Should JPP limit the number of sock accounts a member has?

Should posters be limited to two posting accounts?

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:laugh: From the one with many socks, mod oredered-altered socks, banned socks, perma-banned socks....:laugh:
I believe that it was, too. In fact, we were all just posting there yesterday. Wasn't it funny how her sock quit posting after she was outed?

I believe I left it be and never added the name to the ban. They never posted again to make it an issue.
I generally see the daily references to "TDS" as the usual attention whoring. I.e., "Oh look, I'm so popular! They're talking about me again!" Meanwhile, most ppl on a politics forum think that "TDS" refers to Trump, not Toxic. This is why her inane whoring gets little to no reaction or sympathy. In fact, there have been PMs from multiple sources wondering just WTF is wrong with that creature, and why is her vendetta so important? A link to DSM-5 usually satisfies their curiosity.

Apparently the imaginary # of socks one of her enemies has = the more they are obsessed with her. Even though those enemies mostly ignore her whoring and talk about politics. On a politics forum. Imagine that!

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl bitchy cunt hypocritical self"??

Once again the committee is Incredibly confused;) They do however, have that "record setting" (I'm sure) history of accounts...of that, there is No doubt....
We should readdress this thread once we have a final count on just how many one certain charter here has.????