Should JPP limit the number of sock accounts a member has?

Should posters be limited to two posting accounts?

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I see you're playing dumb again, along with playing the victim. Every time you mention "TDS" you prove it.

Just sayin"
I only mention it when it happens...which is just now;)
It is what it is..I know you didn't miss the thread...which was spot on, btw;)
One account...maybe two, but why? More? They should be deleted....sometimes they are, as a matter of fact;)
Sock accounts are usually made as an attempt to circumvent being banned.

I was legitimately banned for a week here recently for threatening to reveal a Trolls picture.

That was OK for me, as it happened just in time for me to go on a Fly Fishing trip to Colorado for the week, as I left that very same day.

It was great getting away from all of the Trump Show on every channel on TV, and THIS QUAGMIRE OF mostly hateful political hacks that spend hours here on JPP every day spewing their political froth.

I highly recommend everyone to take a break from JPP on occasion, and pull your own heads out of the stink pile, get a breath of fresh air, and have some fun doing something you really enjoy doing, and enjoy a pleasant experience, for a change, that has absolutely nothing to do with politics or DONALD ASS FUCKING TRUMP!
I see you're playing dumb again, along with playing the victim. Every time you mention "TDS" you prove it.
Just sayin"

I generally see the daily references to "TDS" as the usual attention whoring. I.e., "Oh look, I'm so popular! They're talking about me again!" Meanwhile, most ppl on a politics forum think that "TDS" refers to Trump, not Toxic. This is why her inane whoring gets little to no reaction or sympathy. In fact, there have been PMs from multiple sources wondering just WTF is wrong with that creature, and why is her vendetta so important? A link to DSM-5 usually satisfies their curiosity.

Apparently the imaginary # of socks one of her enemies has = the more they are obsessed with her. Even though those enemies mostly ignore her whoring and talk about politics. On a politics forum. Imagine that!
Sock accounts are usually made as an attempt to circumvent being banned.

I was legitimately banned for a week here recently for threatening to reveal a Trolls picture.

That was OK for me, as it happened just in time for me to go on a Fly Fishing trip to Colorado for the week, as I left that very same day.

It was great getting away from all of the Trump Show on every channel on TV, and THIS QUAGMIRE OF mostly hateful political hacks that spend hours here on JPP every day spewing their political froth.

I highly recommend everyone to take a break from JPP on occasion, and pull your own heads out of the stink pile, get a breath of fresh air, and have some fun doing something you really enjoy doing, and enjoy a pleasant experience, for a change, that has absolutely nothing to do with politics or DONALD ASS FUCKING TRUMP!

Good advice!
There is no decision,this is an Eagle Eye thread,not Damo


The obsession with socks seems to belong to a few deranged ppl. We've all pretty much figured out who they are, and back slowly away from their attention-whore posts pleading for someone, ANYONE, to listen to my sekrit knowledge! :laugh:
Seems like Mason is the only sock factory here?? I don't see any complaints about the others, & we all know there are others..

Last time I made a sock was 1998.:rofl2:

Other than one small site I was on for a short time where the Admin had several talking to their selves, I have been on boards where you only had one account so I do lean that way but socks have not been a big problem from what I have seen here & on occasion when they have, they have been dealt w/..

So I am content either way Que sera sera