Sad state of affairs on this site

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It does beg the question though, what exactly is a permaban?

Well if a man can be sentenced to "life" in prison, only to be released on Parole after 20 years, then "permabanned" could be interpreted to mean banned until an appropriate change is seen in the person permabanned.
if usaloyal or ID a year or two from now humbled themselves and promised to not be dickheads anymore, apologized for their past transgressions, and promised to go forward as better people, then it could be considered... but they will never do that in a billion years so for all intents and purposes they are never coming back.
if usaloyal or ID a year or two from now humbled themselves and promised to not be dickheads anymore, apologized for their past transgressions, and promised to go forward as better people, then it could be considered... but they will never do that in a billion years so for all intents and purposes they are never coming back.

But, you repeat yourself, lol, for the hearing impaired.
i have absolutely no regrets for leaving this site now.

i came back today to see what i missed and i realize how tragic this place is.

maineman, who was perm banned for stalking me and posting my personal information on this board and threatening my family is now no longer banned.

think about that. maineman claims he has never stalked anyone or threatened anyone, yet, he was PERM banned from this site for that very behavior he claims he never engaged in.

it would not be surprise me if grind did this just to get a rise out of me because he is so butt hurt over my thrashing of him before i left.

it was a great board, damo, you are the best. but allowing this, you have lowered yourself.

I agree. Why was this decision made? Examples need to be made, some people need to get banned, else no one's going to pay attention to our rules. I'm not averse to forgiving someone, but when we're talking about stalking and threatening members of the site, it's simply not appropriate to allow that person back into the same close community with their victim, regardless of whether or not they start following the rules from then on.
I don't know what happened because I didn't see it, but I would never take yurt's word anything, I know him to be a liar. And I'd much rather have MM here than yurt, so I call that good trade.

See ya!

You may never have seen it because the mods tolerated it for far too long, deleting what he posted and giving him warnings. Maineman made a bad decision. Let him rot in his own spite or go to some other community and try and start acting like a civilized human being there.
In which Yurt did himself no favors

grind, you used to be a cool person, what happened to you? i never joined howey's board, i don't even know the name of it.

you're just a washed up darla girl. you're pathetic. you resort to outright lies now. you were never like this before darla put her hooks in you.

i almost feel bad for you, but, i gave you the chance and you slapped it away. and you allowed MM back just to spite me. you're a pathetic whiny prick. damo didn't want him back, you're the only one who advocated for it. you talk about perm bans and people who stalk and post personal information as being horrible allow MM back.

if you think it bothers me, you're wrong. it actually makes me pity you. that you would stoop that low just to try to get a rise out of me. you're not helping this board at all.

I came up with a good title for this post.
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