I think the Koch brother's see a single payer system of healthcare as a boom for their many, many industries as it would
The Koch Bros are opposed to single payer.
However, their own study confirms it will save on health care costs.
I think the Koch brother's see a single payer system of healthcare as a boom for their many, many industries as it would
What are you talking about? What regulations to serve what end?
You need to be more coherent and articulate.
relieve them from providing employer sponsored and funded health insurance for their workers and thereby save them millions of $'s.
The Koch Brothers can get private doctors for their personal care, why else would they even be interested in their employees healthcare?
So now you're moving the bar because you didn't get the answer you wanted.
So you're forced to go to "if" and hypotheticals because this discussion isn't going the way you hoped.
You asked what I'd be willing to pay and I told you. Clearly, it makes you upset to see someone challenge your inherent bias.
Grow tougher skin.
Better than what we have now, as most first world democracies beat us in every single measurable health metric including cost per patient.
A single payer plan would force improved outcomes rather than profitable treatment of symptoms.
Heresy? Like heresy against the church?
This is the problem with Conservatives; they posture on message boards because they're ultimately big fucking idiots.
Do you mean "heresay"? How is Bernie's plan "hearsay"? Your Koch Bros did a study that shows Sanders' plan would save us $1T. It's right here, moron: https://www.mercatus.org/system/files/blahous-costs-medicare-mercatus-working-paper-v1_1.pdf
What's hearsay is your claim that his plan has been "debunked" when it has been confirmed by the Koch Bros' Mercatus Center.
The Koch Bros are opposed to single payer.
However, their own study confirms it will save on health care costs.
So wouldn't that mean every other business would save $$ too????????
So thanks for confirming that the single payer saves businesses money that they can use to increase wages or invest in the company!
What would those businesses do with the extra money they saved from not having to pay for benefits anymore? They could increase worker wages!
So now you're making the argument that business leaders are greedy shitweasels. So why not tax the shit out of them, then?
Every position you hold seems to contradict itself.
well friend, I don't buy into the ratings put out by a left biased WHO cartel
I believe my American "for profit" healthCARE is among the best on earth.
That's because you're mentally ill.
YouI refuse to accept what people tellyoume when it ruins whatever inherent biasyouI have.
WhatI'm a coward.
"Among" the best?
So who else is the best, and what type of systems do they have?
And it's "among" the best in what regard? Not in cost. Not in life expectancy. Not in infant mortality. Not in heart disease rates. Not in obesity.
If it's so great, why is Rand Paul going to Canada for his health care? Is Canada "among the best" too? What type of system does Canada have?
Sen. Rand Paul Is Having Surgery in Canada, Where Healthcare Is Publicly Funded
My doctors have kept me alive for nearly 83 years now.
My care has been professional,speedy and performed in the best and cleanest of doctor's offices and hospitals. I believe I couldn't get as good of care in any single payer syste
My insurance is reasonable and was much better before the federal government meddled in it especially Obamacare.
I never had to make a co-pay until Obamacare and my deductible only went up after Obamacare.
Surely you can explain to me how that's possible without the incentive of "for profit" and without regulation by government's "gun in the back" tactics, right?
These wait time worries vary by geography.
For instance, you're going to wait a lot longer for medical care in rural Idaho than you would in Manhattan because there are more doctors in Manhattan than rural Idaho.
Also, what is the wait time for someone with no insurance coverage?
Well my friend have you considered that America already has a doctor shortage?
What do you believe that shortage will be when single payer covers everybody?
We have to import doctors now and only can do it because we have a “for profit” system that nicely and fairly rewards doctors
I have no reservations about predicting that America will see outrageously long waiting times whenever the feds begin their single payer operation.