Shoud this gay molester escape jail?

Shoud this gay molester escape jail?

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I don't know where the line should be drawn, but this case, from what I have heard should not be criminal. The kids went to school together, were in the same social situations, started dating when it was legal, 14 - 17 and the "victim" was agreeable to the sex.

Clearly this was not a case where the 18 year old should be branded a sexual offender for life. Except for the time the 18 year has to spend in jail, I think the non-sexual offender plea was a good way out of this mess for the prosecution and the accused.

I'm amazed how many posters keep throwing this out there; but a 14 year old can't "agree" to "consensual" sex. :palm:
Except for Phil Robertson, right?

Dear dunce; please provide something more substantial than your moronic personal opinion to support your incredible dense claims.

If you are an example of the education being received by America's youth, the Republic is in greater trouble than I imagined.
Dear dunce; please provide something more substantial than your moronic personal opinion to support your incredible dense claims.

If you are an example of the education being received by America's youth, the Republic is in greater trouble than I imagined.

Dear Miscreant,
What evidence, other than your personal opinions, have you introduced into evidence?
Can you prove he didn't, counselor?

Dear dunce; when you make an accusation that impugns someone's character; usually there should be something factual to corroborate the accusation beyond "because you say so."

But you're a dunce; how could you be expected to actually think and make any sense.

Yes kikidimwit, you really are THAT incredibly stupid. Dimwits like you are exactly what the DNC needs to maintain the political power they desire more than anything else.
Dear dunce; when you make an accusation that impugns someone's character; usually there should be something factual to corroborate the accusation beyond "because you say so."

But you're a dunce; how could you be expected to actually think and make any sense.

Yes kikidimwit, you really are THAT incredibly stupid. Dimwits like you are exactly what the DNC needs to maintain the political power they desire more than anything else.

I expected more from you, but now I know you just don't have it.
If you possessed one atom of intelligence you would know I'm not dumb. Get your thumb out of your arse and pay attention.

You're a comedic little dunce; you actually think you are intelligent. Based on the many posts on this forum, you have yet to show any.

But then, you're a dimwitted little dunce with your arrogant small minded head stuck up your ass and permanently stuck on stupid.

I'm still waiting for your proof that Phil was a child molester.

I expected more from you, but now I know you just don't have it.

Irony; meanwhile we haven't gotten anything from you that proves your claim that Phil was a child molester other than "because you say so."

You're a repugnant little dimwit with a propensity for removing any doubt what an unintelligent little retard you really are.

But then, you are the poster child of a low information voter who would elect an inexperienced fool based on nothing more substantive than "hope and change."

You're a comedic little dunce; you actually think you are intelligent. Based on the many posts on this forum, you have yet to show any.

But then, you're a dimwitted little dunce with your arrogant small minded head stuck up your ass and permanently stuck on stupid.

I'm still waiting for your proof that Phil was a child molester.


Oh my, I believe I touched a nerve. You really are afraid of young women, aren't you?
Tell us why an 18 year-old male would be interested in a 14 year-old female.