states where the most people go hungry

I think there's true love between Darla and Superfreak.

Darla: You are an arrogant *sshole.

SF: You are a selfish b*tch.

Darla: I love you

SF: I love you more

Darla: F me Superfreak!
But they will suffer all the problems that come with obesity - diabetes, heart issues, etc. So they will die sooner.

They are obese because cheap food is high calorie food in many cases; as the article says

So why do you want poor people to die sooner from low quality food and all the associated problems?

(And PLEASE, Annie - don't weigh in again about how you always made healthy choices on a very low budget and how perfect you and your kids are, ok? Tired of that story. )

For liberals being the kings of nanny laws, surprised you have not implemented a law that bans the use of EBT cards at fast food joints and the purchase of soda's with it.
Love Christie's article; and reposting my post 104:

It is obvious from the Op that many poor people are NOT finding healthy cheap food.

This can be for many reasons:
> they don't have time/car/gas to shop around to different supermarkets to find the cheapest food they can
> Their local market carries mainly frozen items with a few pitiful groceries
> Farmer's market is too far away/open when they're at work/or pricey
> They may not know how to prepare meals from fresh ingredients
> They may not have the time to cook meals - if they have kids, a couple jobs, commuting by bus, sick relatives, whatever
> When you have hungry kids, feeding them the dollar menu from the local fast food store can just be the easiest thing to do.
> they don't like oatmeal, lentils, etc

Being poor is TIRING, folks. We've posted on that before. Cheap calories are easy calories.

And oddly - those of you who think poor people should just find more nutritious foods at a cheaper rate - are you advocating a massive outreach educational program to reach people? Remember my article about nurses going into the tenements in the late 1800s/1900s and how that helped reduce child mortality?

If we set up visiting nutritionists to go to the house of people on SNAP or other food programs, to work with them on shopping and feeding the family - I bet that would make a difference. Are you all willing to fund that?

Remember, people get hit with messages from advertising all over the place - just eat a Subway sandwich! Get a burger from Burger King! you'll be just like all the pretty people who are eating here! And look! A cheap Pizza Hut pan pizza! Stretch your food dollar!

Where are the ads educating all of us - not just poor people - on how to eat healthy? I know having the calories of foods on fast food menus has made a difference for me; I rarely go to fast food places, but the last time I did, seeing the calories on the burger made me NOT get any fries. And yet look how that simple change was fought!

SF, do you have a family? Do you take a bus to work? Do you work a couple part time jobs? If not, you don't know what it's like trying to get everyone fed cheaply and on time.

Total lack of empathy. And a total lack of solutions.
Eat less? That is pretty subjective.

Given that those same states are some of the most obese... something not quite right with your survey.

There's nothing wrong with the survey. Most people who eat less so they can feed their children know they are doing it. The fact is that poor people are more likely to be unhealthy and obese because they get most of their calories from unhealthy combinations of what passes for food in this society. In the first place, many poor people try to make their food dollars go further by shopping at places like Wal-Mart which doesn't even carry fresh fruits and vegetables. Yes, I think they have fruits and vegetables but they are not fresh and most of the food that poor people eat consists of things like hamburger helper made from cheap and fatty hamburger and cheap and carbohydrate loaded macaroni. Days on this diet or something equally unhealthy is not good for anyone and staves bodies of the nutrients and minerals that we all need to survive. In addition, poor people are also deprived of adequate health care and are generally unhealthy and suffer from other ailments including diabetes and other ailments associated with a poor diet. If you had ever dealt with the poor or been poor yourself, you might have some sense of what it actually means to be poor, but since you lack empathy, you find it easy to cast judgement of others from your position of white privilege. It's too bad you have all the answers for everyone. Perhaps you should find some solutions for what you yourself lack. It goes far beyond calories and dietary choices.
except that is nonsense... you can get cheap food that is good for you. Oatmeal, eggs, protein powder, bananas, lettuce... all inexpensive. Yes, some fruits and some veggies are not cheap when fresh.

The myth that you cannot eat well and inexpensively needs to die.

Well tell me wise one just what kind of diet is "oatmeal, eggs, protein powder, bananas, lettuce" and how is that balanced in the least. Doesn't one need milk for oatmeal and since when is protein powder cheap? And since when can it be purchased with food stamps? I would love for you to live on $200 a month or $50 dollars a week for food which is what a person on food stamps gets in my state. I bet you could eat like a king on that slim amount: filet mignon, fresh Alaskan salmon and veal and lamb. Not to mention at least one rack of prime rib per month! With all your expertise you shouldn't have to eat two breakfasts a day and a head of lettuce. Stretch out, spend a little, eat well. You can do it on half that $200 allotment. The idea that all of this costs money is just a myth!
Here we have it folks... all these 'caring' liberals making excuses for people not eating healthy. They could care less about the health of the individual. They could care less that obesity is a serious problem. They could care less that is a large part of why our health care costs continue to skyrocket. They just want to make excuses for why people are overweight. Very telling.

This is rich, the man without empathy (apologies to Robert Musil) chastising others for their purported lack of empathy. Just what have you done to educate poor people in how to eat healthy besides post such blather on a message board mostly peopled by the wealthy and privileged? How many poor people do you think have gym memberships and can avail themselves of preventive medical care? I bet you completely support Obama's health care reforms too, don't you? You must, because you care so much about the health of poor people; you must want them to have the best health care money can buy don't you?
the states where the most Americans go hungry is the united states.
Just more Americans providing entertainment and laughs for people in other countries where socially government is taken seriously. LOL
funny how it is you that inserts all the hostility.

Pointing out that she is propagating a myth and giving her examples of how people can eat healthy gets me what? Oh yeah, more condescending bullshit from you. Along with your rage and hostility. Very telling indeed.

Why do you hate them so much that you think education on the topic is bad for them?

I'm still waiting for you to tell me how many meals of oatmeal (or gruel) you suggest poor people eat every day, Mr Sqeers!
I will attempt to mansplain things for you...

You have used this craven formulation a couple of other times on this thread. Do you really think that such patronizing and paternalistic chauvinism endears you to others? Do you think that your ignorant formulation is anything less than rude and misogynistic? Why would one deliberately choose to be so banal and superficial? Perhaps they should just eat cake, right Marie?
When the corpses start piling up in the streets, will you pay your taxes that go to pay the street cleaners to shovel up dead American bodies when they start to smell too bad to ignore anymore?

I have a hunch the rest of the world doesn't really give a fuck.
It will at least keep your bombers out of the ME.
I paid 15 bucks a martini last night, and I took a client to dinner...she ordered an 85 dollar entree, and everything was ala carte, so it was another 10 for her baked potato. Some overpriced steak house, you know the kind guys like SF frequent in between lectures about oatmeal. As a vegetarian I was a bit shocked at the bill, I can tell you that. And all I had was a salad and grilled aspargus. Imagine if I had ordered an entree! I don't understand people who frequent these kinds of places, I have far more eclectic tastes, but that's NY for you I guess, and it was her request.

Are you bragging or complaining?
typical woman... ignoring the actual content of the comment and instead trying to nitpick.

Wow! What patronizing, condescending drivel!

You revel in your misogyny don't you?

Do you have anything besides name-calling and woman bashing?

It seems to me if you had a point and were secure in your own masculinity that you might be able to carry on a conversation with nearly anyone without mentioning or bringing their gender into the conversation. That you can't seem to do that and instead revel in your crude willingness to make any and all kinds of gender slurs instead of debating the issue shows that not only do you have little or no respect for women, and I suppose as Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois and others have pointed out probably also applies to other minorities, but you really have no respect for yourself or how you might look to others. It's sad to watch a man with no self-awareness, pride or even respect for himself make a fool out of himself in public like this. As Bobby "Blue" Bland said: "I pity the fool!"
Grrr. Cereal prices have gotten me outraged for years. Why did something that used to be cheap when I was a kid get so freaking expensive? What changed? I think the mark ups are outrageous.

I would never buy boxed cereal it's mostly grease, sugar and air packaged to make it appear as if it is good for you. You'd be better served to buy multiple-vitamins and throw all such processed food out! It is the absolute worst!
How many meals of oatmeal are you suggesting poor people eat everyday, hummmmm?

$200 a

Oatmeal.....ONE SERVING EVERY quart a day 50 bucks.....nutritious and healthy............AND CHEAP....then a good ham sandwich for dinner.....but it'll cost you ...lets see....6 lbs of ham...36 bucks and 4 loaves of bread....12 you have enough money left over for cigarettes and beer if you don't over do them.

If you want variety, have the oatmeal for dinner and the ham for breakfast....omit the beer and get 3 dozen eggs for for 10 bucks

thats 125 dollars a month for food, give or take.......

If you want butter and salt and pepper.....get a god damn job to fill you spare time.