
Even the unrepentant atheist Frederich Nietzsche said that western civilization was based on Christian ethics, which he considered kind of slave morality for weak people.

I am fascinated at how moderate you are debating "Hume". Quite interesting since Hume is one of the top trolls. As BidenPresident they told everyone who disagreed with them to kill themselves (if, as is obvious Hume = BidenPresident)

All I ever did was change my screen name and once tell you I did NOT have a degree so you would stop attacking me.

The disjunct is quite interesting.
so you also believe that there is something about religions worth preserving.

what is that thing?
Obviously worth preserving. Lenin, Mao and Stalin tried to eradicate religious belief in the name of scientific State atheism in what was a misguided and epic miscalculation.

That thing is an honest and sincere inquiry into wisdom, truth, and prophetic tradition.

It's fine if you cannot grasp this kind of project, but the Unitarian Universalists do fathom it:

-- UU creed:
  1. Words and deeds of prophetic people which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love;
  2. Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life;
  3. Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves;
  4. Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit.
Odd how many were evangelical Christians before they actually started studying the texts. At least they had the intellectual curiosity and courage to break away from the bullshit you’ve been fed.
not at all.....I have seen a trend among you folks to get more and more stupid as you get older.......
Obviously worth preserving. Lenin, Mao and Stalin tried to eradicate religious belief in the name of scientific State atheism in what was a misguided and epic miscalculation.

That thing is an honest and sincere inquiry into wisdom, truth, and prophetic tradition.

It's fine if you cannot grasp this kind of project, but the Unitarian Universalists do fathom it:

-- UU creed:
  1. Words and deeds of prophetic people which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love;
  2. Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life;
  3. Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves;
  4. Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit.
sounds good to me.

where does population reduction figure in?
the lockdowns consolidated the market in the hands of the largest retailers, who could still operate.

pure fortune 500 fascism play.

and a fuck you to actual 'mom and pop' businesses.
Since you failed to understand it, I’ll repeat the question. What did public health officials stand to gain with the lockdowns?
Since you failed to understand it, I’ll repeat the question. What did public health officials stand to gain with the lockdowns?
having people required to get vaccinated to do things again. they were all receiving kickback and royalties from big pharma.

and on a larger scale big box retailers and large grocery chains could stay open while smaller ones had to close.

that's the pure fortune 500 fascism play I was discussing.
having people required to get vaccinated to do things again. they were all receiving kickback and royalties from big pharma.

Sure they were, dumbfuck. A quick suggestion. When you are as ignorant on a subject as you are on this one, it’s best to just leave it alone and avoid placing that ignorance on public display.

Sure they were, dumbfuck. A quick suggestion. When you are as ignorant on a subject as you are on this one, it’s best to just leave it alone and avoid placing that ignorance on public display.

Gov’t scientists got $325M in royalties from China, Russia, pharma firms: report​

Social Links forJosh Christenson
Published Aug. 9, 2023

National Institutes of Health scientists raked in more than $325 million in royalties from Chinese and Russian entities — as well as pharmaceutical companies — over more than a decade, according to a new report.
Former NIH director Dr. Francis Collins and former National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci were among the thousands of government whitecoats who took the cash between September 2009 and October 2020, the taxpayer watchdog revealed on Wednesday.
Several of those royalties came from companies that in turn received federal contracts and grants, prompting concerns about conflicts of interest.

Nietzsche was calling you a moron.
So you tacitly confess that history's most famous atheist apart from Marx admitted that western civilization was based on Christian values.

So don't howl in protest next time you see me say the same thing.

Nietzsche didn't mean it as a compliment, to him christian values was a type of slave morality.

Gov’t scientists got $325M in royalties from China, Russia, pharma firms: report​

Social Links forJosh Christenson
Published Aug. 9, 2023

National Institutes of Health scientists raked in more than $325 million in royalties from Chinese and Russian entities — as well as pharmaceutical companies — over more than a decade, according to a new report.
Former NIH director Dr. Francis Collins and former National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci were among the thousands of government whitecoats who took the cash between September 2009 and October 2020, the taxpayer watchdog revealed on Wednesday.
Several of those royalties came from companies that in turn received federal contracts and grants, prompting concerns about conflicts of interest.

Your article is about malaria vaccine in monkeys and ethical treatment of animals, dumbfuck. The other reference is something about royalties for licensing of some sort. Not a word about lockdowns.

Fuck man. Give it up.
So you tacitly confess that history's most famous atheist apart from Marx admitted that western civilization was based on Christian values.

So don't howl in protest next time you see me say the same thing.

Nietzsche didn't mean it as a compliment, to him christian values was a type of slave morality.
Nietzsche was calling you a dope.
Interesting thread. It went apeshit almost immediately. Congratulations to the usual suspects for their involvement.

Anyway...SIN is just something that offends someone's god. If it has anything to do with morality, utility, or anything else...that relationship is incidental. The essential element is that it offends the god of the individual who considers it a sin.

If it happens that there are no gods...there is no SIN. If, in fact, there is at least one god...then anything that offends that god (or any others that might exist) is a sin...which means that if some gods are offended by "x" and other gods not offended..."x" is, for some, a sin and for others not a sin.

Hell of a concept!