Sad state of affairs on this site

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I vote for "super secret double probation". Gawd I love that movie.

How about, "begone udog until I get over your barking " policy? Permaban seems so permanent but we see it is just a shallow illusion to fool the ignorant masses.

O' ban where is thy sting?
thy bite and thy heart so bruised?
Off on a lark, temporarily amusing
welcome back, bend over to be used......
Yeah...cuz I'm the one who left the board in a hissy fit three months ago and comes back whining incessantly because someone far more intelligent than me was allowed to come back.

Well, opinions are like buttholes everybody has one... However some people are one.:)
Sorry. I put anti-Semites on IA. Congratulations.

You show me a post by me in which I expressed hate for God's chosen people the Jews. Until then take your damn false charge and shove it where the sun doesn't shine dude.
A mark of a graven coward to level such a blatantly false accusation against me of all people..
What was meant, was that he had to kiss the ass of one of the mods and beg for forgiveness.
It adds to the mods sense of self worth. :palm:
Remember when that lying sack of shit poet or aaron or whoever, all I remember is he was a black liberal fag, there seems to be a hundred of them on the forums, flat-out lied about me and then the mods perm banned me for it? I thank you for shining the harsh light of truth on that one, getting me reinstated, and forcing the mods to crawl on their bellies apologizing.

Then the offender never admitted his lie. What a douche.
Wouldn't you help clear the air by issuing a public apology to people for past indiscretions in the announcement sub forum??

hell to the no. the insults keep coming my way... clearly, nobody wants to clear any air. why should I? I cleared the air with the people that mattered and that is why I was allowed to come back.
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