Slavery, the Prison/Industrial Complex, and American Hypocrisy

The point is, our incarceration rate is an order of magnitude higher than other developed democracies. That should be a national embarrassment to us all.

This I will agree with. But there is no need to exaggerate the numbers. It only makes people distrust all of the information.
Yet we find that it is actually 488 of 100,000, and only if you include parolees and those on probation

I think y'all are talking past each other.

The 488/100,000 DOJ number is for those in Federal and State jurisdiction.

I don't think they're including local and county jails in those stats.

The point is, our incarceration rate is an order of magnitude higher than other developed democracies. That should be a national embarrassment to us all.

Yep, I'm right.

DOJ has two different links: one for PRISONS (state and federal), which has an incarceration rate approximately 500 per 100,000, which is what Damo said.

Then there a whole other link, for incarceration statictics in JAILS (local and county)
Yet we find that it is actually 488 of 100,000, and only if you include parolees and those on probation

I think y'all are talking past each other.

The 488/100,000 DOJ number is for those in Federal and State jurisdiction.

I don't think they're including local and county jails in those stats.

The point is, our incarceration rate is an order of magnitude higher than other developed democracies. That should be a national embarrassment to us all.

Well said.
I have no problem with your distrust, however, using DOJ statistics we're still number one in the world and all the other elements of the issue remain the same. If your distrust of an international organization reknowed for its work on prisons system throughout the world causes you to dismiss the issue entirely, then nothing is lost because you were never on board in the first place.

It is your perogative to choose issues important to you. I have no illusions about getting everybody to act, understand, or even care. I'm happy with the responses of those who do.
I never said that.

However, that same organization says that they use those numbers from the DOJ, then mislead me directly. I was all trusting of your post, then I checked and found that it wasn't adding up. So I asked.

I pray for the day we end the "War on Drugs". It is not only wasteful, but it seems to be often racist. Not that I think they are consciously racist, but the justice system needs to be reworked and the laws that are specially racist changed.
I never said that.

However, that same organization says that they use those numbers from the DOJ, then mislead me directly. I was all trusting of your post, then I checked and found that it wasn't adding up. So I asked.

I pray for the day we end the "War on Drugs". It is not only wasteful, but it seems to be often racist. Not that I think they are consciously racist, but the justice system needs to be reworked and the laws that are specially racist changed.

I appreciate your questions. I won't publish this until later tonight .. and because of your questions, I'll tweak it just a bit for clarity.

Yep, I'm right.

DOJ has two different links: one for PRISONS (state and federal), which has an incarceration rate approximately 500 per 100,000, which is what Damo said.

Then there a whole other link, for incarceration statictics in JAILS (local and county)
Second link? The one I provided says it includes jails.
Second link? The one I provided says it includes jails.

State and Fed prison incarceration rate; about 488/100,000 like you said (it specifically says State and Fed, in the footer).

County and Local JAIL incarceration rate:

To me, if you eyeball it, and weight it according to race, the JAIL incarceration rate looks to be around 250 to 300 per 100,000

So if you add JAIL (county) incarceration rates, with Fed and State PRISON incarceration rate, you get approximately the number BAC gave: around 700 per 100,000
What skill set are you learning? Were slaves learning a skill set when they picked cotton? If you never get off the plantation, or never get out of prison, when are you going to put this "skill set" to use? Could it be you never will except to benefit the plantation owner, and in this case, the corporation?

If you are never going to get out, then you are working to pay for your incarceration. This whole notion of prisoners being slaves is bullshit. It costs money to keep them in prison. They are working and offsetting some of those costs. It is part of the punishment for the crimes they committed.

Again, the disproportionate numbers of black men and the favoritism towards the wealthy is bullshit and we need to work on correcting those issues. But prisoners are NOT slaves.
State and Fed prison incarceration rate; about 488/100,000 like you said (it specifically says State and Fed, in the footer).

County and Local JAIL incarceration rate:

To me, if you eyeball it, and weight it according to race, the JAIL incarceration rate looks to be around 250 to 300 per 100,000

So if you add JAIL (county) incarceration rates, with Fed and State PRISON incarceration rate, you get approximately the number BAC gave: around 700 per 100,000
Please note:

This one includes Prison and Jail Inmates and is the place where I got my numbers. Therefore you are wrong in that my numbers did not include those. As I said before, they were reported in the numbers that I posted.

here are just a few highlights:


Nation's prison population rose 1.6%; jail population, 4.7%

From midyear 2004 to midyear 2005 --

* The number of inmates in custody in local jails rose by
33,539; in State prison by 15,858; and in Federal prison
by 6,584.

* The smaller State prison systems had the greatest percentage
increase: Montana (up 7.9%) and South Dakota (up 7.8%).

On June 30, 2005 --

* A total of 2,266 State prisoners were under age 18. Adult
jails held a total of 6,759 persons under age 18.

* State and Federal correctional authorities held 91,117
noncitizens (6.4% of all prisoners), down from 91,815 at
midyear 2004.

Please note the inclusion of local jails as well.

When added all up together the number of those imprisoned in 2005 (the latest year of data available) was about 488 to 100K.
Cypress, my data is what they say they are using. It includes them all.

The only way to "massage" the data into any semblance of truth is if you include all of the parolees and those on probation into the numbers. However the original article said they were all in prison, they are not.
How can you say that they are not slaves? If they are put in jail for long prison terms for the same crime you or I would get probation, or a much shorter sentence for, and then used for labor and paid a nominal fee of 25 cents per hour to probably get around some regulation, what are they? It is wrong. How can anyone not see that this is morally wrong to begin with, and made worse by creating a situation where it benefits a power structure to toughen sentencing guidlines, keep pot illegal, and pass laws like the three strike one?

The whole working for 25 cents a day .... show me where that is the total compensation to the prison and prisoner. Because BAC and now you have stated that, but he refuses to actually provide evidence of such. Will you do so for me? Because I would be willing to bet they make about $.25 an hour and the prison gets the rest as a way to offset some of the annual costs per prisoner. Thus, the prisoner is in effect paying for their term rather than the tax payers paying for it.

and again, I am not arguing that the laws should not be changed, they should. To act as though the corporations are the only ones with influence on politicians is ridiculous. Politicians do indeed respond to money, but they also respond to votes.
Please note:

This one includes Prison and Jail Inmates and is the place where I got my numbers. Therefore you are wrong in that my numbers did not include those. As I said before, they were reported in the numbers that I posted.

here are just a few highlights:

Please note the inclusion of local jails as well.

When added all up together the number of those imprisoned in 2005 (the latest year of data available) was about 488 to 100K.

The link you gave me had thousands of words and links. I don't have time to wade through that. Sorry.

I gave you two very simple DOJ graphs. Easy to read and comprehend. Within seconds....

-The first graph showed the incarceration rate for FEDERAL and STATE prisons to be about 488/100,000

-The second graph showed the incarceration rate for County JAILS, which, when weighted for race, looks to be around 250-300/100,000

Therefore, 488/100,000 plus 300/100,000 comes out to approximately the incarceration number BAC provided.
The link you gave me had thousands of words and links. I don't have time to wade through that. Sorry.

I gave you two very simple DOJ graphs. Easy to read and comprehend. Within seconds....

-The first graph showed the incarceration rate for FEDERAL and STATE prisons to be about 488/100,000

-The second graph showed the incarceration rate for County JAILS, which, when weighted for race, looks to be around 250-300/100,000

Therefore, 488/100,000 plus 300/100,000 comes out to approximately the incarceration number BAC provided.
I gave you a direct link to every report from 1995 to 2005 and it INCLUDES the jails with actual number data.

Don't be so disingenuous.

The numbers are as I stated. 488 to 100K.
If you are never going to get out, then you are working to pay for your incarceration. This whole notion of prisoners being slaves is bullshit. It costs money to keep them in prison. They are working and offsetting some of those costs. It is part of the punishment for the crimes they committed.

Again, the disproportionate numbers of black men and the favoritism towards the wealthy is bullshit and we need to work on correcting those issues. But prisoners are NOT slaves.

You are creating the atmosphere where there is a huge incentive to use them as slaves, and therefore, to unfairly incarcerate who knows how many human beings. That is what I am saying, and I don't know why you can't get that.
Ah, here we are:

At midyear 2005 the Nation's prisons and jails incarcerated
2,186,230 persons. Prisoners in the custody of the 50 States
and the Federal system accounted for two-thirds of the
incarcerated population (1,438,701) inmates). The other third
were held in local jails (747,529), not including persons in
community-based programs.***Foot note 1: See box on page 7 for
description of jail populations.***

Now I feel better.

Incarceration rate for Nation
reaches 738 per 100,000 residents

Man it took digging, but there it is!

the numbers in the original article are actually generous.
I gave you a direct link to every report from 1995 to 2005 and it INCLUDES the jails with actual number data.

Don't be so disingenuous.

The numbers are as I stated. 488 to 100K.

I went to one of your links, Damo. It backed up both what BAC said, and what my two DOJ graphs indicated:

DOJ 2005 Report:

“Incarceration rate for Nation reaches 738 per 100,000 residents

(see top of page 2 of report)

Do I have to grow boobs and flirt with you before you can admit you were wrong? ;)
I went to one of your links, Damo. It backed up both what BAC said, and what my two DOJ graphs indicated:

DOJ 2005 Report:

“Incarceration rate for Nation reaches 738 per 100,000 residents

(see top of page 2 of report)

Do I have to grow boobs and flirt with you before you can admit you were wrong? ;)

See my post directly before yours:

Ah, here we are:

Now I feel better.

Man it took digging, but there it is!

the numbers in the original article are actually generous.
I went to one of your links, Damo. It backed up both what BAC said, and what my two DOJ graphs indicated:

DOJ 2005 Report:

“Incarceration rate for Nation reaches 738 per 100,000 residents

(see top of page 2 of report)

Do I have to grow boobs and flirt with you before you can admit you were wrong? ;)

I hope that's not a shot at me? I don't know where I get this reputation as a flirt. Talk about being mislabeled. I am probably the most misunderstood poster here. Not bad, just drawn that way.