Top, what was that about us beating an "over-rated Georgia team"?

I believe you said their only claim to fame was beating Hawaii?

I guess they had a little more than you thought, huh? At least enough to blow LSU away.

We'll see how good Bama is when they play Florida. One thing is for sure. the SEC is in no way shape or form even close to being the toughest conference in college football this year.
We'll see how good Bama is when they play Florida. One thing is for sure. the SEC is in no way shape or form even close to being the toughest conference in college football this year.

Top to bottom, no we are not the toughest conference this year.

But looking at the polls, the top 2 spots in the AP & Harris, and spots 1 & 4 in the BCS are nothing to sneeze at.

I think the SEC Championship will be a great game. Yeah, Bama might lose. I am not stupid enough to think its anywhere near a lock. I have watched Florida play several times. They are a talented, well coached team that can nail you in a heartbeat.

I'm looking forward to beating auburn until they cry. Then I'll look to the Gators.
Top to bottom, no we are not the toughest conference this year.

But looking at the polls, the top 2 spots in the AP & Harris, and spots 1 & 4 in the BCS are nothing to sneeze at.

I think the SEC Championship will be a great game. Yeah, Bama might lose. I am not stupid enough to think its anywhere near a lock. I have watched Florida play several times. They are a talented, well coached team that can nail you in a heartbeat.

I'm looking forward to beating auburn until they cry. Then I'll look to the Gators.

That's upset material. Auburn has one hell of a defense.

Bama vs Gators will be a good game.

If Bama wins who would you like to see them pitted against? Though I think the Big 12 is the toughest conference this year top to bottom, non of the Big 12 teams have a championship caliber defense. I think USC and Penn State are much better match ups for either Bama or Florida. I like Florida agaist USC and Bama against Penn State with the advantage to Florida against USC and advantage to Penn State vs Bama (in both cases, slight advantages). Alas, great match ups but they won't happen.
That's upset material. Auburn has one hell of a defense.

Bama vs Gators will be a good game.

If Bama wins who would you like to see them pitted against? Though I think the Big 12 is the toughest conference this year top to bottom, non of the Big 12 teams have a championship caliber defense. I think USC and Penn State are much better match ups for either Bama or Florida. I like Florida agaist USC and Bama against Penn State with the advantage to Florida against USC and advantage to Penn State vs Bama (in both cases, slight advantages). Alas, great match ups but they won't happen.

I would like to see Bama play Texas or Oklahoma. I think a Florida against USC game would be excellent.
I would like to see Bama play Texas or Oklahoma. I think a Florida against USC game would be excellent.

If Bama loses to Florida I'd love to see them play the Bucks. They match real well on paper with each other. Won't happen though. It looks like the Buckeyes are destined to play Georgia in the Corporate Sponsor "Who Gives A Shit" bowl in a southern location where Georgia will have the home field advantage.

God what I wouldn't give to see an SEC team have the cajones to play OSU or Michigan or Penn State up north in November.

It would have been hillarious to have seen Florida play at the shoe last weekend! LOL
If Bama loses to Florida I'd love to see them play the Bucks. They match real well on paper with each other. Won't happen though. It looks like the Buckeyes are destined to play Georgia in the Corporate Sponsor "Who Gives A Shit" bowl in a southern location where Georgia will have the home field advantage.

God what I wouldn't give to see an SEC team have the cajones to play OSU or Michigan or Penn State up north in November.

It would have been hillarious to have seen Florida play at the shoe last weekend! LOL

Its almost as much fun as seeing northern teams play in Tuscaloosa in August.
Its almost as much fun as seeing northern teams play in Tuscaloosa in August.

We have, in a manner of speaking. We've played southern teams in the south in our preconference schedule and to be honest with you, I've seen it hotter in Ohio in Aguast than in Alabama or Georgia, at times, so that's a "been there done that" for Northern teams. Can't say that about southern teams who can't seem to play in the post season with out a home field advantage.

That's one of the reasons why USC's bowl records is so lopsided in their favor. They almost always play a bowl game in their back yard.
We have, in a manner of speaking. We've played southern teams in the south in our preconference schedule and to be honest with you, I've seen it hotter in Ohio in Aguast than in Alabama or Georgia, at times, so that's a "been there done that" for Northern teams. Can't say that about southern teams who can't seem to play in the post season with out a home field advantage.

That's one of the reasons why USC's bowl records is so lopsided in their favor. They almost always play a bowl game in their back yard.

I don't think thats the reason fr the lopsided records. The home field advantage isn't that big an advantage. You play the game on the field, not in the stands. Whatever advantage there is cannot explain all of the losses for USC.

And the "backyard" thing is pretty much trashing the home field advantage. Its either their home field or its an away game. Whether they have to travel 50 miles or 1500 miles is not the issue. Its not their home field.

Also, as far as post season goes, have you seen any SEC teams turning down a bowl in the north and taking one in the south??

Or do they play in the bowl they are scheduled to play in? You make it sound as though its something the teams choose.
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Well the Oregon State loss was a big deal for my Buckeyes. Looks like we'll play in a BCS Bowl now. We will play either Texas in the Fiesta Bowl or the loser of the SEC championship game in the Sugar Bowl. I like our odds against Texas. Texas hasn't played a defense remotely as good as OSU's. That's why I'm hoping OK loses to Missou in the Big 12 championship game. FL/Bama vs USC will be a hell of a lot better game than Fl/Bama vs OK as the SEC champ will mop the field with OK. Not one of the Big 12 teams has a championship caliber defense.
I think an Ohio State/Texas bowl game would be great to watch.

I'd also like to see what OK would do against a tough defense.

Go Jackets!

Trog, you are a GaTech fan? If they could have played all year like they played in the second half, they would be undefeated and ready to take on any team in the country.
Trog, you are a GaTech fan? If they could have played all year like they played in the second half, they would be undefeated and ready to take on any team in the country.

Yes, alumni tend to root for their alma mater.

It was fun to tune into the after game broadcast and listen to the Dawgs cry and whine. A good team, but no heart. The fans are a bunch of whining little cry babies. I'm going to have to listen to the whining for the next year.
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Yes, alumni tend to root for their alma mater.

It was fun to tune into the after game broadcast and listen to the Dawgs whine. A good team, but no heart.

Of course alums root for their team. The GA fans here at work were so depressed monday. It was even worse than when my Tide beat them.

My son will be heading there next year for his doctoral work. I am looking forward to having him in town.
The SEC Championship will be the closest we get to a NC game.

It will have the two best teams in college football going head to head.
The SEC Championship will be the closest we get to a NC game.

It will have the two best teams in college football going head to head.


I would love to see a OK/Bama title game and a FL/TX game. Then we would see who the best conference was this year... not to mention the best team

You stated OK hadn't seen a top Def. Well, Bama hasn't seen a top offense either. Though it will in the SEC title game and in the national championship game (IF it makes it)

I would love to see a OK/Bama title game and a FL/TX game. Then we would see who the best conference was this year... not to mention the best team

You stated OK hadn't seen a top Def. Well, Bama hasn't seen a top offense either. Though it will in the SEC title game and in the national championship game (IF it makes it)

FL has only faced one team with a good defensive line. That was Ole Miss. Bama's D line is better.

OK does have an awesome offense. But I think Bama's D can shut it down. Then its Bama in the trenches with ball control, clock control and very few mistakes.

And I haven't seen anyone make open field tackles as well as Bama is this year. Its one of Saban's trademarks.