalk and post personal information as being horrible allow MM back.

if you think it bothers me, you're wrong. it actually makes me pity you. that you would stoop that low just to try to get a rise out of me. you're not helping this board at all.

do you give me permission to discuss PM's about MM's return about a year ago?

i predict you won't.

why would i grant you permission to discuss private matters? it has nothing to do with the current situation, and as it has already been repeated, maineman coming back has nothing to do with solely me. You have such delusions of grandeur, you think everything revolves around you. We let a member back and you come up with all these childish ideas of how it's somehow my way of "getting back at you" or because darla secretly pm'd me and on her advice I told damo soc and billy to go fuck themselves and unilaterally unbanned maineman, just to see you squirm. It's amazing you don't see how stupid you sound.

You are so fucking warped - you leave the board, only to come back when someone you hate to the core is here. You are drawn to drama and petty bitch fests. you are a man child and you really need to take a breath of fresh air and evaluate your priorities in life.
1. Perma-ban
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31 up, 14 down
To be permanatly banned.
Usually for pwning or making fun of the admin in a counter-strike game.

adj. Internet, slang Permanently banned from using a web site.
v. Simple past tense and past participle of permaban.


Permanently banned from using a web site.

Permabanned - (Adjective)

Internet, slang Permanently banned from using a web site.
....Source from : Wiktionary
Permabanned - (General)

1. Permanently banned from using a web site ...Source or sample of word "permabanned"

New here myself. Who knew that --PERMA ban was a temporary affair? Kinda brings new meaning to the word permanent doesn't it? :)

Ok, the wall-eyed joker has spilled his drink, now back to your friendly regular channel..:innocent:
there is my proof

nothing more needs to be said about grind and his axe

you're pathetic grind

perm banned means something, unless you want to try and get at yurt

Cuz it's always about Y-O-U...isn't it?

He did it to get to self absorbed does a person have to be to even CONSIDER that?
I mean I am pretty sure all this fuss isn't over semantics or naming conventions. Should we have called it an indefinite ban or a super serial ban instead? perhaps.
Yurt, stick around. There is no forgiveness without admission of guilt, apologies, begging for forgiveness, and restitution. Maineman isn't man enough for step 1, let alone 2-4.
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