states where the most people go hungry

So $8 for 3 pounds? A serving is about 1/3 pound? Lets call it a half pound... six servings would be $1.33 per serving. Compare that to a Big Mac... what does that cost in Pitt?

This is another way you are talking from your blow hole. In the first place when you bake or fry a chicken breast it shrinks in size and weight. That's because like all other meat it is mostly water and when you cook it the water evaporates. Three pounds of chicken breast will absolutely not produce three pounds of cooked chicken breast. I would say that three pounds of raw chicken breasts might produce 4 servings at most of cooked chicken breast. Reducing your estimate by 1/3. If you ever cooked a chicken breast you would know this. That you don't know this shows you are even more privileged than I previously surmised. That you use such estimations in your figures shows either you are incredibly privileged, duplicitous or ignorant? Or some combination of all three. I have no idea which!
Quite odd, that with all the hungry and starving people all over the US that the left-wing msm don't report about it every day....don't they think
its worth the effort to let everyone know about all this hunger and starvation...especially when they can blame it on Republicans....or more
likely GWBush, what an opportunity they're missing....
Throw in Cheney and Halliburton, Rumsfeld and the military establishment,....then add 'the rich' and 'greedy corporations'.....
don't you wonder why they are so quiet about this disaster.......

Obviously you have fallen for the idiotic assumption that there is anything like a "left-wing msm" in this country. Too bad for you! You must be another Fukx viewer who believes what you hear and see from the likes of Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdock. As the huckster extraordinaire, P. T. Barnum, said, "There is a sucker born every minute." And as W.C. Field's said, "Never give a sucker an even break."
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Elaborate... how much time does it take to do so vs. running into a fast food place... lets use a single working mom on the way home from a double shift as Darla mentioned earlier.

It takes approximately 40-50 minutes to cook two chicken breasts at 325 degrees in an oven! A baked potato for each person would add some time to that. All in all about an hour or more to prepare dinner for three or four! If someone has worked 10-12 hours and has to ride a bus an hour each way they are getting home at 9-10 pm. That is pretty damn late to begin cooking a meal that won't be ready to eat until 10 or 11 pm. But it's so easy for someone who doesn't even know that cooking meat reduces it's total mass, to tell everyone else how easy it is to eat healthy on less than $25 a month? Or how much would it cost to eat oatmeal (or gruel) 3 meals a day Mr. Sqeers, you still haven't said?
It takes approximately 40-50 minutes to cook two chicken breasts at 325 degrees in an oven! A baked potato for each person would add some time to that. All in all about an hour or more to prepare dinner for three or four! If someone has worked 10-12 hours and has to ride a bus an hour each way they are getting home at 9-10 pm. That is pretty damn late to begin cooking a meal that won't be ready to eat until 10 or 11 pm. But it's so easy for someone who doesn't even know that cooking meat reduces it's total mass, to tell everyone else how easy it is to eat healthy on less than $25 a month? Or how much would it cost to eat oatmeal (or gruel) 3 meals a day Mr. Sqeers, you still haven't said?

It takes you 50 minutes to cook chicken? You suck as a chef. You should probably go practice more before you come to a political board to lecture people on cooking.
It takes you 50 minutes to cook chicken? You suck as a chef. You should probably go practice more before you come to a political board to lecture people on cooking.

It's takes me about 9-12 (depending on the size of the portions).
I don't pride myself on being a chef, so I take my time. I typically cook chicken in about 30 min at 350 and roast beef patties in about 45 min at 350. :D
Wrong! I thought a capitalist jackass like yourself would know that there is no such thing as a free lunch, dinner or martini, since the costs of such amenities and company benefits are actually passed down the line to the rest of us in higher costs for everything we buy. We the consumers pay for all the ads, lobbyists, promotions, foreign government bribes, and all other costs internal and external associated with bringing a product to market. All the products we buy today cost more because of all the added costs that go into the production of those products. Any one who has an avatar that depicts the "Looney Left" should at least have better sense than to pretend that such added costs as promotions and other lobbying efforts are not a part of the final cost or that, as you say here, "her company paid for it so what difference does it make." I wonder if you feel the same when the government wastes money on influence peddling. Why is it OK when business passes the costs onto you and not OK at all when government does the same thing? Or is your avatar a fake and you are a member of the "Looney Left"?
It takes you 50 minutes to cook chicken? You suck as a chef. You should probably go practice more before you come to a political board to lecture people on cooking.

I guess you can't say how long it takes you to cook a chicken breast in an oven, can you? There is no one here who has cooked more chicken breasts than I have. I'll bet that! And so I know exactly how long it takes to cook them. I(f you have other information then spew it out. I am not talking about cooking them in a fucking microwave nor any other hyper-fast high tech cooking method, most poor people don't have anything more than a stove top and an over anyway; I am talking about actually cooking them so they are eatable.
I guess you can't say how long it takes you to cook a chicken breast in an oven, can you? There is no one here who has cooked more chicken breasts than I have. I'll bet that! And so I know exactly how long it takes to cook them. I(f you have other information then spew it out. I am not talking about cooking them in a fucking microwave nor any other hyper-fast high tech cooking method, most poor people don't have anything more than a stove top and an over anyway; I am talking about actually cooking them so they are eatable.

You'll bet huh? I'll take that bet. How much money are we talking?
Wrong! I thought a capitalist jackass like yourself would know that there is no such thing as a free lunch, dinner or martini, since the costs of such amenities and company benefits are actually passed down the line to the rest of us in higher costs for everything we buy. We the consumers pay for all the ads, lobbyists, promotions, foreign government bribes, and all other costs internal and external associated with bringing a product to market. All the products we buy today cost more because of all the added costs that go into the production of those products. Any one who has an avatar that depicts the "Looney Left" should at least have better sense than to pretend that such added costs as promotions and other lobbying efforts are not a part of the final cost or that, as you say here, "her company paid for it so what difference does it make." I wonder if you feel the same when the government wastes money on influence peddling. Why is it OK when business passes the costs onto you and not OK at all when government does the same thing? Or is your avatar a fake and you are a member of the "Looney Left"?

And yet, miraculously, the consumer will never abosrb the cost of increased corporate taxes.

How does that work?

Another massive pile of leftist bile. I'd love to see the racial breakdown of a study like this.

Bottom line; poorer families would rather eat crap that makes them fat than eat healthier foods. But I'm sure Obamacare will change all this and bring down black obesity rates. :: wink wink ::

By the way, $40,000 in Mississippi buys a hell of a lot versus what it will get you in NYC or LA. Of course, gullible fools who read crap like this are too stupid to comprehend that much.
Wrong! I thought a capitalist jackass like yourself would know that there is no such thing as a free lunch, dinner or martini, since the costs of such amenities and company benefits are actually passed down the line to the rest of us in higher costs for everything we buy. We the consumers pay for all the ads, lobbyists, promotions, foreign government bribes, and all other costs internal and external associated with bringing a product to market. All the products we buy today cost more because of all the added costs that go into the production of those products. Any one who has an avatar that depicts the "Looney Left" should at least have better sense than to pretend that such added costs as promotions and other lobbying efforts are not a part of the final cost or that, as you say here, "her company paid for it so what difference does it make." I wonder if you feel the same when the government wastes money on influence peddling. Why is it OK when business passes the costs onto you and not OK at all when government does the same thing? Or is your avatar a fake and you are a member of the "Looney Left"?

The answer to your bolded part is simple. The reason it is okay for businesses to pass on their costs is because it is a part of the product or service they are providing in a market at a price the consumer is willing to pay. Consumers are not being forced to pay that cost but rather have the choice.

Government, on the other hand, does not produce anything for the most part and anything it does must be paid for through involuntary forceful extraction of those funds from those who earn it.

But I dont expect a gullible Marxist moron who describes people as capital jackasses to comprehend that vast difference or anything else for that matter. I also would not expect Marxist morons to comprehend that a larger cost to society are all the taxes, lawsuits and regulations that are added to those costs that super exceed the costs of production and advertising.
Another massive pile of leftist bile. I'd love to see the racial breakdown of a study like this.

Bottom line; poorer families would rather eat crap that makes them fat than eat healthier foods. But I'm sure Obamacare will change all this and bring down black obesity rates. :: wink wink ::

By the way, $40,000 in Mississippi buys a hell of a lot versus what it will get you in NYC or LA. Of course, gullible fools who read crap like this are too stupid to comprehend that much.

You must be the board racist or are there others here who are as overtly racist as you are? How does it feel to be a bigot and have everyone know it? Do you wear that pointy cap and gown in public or only while posting behind your computer?
The answer to your bolded part is simple. The reason it is okay for businesses to pass on their costs is because it is a part of the product or service they are providing in a market at a price the consumer is willing to pay. Consumers are not being forced to pay that cost but rather have the choice.

Government, on the other hand, does not produce anything for the most part and anything it does must be paid for through involuntary forceful extraction of those funds from those who earn it.

But I dont expect a gullible Marxist moron who describes people as capital jackasses to comprehend that vast difference or anything else for that matter. I also would not expect Marxist morons to comprehend that a larger cost to society are all the taxes, lawsuits and regulations that are added to those costs that super exceed the costs of production and advertising.

Yes, all of that plus... the company is calculating the costs of promoting the company vs. expanded business and revenue.

It they calculate well, they will succeed. If they calculate poorly, the market will eradicate them.

The government makes no such calculations....they just take. And they do nil to expand the company and enhance revenues.

Basically the difference between a partner and a vampire bat.
The answer to your bolded part is simple. The reason it is okay for businesses to pass on their costs is because it is a part of the product or service they are providing in a market at a price the consumer is willing to pay. Consumers are not being forced to pay that cost but rather have the choice.

Government, on the other hand, does not produce anything for the most part and anything it does must be paid for through involuntary forceful extraction of those funds from those who earn it.

But I dont expect a gullible Marxist moron who describes people as capital jackasses to comprehend that vast difference or anything else for that matter. I also would not expect Marxist morons to comprehend that a larger cost to society are all the taxes, lawsuits and regulations that are added to those costs that super exceed the costs of production and advertising.

It's too bad that you have no idea how or why governments were instituted! People such as yourself who can't read or copy a simple construction such as "capitalist jackass" correctly should probably refrain from ranting about how stupid other people are. Pharmaceutical companies spend more on advertising than they do on research and development. Certainly far more than they do on any other aspect of their business.
You must be the board racist or are there others here who are as overtly racist as you are? How does it feel to be a bigot and have everyone know it? Do you wear that pointy cap and gown in public or only while posting behind your computer?

No I am not a racist. But because you are an incredibly dense uninformed moron around high school age, you are clueless what racist means and hurl it about like the brain dead dullard that you are.

Now take that tin foil hat you wear and shove it where the sun doesn't shine and get a clue.
