Sex tape shame of dethroned Miss California

Back on topic. Did anyyone see Ms. Carry on Larry King?

"In speaking with HLN's "Showbiz Tonight's" Brooke Anderson, Trump said he just didn't get it.

" 'Inappropriate' is more of a sexual term, as far as I'm concerned," Trump said. "I mean -- inappropriate? He asked a very, very easy question and I was surprised that she just didn't say, 'Hey, listen, I can't answer that question.' Instead she wants to walk off the stage? It was very surprising.".............

"Keith Lewis, executive director of Miss California USA and Miss California Teen USA, released a statement on Thursday.

"The public is finally getting a glimpse of the real Carrie Prejean who lives in her own delusional world," he said. "The childish behavior, her negative attitude, the sarcasm and condescending tone, the disrespect and continual lying she is demonstrating now is only a fraction of what we endured during her reign and after."

"Anyone who buys her book is supporting a woman who is actually the opposite of everything she claims to be," the statement went on to say. "I sincerely hope she is able to get the psychological help I believe she has shown to clearly need."
We don't have any minors here. Just the old lady and I. :lol:

Well, actually she's nine years younger than I am.

Oh, and a two cats.

I'll probably still use it once my kids are in college and out of the house.

Four years ago I got a virus that sent disgusting porn to a bunch of folks on my email list, including my 74 year old mother.
I'll probably still use it once my kids are in college and out of the house.

Four years ago I got a virus that sent disgusting porn to a bunch of folks on my email list, including my 74 year old mother.

OMG! Well, that would put the fear of God in me, as well.

Did you have a good virus program? I use a virus program and a spyware program.
I'll probably still use it once my kids are in college and out of the house.

Four years ago I got a virus that sent disgusting porn to a bunch of folks on my email list, including my 74 year old mother.

Up here, its called, whoops, I was looking up porn and somehow it got shared with everyone on my contact list. I guess down there, you don't know much about complicated things such as computers.
OMG! Well, that would put the fear of God in me, as well.

Did you have a good virus program? I use a virus program and a spyware program.

I thought I did, windoze firewall and all that, plus some Norton stuff. I had an employee that spent two years at Club Fed, and when he came on board he visited some porn sites and infected the hell out his computer. It was so bad we had to wipe the hard drive and re-install the OS. I suspect our little network got infected from that.

Anyway, the iBoss just keeps the shit out in the first place.
Lol, it's not that conservative Christian Carrie did the naughty, it's that she spoke with a forked tongue, lied about being squeaky-clean, and hoped to extort the pageant officials re: her contract.

Thanks for the suggestion but looking at tapes of Carrie with her battery-operated boyfriend wouldn't do it for me. :p
This is what really bothers most people about the righteous right. There (I did that just for you US) such fucking hypocrits.
One can be religious and masturbate, it's not all that hypocritical. One can believe gays shouldn't be allowed to marry and still masturbate and that's not hypocritical. If you're out preaching don't masturbate and then you get caught masterbating well that would be hypocritical.
One can be religious and masturbate, it's not all that hypocritical. One can believe gays shouldn't be allowed to marry and still masturbate and that's not hypocritical. If you're out preaching don't masturbate and then you get caught masturbating well that would be hypocritical.

I think the difference is between masturbating in private as opposed to making a tape and sending it to someone. I'm not saying the latter is wrong. It's just difficult to reconcile one doing the latter while putting on a religious, family values face. Also, I believe there is a topless picture floating around. Again, there is nothing wrong with that except it doesn't jive with the religious, family values facade. That's the hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy: 1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.

Hypocrite: 1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

Conclusion: Ms. Carrie is a hypocrite.
The other night at the pub trivia night, my team name was "I Leant Two Fingers to Miss California." This is the kind of stuff that we come up with for team names. :cool: