You can only make assumptions of me because your arguments suck ass.
Are you worried your Medicaid will change? That you might have to pay more than $1 for something?
You can only make assumptions of me because your arguments suck ass.
So what's your problem?????
Are you worried your Medicaid will change? That you might have to pay more than $1 for something?
I'm not on Medicaid, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you are.
Nope. I have my own plan and it ain't cheap.
Well, we could always just cut medical care for people over 65 since they're the biggest users of health care and incur the most costs.
So great.
I'm all for denying your 83-year old ass medical care.
Right, but who pays for it if the patient cannot?
That’s exactly what you’re proposing with single payer with the pretense that a waiting list that guarantees I die before I get care is somehow thisgreat compassionate system that cares for everybody. It’s a pipe dream!!
Well good buddy, I survive by “for profit” health-CARE. I actually earned it! My employer and I had and still have a magnificent agreement, I worked hard, minded my own business and made a nasty old “PROFIT” for them for near 50 years and they contributed a larger share to my lifetime healthcare. Tat opportunity is available for every American, I’m no exception. I was smart enough in my youth to prepare for a job I loved and a future I never expected to be this long, but I’m thankful for it!!!
My problem is the administrative and overhead costs that puts as much as 20 cents of every premium dollar into the pocket of the insurance company, and a system that focuses on treatment of symptoms rather than long-term outcomes to fulfill profit motives.
Then you need to stop voting for the swamp rats of BOTH duopoly parties.
You need to demand they get their unconstitutional asses out of the healthcare insurance business.
ou see friend it's you that are really the problem you bitch about!!!
You're on Medicare. Stop.
I was not on Medicare until I turned 65
Some questions for our leftist friends at JPP.
Here’s a short easy quiz about healthcare and healthcare insurance. Respond if you dare!
By what measure do you place your faith and trust in the federal government to operate your healthcare and thereby your healthcare insurance?
What % of your income are you willing to pay in taxes for a Federal Single Payer Plan?
How much healthcare services will you expect from your Federal Single Payer Plan?
What quality healthcare will you expect and accept from your Federal Single Payer Plan?
How long are you willing to wait on a waiting list for doctor’s appointments and hospital emissions and services?
Should every American pay the same for your Federal Single Payer System, or should some folks pay more than others?
Who do you want to decide what medicines and treatments you can have, your doctors and you, or a federal government bureaucrat?
Who do you want to be in charge of your end of life decisions, (“pulling the plug”) on you and your family, you and your family and your doctor, or a federal bureaucrat?
Should all “for profit” healthcare insurance be abolished?
How much do you believe a Federal Single Payer System would cost in America and Where should we find the money to pay for it?
I survived very nicely for 65 years on "FOR PROFIT" health insurance that was the best on earth until the feds decided they'd unconstitutionally meddle in it and fuck everything up and cause me the make co-pays and deductibles.
I also pay into the unconstitutional Medicare program by law!
I have a Medicare ADVANTAGE program. My employer is still very much involved in my healthcare insurance policy!!!
Then single payer would be really great for you since it would mean you spend less in payroll taxes than you do on premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, copays, and prescription drug costs.
The single payer will also increase your choice of doctors since it renders provider networks moot. Do you not like choice?
Do you have an employer-provided plan, or do you get yours off the exchanges?
I'm retired early. My plan is through the network of a local medical center, but it's OK with me. My Dr.s are very good. I have high deductibles, though.
My plan is not off the exchanges, they are almost as expensive. I budgeted for healthcare before I retired, even figured for increases. I'll be 62 in 3 1/2 yrs.
Your position is cognitive dissonance and here's how:
You think insurance plans should be sold across state lines, but you also think states have the 10th Amendment right to regulate their own market as they see fit. So in order for your plan to have insurance sold across state lines, you'd need federalism to overrule state regulations so out-of-state plans can be offered in a state's market.
So that would be the opposite of a pro-10th Amendment position.
You're the problem because you're old as fuck, and you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Where in anything I’ve ever said did you conclude I opposed the Federal government’s constitutional power to regulate interstate Commerce in accord with Article One Section Eight?