Slavery, the Prison/Industrial Complex, and American Hypocrisy

What is medically wrong with this man? Anyone have any idea?

He is a lefty and light in the loafers, as I found out when I accidently stumbled onto the gay porn chat thread, being led by none other than the board ass inspector, Battleborne? Gay and a lib, and you ask what is wrong with him, as if that weren't enough?
I like you are intelligent...however this comment... patronizing a flake makes one warned... more truth and justice on the horizon...

Some 'Just can't handle the truth' get the drift?

Battleborne you lefty fool, you always seem to have moore hot air, than anything else, especially any smidgen of gravitas? The only drift here is the drift that is the draft between your ears, and RJS says that this ungentlemently threat to the lefty lady Thorn, is as empty as your sheethead? This is is where my Mensa skills shine, whereas your posting skill is sliding backwards and you are regressing from a retard to a mentally brain damaged chimpanzee, something I would not have thought possible, butt you are living proof?
Battleborne you lefty fool, you always seem to have moore hot air, than anything else, especially any smidgen of gravitas? The only drift here is the drift that is the draft between your ears, and RJS says that this ungentlemently threat to the lefty lady Thorn, is as empty as your sheethead? This is is where my Mensa skills shine, whereas your posting skill is sliding backwards and you are regressing from a retard to a mentally brain damaged chimpanzee, something I would not have thought possible, butt you are living proof?

Well, as Damo pointed out earlier today, some people are showing the aftermath of their humorectomy! :p
Still don't think its about race?

"Lindsay Lohan Charged With Seven Misdemeanors In Two DUIs And Cocaine Find - gets sentenced to one day in prison, and ten days of community service"

Do you think a poor man of color would have gotten that light a sentence?

I don't disagree with your point, but you'd be better to ask what a black female would get to prove racism, since the sentencing is obviously biased against men.

He is a lefty and light in the loafers, as I found out when I accidently stumbled onto the gay porn chat thread, being led by none other than the board ass inspector, Battleborne? Gay and a lib, and you ask what is wrong with him, as if that weren't enough?

You are about as dumb as dumb can are the 'lefty' scumbag pervert masquerading as a Conservative...I have played with your BS way too long...kiss and make up with Thorn...she is vulnerable...way too much lab time...not enough fun time...a sorry state of
According to a report released by the Bureau of Prison Statistics, one out of every 32 adults in the United States was in prison, in jail, on probation, or on parole at the end of 2005.

One out of every 32 Americans.
So what is your point?

According to a report released by the Bureau of Prison Statistics, one out of every 32 adults in the United States was in prison, in jail, on probation, or on parole at the end of 2005.

One out of every 32 Americans.

some were guilty as charged others were railroaded?...or are we just a f'd up country...I think not take a world tour on this one...the world sucks and not much anyone can do about the second coming...then again I only suppose this would apply to those who believe..I choose to believe and believe in tough love!
some were guilty as charged others were railroaded?...or are we just a f'd up country...I think not take a world tour on this one...the world sucks and not much anyone can do about the second coming...then again I only suppose this would apply to those who believe..I choose to believe and believe in tough love!

bac has made the point that our numbers are much higher.

So we should just wait for the superghost and ignore the inustices of our society? Romans 13, Romans 13, Romans 13!!!
Gimmee a break here.........

bac has made the point that our numbers are much higher.

So we should just wait for the superghost and ignore the inustices of our society? Romans 13, Romans 13, Romans 13!!!

the Middle East...Islam et al have the highest degree of abuse in the entire world...they even surpass 'Communism' on abuse and false imprisonment...wake up!
the Middle East...Islam et al have the highest degree of abuse in the entire world...they even surpass 'Communism' on abuse and false imprisonment...wake up!

bac, has provided info that we incarcerate more.

First we get, "yeah, but Clinton..." or "yeah, but Bush I" as apololgetics for over reaching Presidential power, and now we get "yeah, but Iran..." as an excuse for our justice system. The race to the bottom.

bac, has provided info that we incarcerate more.

First we get, "yeah, but Clinton..." or "yeah, but Bush I" as apololgetics for over reaching Presidential power, and now we get "yeah, but Iran..." as an excuse for our justice system. The race to the bottom.

Has provided nothing but race card BS and panduring to the liberal mantra...grow up and really do a world wide research! The facts are my judgement on this matter...:rolleyes:
According to a report released by the Bureau of Prison Statistics, one out of every 32 adults in the United States was in prison, in jail, on probation, or on parole at the end of 2005.

One out of every 32 Americans.
Hey, did you see I finally found those danged figures? 738 of every 100K are incarcerated as of 2005. Even more than your original article.
bac has made the point that our numbers are much higher.

So we should just wait for the superghost and ignore the inustices of our society? Romans 13, Romans 13, Romans 13!!!
For those who have no idea what he is talking about: 13&version=31

1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong.

Read the rest at the link.
I don't disagree with your point, but you'd be better to ask what a black female would get to prove racism, since the sentencing is obviously biased against men.
No, rather thsn be biased towards men, I would say it is biased towards celebs. in no way is that sentence fair.
What is unjust about having pot be illegal, surly you jest, right?

It is the government's infringement on my personal rights. Why is alcohol, a far more abused and dangerous substance legal and marijuana is illegal and classified by the Feds to be in the same class as cocaine?

I have a right to the my pursuit of happiness just the same as a person who enjoys their alcohol.

I find marijuana being illegal totally unjust.

Please do try to read the entire thread before commenting on my point. It is NOT unjust to have pot illegal. It may be a dumb law, which as I stated it is. But it is law. You all may not like it and neither do I but the law is fair to everyone. It does not discriminate. Now the enforcement of the law can be unfair as can sentencing, but the law itself is just... however pathetic it is .
"Originally Posted by Cypress
Still don't think its about race?

"Lindsay Lohan Charged With Seven Misdemeanors In Two DUIs And Cocaine Find - gets sentenced to one day in prison, and ten days of community service"

Do you think a poor man of color would have gotten that light a sentence?"

No it is not about race. It is about wealth. Because Whitney Houston wouldn't have even spent a day in jail either, but a poor white woman or man would have been sentenced just as harshly as a poor black woman or man. But please, keep dropping the race card you ignorant fuck.