
I expect almost all the atheists who "used to be" Christians were actually never Christians

Because you fantasize that you sit at the Right Hand of the Father and you come to judge the quick and the dead.

but simply grew up in their parents' church......and yes you called yourself an atheist but stated the beliefs of an agnostic because you were as ignorant of atheist beliefs as you were about Christianity......

LOL. Wrong. I've even provided references for my position when Cypress threw a hissy fit about my atheist position.
The “people” aren’t the ones inventing the product, moron.

Again, according to US law inventorship is due to the person, not the corporation. The corporation can only be assigned the rights to the patent.

I believe in some countries they are less focused on personal inventorship but in the US it is a _very_ important aspect. You can lose a patent for incorrect inventorship.
Because you fantasize that you sit at the Right Hand of the Father and you come to judge the quick and the dead.

LOL. Wrong. I've even provided references for my position when Cypress threw a hissy fit about my atheist position.
Many atheists who converted were often hard core evangelicals. When they really examined what the dogma of their church was feeding them, they revolted to the complete opposite.

I suspect many middle of the road Christians who don’t accept the literal Bible, but wish to live by its principles are comfortable enough to not reject the church completely.
You can't possibly actually believe in god then based on your comments in here. So a fake christian. Nice! According to your "beliefs" you will burn. Have fun!

so you and Oldbraggenator share the same standards for Christianity.......
odd.....didn't you just literally judge me and other Christians?...........and for (wait for it) not meeting YOUR standards?.........
God must be relieved to have you folks available to make his job easier on judgement day......
so you and Oldbraggenator share the same standards for Christianity.......

God must be relieved to have you folks available to make his job easier on judgement day......

"Judgement day"? You mean the day when you pious folks get to jump around in joy as the "sinners" are cast into eternal torment? That day? Give you a wee chubby just fantasizing about it now, doesn't it?
thanks for reaffirming your ignorance of Christian theology.........

ORLY? So your sect doesn't believe in eternal punishment? That's cool. I've heard of your variant of Christianity. Is that why you act so vicious toward everyone? You know it doesn't really matter one way or the other?
Many atheists who converted were often hard core evangelicals. When they really examined what the dogma of their church was feeding them, they revolted to the complete opposite.

I suspect many middle of the road Christians who don’t accept the literal Bible, but wish to live by its principles are comfortable enough to not reject the church completely.
I was a very "devout" Catholic...and when the change came, my considerations of adopting atheism was very negative. I simply decided to acknowledge that I do not know. And the notion of trashing religion never was very big with me. I DO NOT KNOW. There may be more right about religious thoughts than atheistic thoughts. There may be almost nothing right about religious thoughts.

Who knows. I KNOW that I do not KNOW.
oh look at the atheist digging up the goal posts, burying them and pretending we were actually playing baseball.......

I'm sure no one else here notices you skipped the "jump around in joy" part........

Oh no, the "jump around in joy" part is definitely a thing. IT's why so many "pious" people like you fantasize about Judgement Day and threaten non-believers literally all the time with it.

You can't fantasize enough about people who don't believe what you do getting their "Comeuppance". LOL. That much is OBVIOUS.