So... Healthcare exchange traffic too high!,0,3606716.story


And I suspect that you are being deliberately disingenuous and not even a little creative in your stupid ad hom.

Thanks for the link. It's a good thing that the window to sign up for health insurance is slightly wider than 24-hours.

I would like you to link to one post of mine where I said that poor people should have no access to health care. If you can't find it (you won't) maybe you can just be honest for just a bit and apologize for your inept idiocy.

Right. There are those policies and polticians you support that promote access to health insurance for low-income people, right? Near as I recall, you're one of those repeal and replacers that's gets stuck at step 1.

I may support pushing off fines with the same waiver that Obama has given to the rich companies, his Union supporters and other "special" people, but that absolutely does nothing to stop poor people from signing up for Obamacare.

Oooh, look, talking points.
you mean the Democrats shut down of the government.....

If that's what you have to tell yourself to sleep at night...

Sadly, your delusion fades when you wake and join the rest of us in a little place I like to call "the real world" where the vast majority of Americans understand it is obstructionist Righties shutting down the Government.
What is that now? The fourth...or was it the fifth time you've refuse to just give him a straight "yes" or "no" answer to his very straightforward question.

So, you too will ignore the fact that I already answered the question? As I told Garud, I am not going to answer the same question over and over and over again. The answer has been given. So you ignored that how many times now? four? five?
The Democrats already compromised by agreeing to sequestration level spending, which spending for FY14 is below Paul Ryan's original budget proposal. The Republicans aren't demanding any further spending reductions, which is what the CR is all about. Instead, they are demanding policy concessions unrelating to spending. Hence, they are the problem. They shut down the government because they did not extract policy concessions in exchange for funding the government at agreed levels.

They did not compromise, that was the forced situation for this year if they didn't compromise. As I stated to Garud, the Reps are certainly sharing in the blame. Their actions are the wrong way to go about shutting down Obama care. This is childish tantrum on their part. That said, the Senate and Obama are every bit as petulant. They refuse to resolve the long term issues facing this country. They stomp their feet and shout 'give us what we want or we will scream to the public about how evil you Reps are'... then they repeat the same fucking cycle over and over again. All the while, parrots like you keep chirping... 'we have to raise the debt ceiling to pay for what has already been authorized'... then you run up more debt and repeat...

Your entire premise here is wrong. The Senate passed a budget way in May and then requested 18 times that the House agree to a conference committee to hash out the differences between the budgets passed by the House and Senate. The House Republicans refused each request, only agreeing to confer last night at 11:00 p.m., one hour before the shutdown and without funding the government in the interim period while the conferees did their work.

It's clear which party is to blame here, and it isn't the Democrats.

It is both parties... but a partisan hack like you cannot admit that. Six years... six years the Senate has failed. But you continue to blame just the House. How very partisan of you.
Only about 1 in 8 Americans will need to sign up on the exchanges the rest are covered at work or via Medicare, Medicaid or via the military. Who "gets a pass"?

Many Unions, a bit over 1,000 Corporations, all get a pass paying fines and taxes for coverage, some small businesses get a pass in purchasing insurance for employees because the exchange was not ready for them. All can be given a waiver, except individuals who will now be fined if they do not have coverage.

Asking for the same treatment for the individuals, delaying the "taxes" on the individual mandate, does not stop people who want to from signing up for anything. Asking for equality of treatment of individuals with the Unions and Corporations getting a pass isn't a bad thing, Jarod.

The Republicans gave up major concessions, Obama and Democrats in Congress are doing exactly what he said should not be done... just because you don't get 100% of what you want you shouldn't shut down the government. It also gives relief to the system as those who do not want this craptacular coverage (yeah, those huge deductibles are going to cost people) will not have to face those fines (sorry, taxes, gotta say taxes or it isn't Constitutional) for a bit.
Superfreak may really believe he's not a hack.

Think about that.


You still need more ointment? You have been sounding quite butt hurt of late. I know you got your ass handed to you in your pathetic abortion thread... so my apologies for humiliating you so much.
Many Unions, a bit over 1,000 Corporations, all get a pass paying fines and taxes for coverage, some small businesses get a pass in purchasing insurance for employees because the exchange was not ready for them. All can be given a waiver, except individuals who will now be fined if they do not have coverage.

Asking for the same treatment for the individuals, delaying the "taxes" on the individual mandate, does not stop people who want to from signing up for anything. Asking for equality of treatment of individuals with the Unions and Corporations getting a pass isn't a bad thing, Jarod.

Where does funding the government fit in?
You still need more ointment? You have been sounding quite butt hurt of late. I know you got your ass handed to you in your pathetic abortion thread... so my apologies for humiliating you so much.

I'm having a marvelous day!

The polls are getting to you. That's why I keep posting them. :)
Where does funding the government fit in?
Either you are ignorant, or just dishonest. I can't decide which.

It doesn't, the last version passed by the House only had a delay to the mandate for one year, they conceded the "defunding" and wound up with a simple request for equity of treatment.
They did not compromise, that was the forced situation for this year if they didn't compromise. As I stated to Garud, the Reps are certainly sharing in the blame. Their actions are the wrong way to go about shutting down Obama care. This is childish tantrum on their part. That said, the Senate and Obama are every bit as petulant. They refuse to resolve the long term issues facing this country. They stomp their feet and shout 'give us what we want or we will scream to the public about how evil you Reps are'... then they repeat the same fucking cycle over and over again. All the while, parrots like you keep chirping... 'we have to raise the debt ceiling to pay for what has already been authorized'... then you run up more debt and repeat...

Here's what actually happened. The House Republicans passed a budget of cutting spending in FY14 by X. The Senate Democrats rejected the House budget and then passed a budget increasing spending in FY14 by Y. Those were the initial positions. The Senate Democrats then requested a conference committee on 18 separate occassions to reconcile the differences between those two different budgets. The House Republcans refused each of those 18 requests. Nevertheless, each of the House and Senate have now passed resolutions at Z, the compromise spending level. That's the compromise. There is no dispute between the two houses of Congress on how much money the government should spend this fiscal year.

But that's not good enough for the House Republicans. In addition to the compromise spending levels, they want unrelated policy concessions because they're fucking nuts.

It is both parties... but a partisan hack like you cannot admit that. Six years... six years the Senate has failed. But you continue to blame just the House. How very partisan of you.

It's not both parties at all. It's the House Republicans. And, again, the Senate passed a budget this year. You should probably stop lying about it. And, yes I am partisan (and, unlike others, unafraid to admit it), but I'm also right.
Either you are ignorant, or just dishonest. I can't decide which.

It doesn't, the last version passed by the House only had a delay to the mandate for one year, they conceded the "defunding" and wound up with a simple request for equity of treatment.

Maybe you misunderstood the question. Why are unrelated policy issues (defunding Obamacare/delaying the mandate/cutting congressional staff compensation) being tied to funding government operations?
Maybe you misunderstood the question. Why are unrelated policy issues (defunding Obamacare/delaying the mandate/cutting congressional staff compensation) being tied to funding government operations?

It is their constitutional position in the checks and balances, Dung. You may not like that we have a system with checks and balances, but we do. This is the authority that was given them in the constitution so that they can check the power of the Executive, the Senate, etc. Many of them ran on and were elected to do exactly this. Assuming that the only election that happened was the one for Obama is pretense, ignoring that they are there to check the power of another branch just disingenuous.
So, you too will ignore the fact that I already answered the question? As I told Garud, I am not going to answer the same question over and over and over again. The answer has been given. So you ignored that how many times now? four? five? you won't just tell us what you said earlier, because doing the decent thing is just too big an inconvenience, but you WILL tell us over and over that you WON'T tell us again because after all, being an obstructive partisan douchebag is no trouble at all for you.
It is their constitutional position in the checks and balances, Dung. You may not like that we have a system with checks and balances, but we do. This is the authority that was given them in the constitution so that they can check the power of the Executive, the Senate, etc.

That might make some sense on the defunding of Obamacare position on the grounds that they are stopping the ACA from being funded (even though in practice it makes little sense because of how the ACA is funded -- through mandatory appropriations), but they've long since abandoned that position.

And I'm not dipsuting that they have the authority to not fund the government, but that doesn't answer my question. I mean, they have the authority to do nothing at all from the time they are sworn in until Congress recesses for good, but that doesn't explain why they ought to do that. So, why is funding the government at agreed levels (!) being tied to unrelated policy issues.