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Lots of folks have religious beliefs. Hers, like mine, requires humility and tolerance. How does that equate to a claim of moral superiority?

We both know how this works by now.

I answer your questions.

You refuse to see my point, you ask more and more questions.

I try again.

You obsess over some excruciatingly tiny fragment of one of my comments and start with the standard SM name calling.

Debate ends.

See? I saved the both of us some time today.
I got my butt kicked again so I'm taking my little self to go see who can I negative rep instead...:cof1:
We both know how this works by now.

I answer your questions.

You refuse to see my point, you ask more and more questions.

I try again.

You obsess over some excruciatingly tiny fragment of one of my comments and start with the standard SM name calling.

Debate ends.

See? I saved the both of us some time today.

When have I called you a name?

I think this is just an excuse because you're true self came out, which is that you make assumptions about conservatives and religious folks that simply have no basis, and you are therefore ashamed.
Lots of folks have religious beliefs. Hers, like mine, requires humility and tolerance. How does that equate to a claim of moral superiority?

Perhaps she has the same tolerance you do? That would explain it.
When have I called you a name?

I think this is just an excuse because you're true self came out, which is that you make assumptions about conservatives and religious folks that simply have no basis, and you are therefore ashamed.

Let's see...well, even if I just started with the various permutations of the basic "gayboy" you've used to refer to me, the list would be ginormous.
So if she was 17 when she made this video if someone puts it on the web would that be considered kiddie porn?
Has someone else brought this up already? I'm just curious: why did she make a recording of herself like this in the first place?????
Has someone else brought this up already? I'm just curious: why did she make a recording of herself like this in the first place?????

She was 17 and she made it to send to her boyfriend who was away. She now claims it was her biggest mistake. I personally think its a beautiful thing and she should be condoned for caring enough to do something like this.
So if she was 17 when she made this video if someone puts it on the web would that be considered kiddie porn?

It would be illegal to post or to view or to download. Enjoying it would not be a simptom of pedophelia.
IF she made this video of herself, and then disseminated it she would be guilty of production of and dissemination of child pornography. Anybody that received it would be guilty of possession of child pornography. I am not sure what the statute of limitations would be on this but in every state in the union and according to US law she has committed a crime, IF she made it and IF she disseminated it.
IF she made this video of herself, and then disseminated it she would be guilty of production of and dissemination of child pornography. Anybody that received it would be guilty of possession of child pornography. I am not sure what the statute of limitations would be on this but in every state in the union and according to US law she has committed a crime, IF she made it and IF she disseminated it.

It's a crime for her to make the video and send it to her boyfriend? What about the boyfriend now who wants to put it on the web? Wouldn't he get in trouble for posting a video of a 17 year old girl?
That's funny.

I did a search using your name and the tags "fag" "faggot" "homo" "queer" and "gay" and came up with at least 6 PAGES of posts by you.

But of course you found nothing.

Try using the advanced search some time.
If you found one where I called you a name then you would have linked to it.
It's a crime for her to make the video and send it to her boyfriend? What about the boyfriend now who wants to put it on the web? Wouldn't he get in trouble for posting a video of a 17 year old girl?

Sounds like this is a case for the Supreme Court. :D
It's a case that people should just STFU. The one I would sue is that disgusting idiot Perez Hilton. TMZ probably isn't going to release the tape anyway.

Of COURSE you want everyone to STFU about this.

How else can you Righties keep it quiet that yet another "family values" Rightie has shown she's just another "do as I say & not as I do" Conservative?