Slavery, the Prison/Industrial Complex, and American Hypocrisy

Slavery definitely offends me. To a lesser degree, calling something slavery that is not slavery also offends me... as I think it an insult to those who truly are slaves, with no rights and no recourse to abuses.

We certainly disagree on the use of prison labor by corporations. Especially if they are jobs that could prove useful to those prisoners who have a shot at leaving prison. Not to mention that those very jobs would likely be outsourced if not making use of the prison labor. It keeps the money here, in our economy. It also reduces the amount of debt taxpayers incur due to the prison population. (obviously if we legalize pot etc... that would also reduce the overall costs to taxpayers)

You forgot to mention that some of the money they earn is earmarked for payment to those whom they committed a crime against...a good policy imho!
Do not disagree with that... as I said, those laws need to be changed. But bottom line, those laws are currently on the books. You, myself and everyone else has the choice to obey the laws or not. If you break the law and are caught.... you go through those five.

Don't worry about rights to protection against search and seizure. They would not be investigating unless they had cause. And if you don't like a certain application ignore the principle of the matter and focus on the isolated incident.

Governments have been imprisoning people on trumped up charges forever. Allowing them the power to compel labor is to great an enticement for abuse and I do not trust them with such power.

If you dislike the law and think it should be changed, you cannot simply ignore the law because you dislike it... you have to get it changed.

No one is obligated to submit to an unjust law.
What is so awful..........?

I remember seeing something about that, about a year or so ago! I thought he'd been removed from office ... ? That really was awful!

He makes them wear pink and makes them work the groves picking fruit for inclusion into their meals...and makes them live without tv,coffee and ac...!
Bet they will not want to return to crime when they get out...unlike the prison system that provides more luxuries than most criminals were used too...alot want to go back for the bennies!...end of story!
Don't worry about rights to protection against search and seizure. They would not be investigating unless they had cause. And if you don't like a certain application ignore the principle of the matter and focus on the isolated incident.

Governments have been imprisoning people on trumped up charges forever. Allowing them the power to compel labor is to great an enticement for abuse and I do not trust them with such power.

No one is obligated to submit to an unjust law.

Tell me string... what is unjust about having pot be illegal?

I agree it is a dumb law and one that should be removed, but I do not see anything about it being unjust.
Tell me string... what is unjust about having pot be illegal?

I agree it is a dumb law and one that should be removed, but I do not see anything about it being unjust.

One person smoking pot does not agress against the right of anyone else. It is completely unjust.
Hahahaha, Sheriff Joe Arpaio!!! Yep he's still here in Az. and everything you've read and heard is true... and more. Like, his family runs the concessions and ice at the jails. He runs a jail thats on the edge of a concentration camp. I vote against him every chance I get but the retirees that flock here love him. He's in the local news all the time, heres one from today.

As far as the number of prisoners in our jails compaired to the rest of the world consider this...

privitized prisons make profits from every prisoner, so they need to keep the cells full. If you take money from education and export jobs overseas you are producing a steady supply of prisoners to fill the jails. It's simple economics, more prisoners more profits, plus the savings in taxes from defunding education.
Just another example of right wing economics at work.
Hahahaha, Sheriff Joe Arpaio!!! Yep he's still here in Az. and everything you've read and heard is true... and more. Like, his family runs the concessions and ice at the jails. He runs a jail thats on the edge of a concentration camp. I vote against him every chance I get but the retirees that flock here love him. He's in the local news all the time, heres one from today.

As far as the number of prisoners in our jails compaired to the rest of the world consider this...

privitized prisons make profits from every prisoner, so they need to keep the cells full. If you take money from education and export jobs overseas you are producing a steady supply of prisoners to fill the jails. It's simple economics, more prisoners more profits, plus the savings in taxes from defunding education.
Just another example of right wing economics at work.

Government run prisons derive revenues from every priosner, so they need to keep the cells full. If you add that to money collected for dumbing down the populace in public schools, overvalue your currency to destroying exports, you are producing a steady supply of prisoners to fill the jails. It's simple economics, more prisoners more profits, plus the extra dollars in taxes for education.
Just another example of left wing economics at work.
Hahahaha, Sheriff Joe Arpaio!!! Yep he's still here in Az. and everything you've read and heard is true... and more. Like, his family runs the concessions and ice at the jails. He runs a jail thats on the edge of a concentration camp. I vote against him every chance I get but the retirees that flock here love him. He's in the local news all the time, heres one from today.

As far as the number of prisoners in our jails compaired to the rest of the world consider this...

privitized prisons make profits from every prisoner, so they need to keep the cells full. If you take money from education and export jobs overseas you are producing a steady supply of prisoners to fill the jails. It's simple economics, more prisoners more profits, plus the savings in taxes from defunding education.
Just another example of right wing economics at work.

I bet you do vote against him as you are probably on the cusp of having a paid vacation at el pinko camp for the for private prisons ya are correct Nevada tried that proved a fatal flaw...Joe is a Sheriff so the jail is County...wake up crashy!
Tell me string... what is unjust about having pot be illegal?

I agree it is a dumb law and one that should be removed, but I do not see anything about it being unjust.

What is unjust about having pot be illegal, surly you jest, right?

It is the government's infringement on my personal rights. Why is alcohol, a far more abused and dangerous substance legal and marijuana is illegal and classified by the Feds to be in the same class as cocaine?

I have a right to the my pursuit of happiness just the same as a person who enjoys their alcohol.

I find marijuana being illegal totally unjust.
Do either of you live in Maricopa Co.? Have you seen the chaingangs? Do you know anybody falsly arrested then harrassed by Sheriff Joe's gang? Have you seen the local stories of drunken escapades and outright murders by Joe's minions? Do you know how much $ this guy has cost the county?

3: Millions of tax dollars have been wasted on lawsuits

Lawsuits brought against Arpaio by employees, former employees, inmates, and the families of dead inmates have cost the county millions and Arpaio has misled the public about the cost to taxpayers of lawsuits...

No? Then shut the fuck up.
Well I lived and worked in.............

Do either of you live in Maricopa Co.? Have you seen the chaingangs? Do you know anybody falsly arrested then harrassed by Sheriff Joe's gang? Have you seen the local stories of drunken escapades and outright murders by Joe's minions? Do you know how much $ this guy has cost the county?

3: Millions of tax dollars have been wasted on lawsuits

Lawsuits brought against Arpaio by employees, former employees, inmates, and the families of dead inmates have cost the county millions and Arpaio has misled the public about the cost to taxpayers of lawsuits...

No? Then shut the fuck up.

Arizona from 1975-1979 as a CPO...I am even familiar with 'Joe' when he worked DEA...he is a fair... albeit ...staunch supporter of clearing the air and tough love...gotta a problemo with that?... cry some more!

By "tough love," BB means the ass raping the man gave him while he was doing his first nickel.

at the boy wonder who does not even know what a girl is....I have forgotten more babes than you the wrestler will ever know...nice try bimbo boy!:cof1:

addendum: is it free time at the pen for wonder boy? I got this impression from your First Nickel comment..prison talk sucks big boy! Maybe ya are a lowly prison guard though...fess up big boy!
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Superfreak: These individuals broke a current law. They were sent to prison for it. They should develop work skills and educate themselves so that when they are released they will have options.

This isn't about race, no matter how much BAC wants to try to make it appear that way.

Its totally about race.

"Breaking a law", isn't the proper measure of who's in jail and who's not.

Its prosecutions and convictions that are the proper measure. I'm quite sure that whites use illegal drugs at approximately the same rates as blacks, but blacks face a much higher prosecution and conviction rate. Why? Because they get arrested more often, and are more likely to be found guilty by a jury.

Still don't think its about race?

"Lindsay Lohan Charged With Seven Misdemeanors In Two DUIs And Cocaine Find - gets sentenced to one day in prison, and ten days of community service"

Do you think a poor man of color would have gotten that light a sentence?
There are some clues, but it would be irresponsible to say without a lot more information.

LOL Thorn you got off a good one and even made RJS laugh, quite a feet for a lefty lady, usually they are trying to knock the sheet out of me with their cast iron frying pans?

There are some clues, but it would be irresponsible to say without a lot more information.

I like you are intelligent...however this comment... patronizing a flake makes one warned... more truth and justice on the horizon...

Some 'Just can't handle the truth' get the drift?

My profile is who and what I am...some in message boards will not post their background...why? because they are afraid or have a fraudulent background...some are just concerned...thats cool I am a big boy and can hold my own...RJS and 'wise guy' gives me concern as they know the venacular of the prison system...carry on Ms.Scientist...I was just a guy who was in the PHD or Masters....just old time experience!
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