Science from the other side of Climate Change

do authority figures ever lie?
Yes. They're human. There are dishonest doctors and mechanics. Do you stop going to doctors and do your own surgeries/prescriptions because there are some dishonest doctors or do you, overall, still trust doctors to know more than you do?
Nope. Chanting the prayers of a religion is never science. You have no falsifiable model that predicts nature.

You have more experience in being blinded by politics that I do, so I'll stipulate that you can realize that you are blinded by politics.
Rather the opposite, isn't it? After all, to be blinded so thoroughly that one does not know they are blinded by definition shows he does NOT realize he is blinded.
There is nothing to study. Climate cannot change.
That's your politically-driven opinion, not a fact.
You cannot predict climate, since climate has no unit of time.
More idiotic word games to avoid actually addressing the topic. Void.
Science has no politics.
Correct. Walk the walk.....
Science has no politics. You don't even know what 'reality' means or how it's defined.
Correct, it doesn't. Walk the walk....
Part of the Earth is not the whole Earth, moron.
I never said it was, Corky. Care to try again?

BTW, have you ever heard of El Nino and La Nina?
Envy isn't transparent, Sybil.
He isn't you, Sybil.
No picture is made by finger-painting.
Lots of pictures are made by finger painting. Some people are quite good at it! It's considered one technique of many in art.
Fallacy of the Festering Cock Hole. Mantra 44b. Lame.
I see you are still triggered and on tilt. It looks like it's permanent. Sadly, it's all you have left in your miserable life.
Again, your politicized view of science,
Science has no politics or 'views' or sides.
tainted with ridiculous conspiracy theories,
The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.
doesn't create reality.
Buzzword fallacy.
Scientists have been studying the impacts of CO2 in the atmosphere, since the 1800's.
Nope. You can't bring poor ole' Arrhenius into this. His theory that a gas can heat the Earth by it's mere presence was falsified by the laws of thermodynamics. All Arrhenius contributed to science was the systematic measurement of absorption spectra of various gases.

You can't warm the surface using a colder gas. You are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
You labeling it as a religion doesn't change anything and only confirms what I've been saying.
The Church of Global Warming is a fundamentalist style religion. It stems from the Church of Green, which in turn stems from the Church of Karl Marx. It has a child of it's own, as it were, being the Church of the EV.

Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
lol... Blinded meaning I lean toward climate change likely being true,
Climate cannot change. Go learn English.
but am not 100% sold on the urgent need to address it or that we fully understand the incredible complexity of the Earth
Complexity fallacy. There is no such thing as a global climate. Go learn English. the subject of this very thread shows.
The subject of a thread is not a proof. Science has no sides. You simply want to ignore theories of science.
Yah... I'M the blind one.
Yup. haven't even figured out that the scientific laws, you incorrectly reference, came from people!
There is no 'incorrect reference' to any theory of science. The theory itself IS the reference. There is no other reference.
"What impacts have been studied and detailed?"

Right. You don't know because you've chosen to remain ignorant. Thanks again for proving my point that you have not only view science through politics, but you also haven't educated yourself on the topic... due to politics.
Science has no politics, no religion, no sides, and no 'views'. Theories of science speak for themselves. You just want to ignore them.
Yes. They're human. There are dishonest doctors and mechanics. Do you stop going to doctors and do your own surgeries/prescriptions because there are some dishonest doctors or do you, overall, still trust doctors to know more than you do?
I don't trust any doctor until I have vetted them. As for mechanics, I do all my own work on my vehicles and home.
I see you are still triggered and on tilt. It looks like it's permanent. Sadly, it's all you have left in your miserable life.
I further triggered Dimlight in one of the school shooting threads. Dimlight suffers from hoplophobia. He thinks that guns are the issue in school shootings, yet he refuses to extend his same lack of logic to cars in driving accidents, and to other inanimate objects such as knives, cleaning products, and medicine.

He wants to keep owning and using all of those other things, "putting them above the lives of children", yet he instantly wants to grab guns the very second that any school shooting occurs.

What a dope!
That's your politically-driven opinion,
Nope. It's English. You don't understand English.
not a fact.
Go learn what 'fact' means. Go learn English.
More idiotic word games to avoid actually addressing the topic.
Your word games aren't working, Void. Trying an inversion fallacy won't work either.
Void. Correct. Walk the walk.....Correct, it doesn't. Walk the walk....I never said it was, Corky. Care to try again?
Trying to deny your own posts won't work.
BTW, have you ever heard of El Nino and La Nina?
Sure. It is not caused by 'global warming' or 'climate change'. Neither are climate.

Like any current, the equatorial currents move around a bit. During some years, they effectively "pinch off" the counter-equatorial current (it's rather weak anyway), allowing warmer water to the Eastern Pacific. This is called "el Nino" (or The Child, referring to Jesus Christ, since the effect happens near the Winter Solstice) by fisherman off the coasts, since warmer water prevents nutrient rich colder water from rising from below, so the fish leave for better food elsewhere.

The opposite happens during a la Nina, where the equatorial counter current is stronger (due to the equatorial currents moving apart that year), leaving warmer water in the Western Pacific.

A "neutral" year is where the equatorial counter current is only partially pinched off.

Depending on where the warm water gathers (if it does!), it can slightly affect the Hadley cells, which also determine where the Northern and Southern jet streams wander.

This is not climate changing. It is not climate change at all, since climate cannot change.

Weather during an el Nino year across the United States (the part that YOU selfishly consider "The Earth") is affected by the Northern Jet Stream, which swings northward during such years, and can even split (a temporary extra Hadley cell) producing a 2nd weak stream across the Southern portion of the United States.

This 2nd stream, if it does form, tends to "snuff out" hurricanes forming in the Gulf before they can get started, since upper air winds are warmer than usual. The air simply doesn't become unstable enough to form many hurricanes. Those that DO form tend to be weak.

This 2nd stream also brings more rain to the Southern SDTC, a land that is primarily desert. Houses built loose stone hills (like they like to do there!) tend to come washing down during such weather. It also causes an increase in the growth of grasses, which dry out in the summer, producing wildfire at the slightest spark. This is a real problem with the high number of arsonists living in the SDTC.
Science has no politics or 'views' or sides.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.

Buzzword fallacy.

Nope. You can't bring poor ole' Arrhenius into this. His theory that a gas can heat the Earth by it's mere presence was falsified by the laws of thermodynamics. All Arrhenius contributed to science was the systematic measurement of absorption spectra of various gases.

You can't warm the surface using a colder gas. You are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

The Church of Global Warming is a fundamentalist style religion. It stems from the Church of Green, which in turn stems from the Church of Karl Marx. It has a child of it's own, as it were, being the Church of the EV.

Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).

Climate cannot change. Go learn English.

Complexity fallacy. There is no such thing as a global climate. Go learn English.

The subject of a thread is not a proof. Science has no sides. You simply want to ignore theories of science.


There is no 'incorrect reference' to any theory of science. The theory itself IS the reference. There is no other reference.
"You can't bring poor ole' Arrhenius into this. His theory that a gas can heat the Earth by it's mere presence was falsified by the laws of thermodynamics."

That's your opinion because you've provided nothing to show that CO2's impact on temperatures violates any laws. So, where's your link? I'm sure you don't actually expect any reasonable person to take your word for it, do you? Scientists are very good at reviewing and pointing out errors made by other scientists. Which scientists have pointed out this flaw as it relates to CO2 in the environment?
Science has no politics, no religion, no sides, and no 'views'. Theories of science speak for themselves. You just want to ignore them.
Wait.. are we talking about science or the scientists, that you reference by name, that you apparently believe don't exist?
Nope. It's English. You don't understand English.

Go learn what 'fact' means. Go learn English.
It's not a fact that climate can't change. That is your opinion. Repeating it

Your word games aren't working, Void. Trying an inversion fallacy won't work either.

Trying to deny your own posts won't work.

Sure. It is not caused by 'global warming' or 'climate change'. Neither are climate.

Like any current, the equatorial currents move around a bit. During some years, they effectively "pinch off" the counter-equatorial current (it's rather weak anyway), allowing warmer water to the Eastern Pacific. This is called "el Nino" (or The Child, referring to Jesus Christ, since the effect happens near the Winter Solstice) by fisherman off the coasts, since warmer water prevents nutrient rich colder water from rising from below, so the fish leave for better food elsewhere.

The opposite happens during a la Nina, where the equatorial counter current is stronger (due to the equatorial currents moving apart that year), leaving warmer water in the Western Pacific.

A "neutral" year is where the equatorial counter current is only partially pinched off.

Depending on where the warm water gathers (if it does!), it can slightly affect the Hadley cells, which also determine where the Northern and Southern jet streams wander.

This is not climate changing. It is not climate change at all, since climate cannot change.

Weather during an el Nino year across the United States (the part that YOU selfishly consider "The Earth") is affected by the Northern Jet Stream, which swings northward during such years, and can even split (a temporary extra Hadley cell) producing a 2nd weak stream across the Southern portion of the United States.

This 2nd stream, if it does form, tends to "snuff out" hurricanes forming in the Gulf before they can get started, since upper air winds are warmer than usual. The air simply doesn't become unstable enough to form many hurricanes. Those that DO form tend to be weak.

This 2nd stream also brings more rain to the Southern SDTC, a land that is primarily desert. Houses built loose stone hills (like they like to do there!) tend to come washing down during such weather. It also causes an increase in the growth of grasses, which dry out in the summer, producing wildfire at the slightest spark. This is a real problem with the high number of arsonists living in the SDTC.
Nope. It's English. You don't understand English.

Go learn what 'fact' means. Go learn English.

Your word games aren't working, Void. Trying an inversion fallacy won't work either.

Trying to deny your own posts won't work.

Sure. It is not caused by 'global warming' or 'climate change'. Neither are climate.

Like any current, the equatorial currents move around a bit. During some years, they effectively "pinch off" the counter-equatorial current (it's rather weak anyway), allowing warmer water to the Eastern Pacific. This is called "el Nino" (or The Child, referring to Jesus Christ, since the effect happens near the Winter Solstice) by fisherman off the coasts, since warmer water prevents nutrient rich colder water from rising from below, so the fish leave for better food elsewhere.

The opposite happens during a la Nina, where the equatorial counter current is stronger (due to the equatorial currents moving apart that year), leaving warmer water in the Western Pacific.

A "neutral" year is where the equatorial counter current is only partially pinched off.

Depending on where the warm water gathers (if it does!), it can slightly affect the Hadley cells, which also determine where the Northern and Southern jet streams wander.

This is not climate changing. It is not climate change at all, since climate cannot change.

Weather during an el Nino year across the United States (the part that YOU selfishly consider "The Earth") is affected by the Northern Jet Stream, which swings northward during such years, and can even split (a temporary extra Hadley cell) producing a 2nd weak stream across the Southern portion of the United States.

This 2nd stream, if it does form, tends to "snuff out" hurricanes forming in the Gulf before they can get started, since upper air winds are warmer than usual. The air simply doesn't become unstable enough to form many hurricanes. Those that DO form tend to be weak.

This 2nd stream also brings more rain to the Southern SDTC, a land that is primarily desert. Houses built loose stone hills (like they like to do there!) tend to come washing down during such weather. It also causes an increase in the growth of grasses, which dry out in the summer, producing wildfire at the slightest spark. This is a real problem with the high number of arsonists living in the SDTC.

oh, wait... I forgot that you're a dishonest troll who is so scientifically ignorant that you believe the Earth's atmosphere has no impact on high and low temps.

My bad. Carry on with your stupidity.
La Nina tends to cause the Northern and Southern Jet Streams to move away form the poles in the region of the United States, and to shift the usual "wave" (the Northern Stream tends to bend up into Alaska, then down across the Western States, bringing with it cold air and snow; instead of traveling up through Canada and hitting the Eastern States with cold air and snow.
He isn't you, Sybil.

Lots of pictures are made by finger painting. Some people are quite good at it! It's considered one technique of many in art.

I see you are still triggered and on tilt. It looks like it's permanent. Sadly, it's all you have left in your miserable life.

You aren't him, Sybil.

No fingers are used in fingerpainting. There is no "one technique". You deny basic science.

Fallacy of the Descended Testicle. Mantra 6b. Lame.
I further triggered Dimlight in one of the school shooting threads. Dimlight suffers from hoplophobia.
I already knew that. This wasn't his first hoplophobic post! He does this every time there's another shooting in a "gun free zone".
He thinks that guns are the issue in school shootings, yet he refuses to extend his same lack of logic to cars in driving accidents, and to other inanimate objects such as knives, cleaning products, and medicine.
All of which has been used to murder, I might point out.
He wants to keep owning and using all of those other things, "putting them above the lives of children", yet he instantly wants to grab guns the very second that any school shooting occurs.

What a dope!
He doesn't care about children. Like any Democrat, he HATES them.
Wait.. are we talking about science or the scientists, that you reference by name, that you apparently believe don't exist?
YOU are talking about your religion. Religion is not science.
YOU are still attempting to ignore the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, Kirchoff's law, and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
It's not a fact that climate can't change. That is your opinion. Repeating it
Go learn English. Climate cannot change.
oh, wait... I forgot that you're a dishonest troll who is so scientifically ignorant that you believe the Earth's atmosphere has no impact on high and low temps.

My bad. Carry on with your stupidity.
Earth doesn't have high and low temps (other than variations in Earth's orbit around the Sun). It is just the temperature of the Earth, which is unknown and can't be measured. The atmosphere has nothing to do with Earth's orbit.