states where the most people go hungry

Pharmaceutical companies spend more on advertising than they do on research and development. Certainly far more than they do on any other aspect of their business.

Didn't read your link because the premise is absurd out-of-hand.

Pharma spends fortunes developing compounds to get them to market. About 1 out of every 100 compounds patented makes it to market, so the roughly 99% of failed compounds represent huge losses in R&D. Now, Pharma may spend more money on advertising the compound/product that actually MADE IT TO MARKET than they spent on R&D for that product....and that has a lot to do with recouping the losses of all of the failed compounds.

I bought stock in a pharma named Isis way back in 1999. Their first product hit the market this year. So tell me, what exactly were they advertising all of those years? They didn't have a single product on the market. Oh, and who was bankrolling this research for Isis all of those years? Yes, that's right; Big Pharma.

Do you know how long it takes to get a product through FDA testing to the market?

Do you know how long the patent for the compound lasts?

Did you know those patents expire, and only leave the company a window of about 8 to 10 years to recoup R&D costs for that drug, plus the accompanying 99 failed compounds, and make a profit, before the generics hit the market?

Do you know how to speak through any hole other than your ass?
It's too bad that you have no idea how or why governments were instituted! People such as yourself who can't read or copy a simple construction such as "capitalist jackass" correctly should probably refrain from ranting about how stupid other people are. Pharmaceutical companies spend more on advertising than they do on research and development. Certainly far more than they do on any other aspect of their business.

It's even sadder still how ignorant you are of the purposeful limitations on Government contained in our constitution in an effort to ensure your liberties and ability to pursue your dreams and ambitions without an overbearing Government preventing them. Oh wait, you're an incredibly uninformed dullard with no more ambition than a lemming wanting to become a brain dead ward of the state. How silly of me to have confused you for someone with a brain.

Yes, all of that plus... the company is calculating the costs of promoting the company vs. expanded business and revenue.

It they calculate well, they will succeed. If they calculate poorly, the market will eradicate them.

The government makes no such calculations....they just take. And they do nil to expand the company and enhance revenues.

Basically the difference between a partner and a vampire bat.

Bravo; you actually get it unlike the brain dead Big Government dullards who also think the Constitution should be used for toilet paper.
Yes, all of that plus... the company is calculating the costs of promoting the company vs. expanded business and revenue.

It they calculate well, they will succeed. If they calculate poorly, the market will eradicate them.

The government makes no such calculations....they just take. And they do nil to expand the company and enhance revenues.

Basically the difference between a partner and a vampire bat.

Who do you think employs the thousands of lobbyists who populate Washington D.C. and the environs with $50,000 a month retainers, making it the richest economic metropolitan area in America. Why do you think such massive amounts are spent to buy the services of former Senators and Congressmen. Who do you think runs the damn government in this country. If you think it is "the people" or anything resembling "the people" you are delusional! Who benefits from the food stamp program; those who get the stamps or the employers who pay benefit from externalizing the cost of the reproduction of production onto those who like yourself pay the taxes that support the externalities that businesses through their lobbyists and their control of the government foist off on the not-so-bright people such as yourself who then blame the government for all the nations ills. Not stopping to think whose interests the government is serving because you are too small minded to get beyond your wrong headed hated of the government without spending a minute to reason through who is rationalizing the process of government to what ends.
No I am not a racist. But because you are an incredibly dense uninformed moron around high school age, you are clueless what racist means and hurl it about like the brain dead dullard that you are.

Now take that tin foil hat you wear and shove it where the sun doesn't shine and get a clue.


WOW! "Moron," that does sound like a term that most people in high school use alright; but you're the one using it. And sorry about your denial but But "I'm sure Obamacare will change all this and bring down black obesity rates. :: wink wink :: Is blatantly and overtly racist since Obama care is designed to cover all Americans and there are more obese white people than there are Black people. If you are using racist terms and constructions and then pretending that it is cute, you are a racist. You can twist that anyway you want. But it is what it is. Live with it! You're just another conservative who thinks that the Black man has his hand ion your wallet because Black people have so much power in this country that they control the government and the "Liberal Media." Blah, blah, blah! Find another fool to sell this tripe to!
Cooking chicken breasts in oven: Time depends on size of it; when I cook a 1 pound chicken breast in the oven, I do 350 oven for 40 to 45 min.

Cooking much less than that and you're risking food poisoning.

If you fry it, it takes less time.

If you cut into small pieces, will take less time.

If you do slow-cooked chicken in salsa, it takes 6 to 8 hours in the crock pot. Delicious; I serve it like quesadillas (in a tortilla grilled on a skillet)
WOW! "Moron," that does sound like a term that most people in high school use alright; but you're the one using it. And sorry about your denial but But "I'm sure Obamacare will change all this and bring down black obesity rates. :: wink wink :: Is blatantly and overtly racist since Obama care is designed to cover all Americans and there are more obese white people than there are Black people. If you are using racist terms and constructions and then pretending that it is cute, you are a racist. You can twist that anyway you want. But it is what it is. Live with it! You're just another conservative who thinks that the Black man has his hand ion your wallet because Black people have so much power in this country that they control the government and the "Liberal Media." Blah, blah, blah! Find anotheOr fool to sell this tripe to!

Look up the definition of racism assclown before you make yourself look more ignorant than you already have.

You're beyond mere moron.
Cooking chicken breasts in oven: Time depends on size of it; when I cook a 1 pound chicken breast in the oven, I do 350 oven for 40 to 45 min.

Cooking much less than that and you're risking food poisoning.

If you fry it, it takes less time.

If you cut into small pieces, will take less time.

If you do slow-cooked chicken in salsa, it takes 6 to 8 hours in the crock pot. Delicious; I serve it like quesadillas (in a tortilla grilled on a skillet)

How do you pound chicken breast in the oven?

By the way, you can undercook chicken and not risk bacteria. The bacteria resides between the skin and the chicken, not "within the chicken.". Bacteria grows on the exterior of meat, not the interior.
Who do you think employs the thousands of lobbyists who populate Washington D.C. and the environs with $50,000 a month retainers, making it the richest economic metropolitan area in America. Why do you think such massive amounts are spent to buy the services of former Senators and Congressmen. Who do you think runs the damn government in this country. If you think it is "the people" or anything resembling "the people" you are delusional! Who benefits from the food stamp program; those who get the stamps or the employers who pay benefit from externalizing the cost of the reproduction of production onto those who like yourself pay the taxes that support the externalities that businesses through their lobbyists and their control of the government foist off on the not-so-bright people such as yourself who then blame the government for all the nations ills. Not stopping to think whose interests the government is serving because you are too small minded to get beyond your wrong headed hated of the government without spending a minute to reason through who is rationalizing the process of government to what ends.

If anyone is serious about the elimination of lobbyists in Washington, here are the only ways to ensure that; all others are mere window dressing:

(1) institute a two term limit on Senators and a three term limit on House Representatives
(2) abolish the current abomination of a tax code and supplant it with The Fair Tax or a flat tax.
(3) abolish all Federal subsidies.
Cooking chicken breasts in oven: Time depends on size of it; when I cook a 1 pound chicken breast in the oven, I do 350 oven for 40 to 45 min.

Cooking much less than that and you're risking food poisoning.

If you fry it, it takes less time.

If you cut into small pieces, will take less time.

If you do slow-cooked chicken in salsa, it takes 6 to 8 hours in the crock pot. Delicious; I serve it like quesadillas (in a tortilla grilled on a skillet)
Cooking chicken breasts in oven: Time depends on size of it; when I cook a 1 pound chicken breast in the oven, I do 350 oven for 40 to 45 min.

Cooking much less than that and you're risking food poisoning.

If you fry it, it takes less time.

If you cut into small pieces, will take less time.

If you do slow-cooked chicken in salsa, it takes 6 to 8 hours in the crock pot. Delicious; I serve it like quesadillas (in a tortilla grilled on a skillet)

Yeah, chicken breast, 45 mins in the oven. These fools will argue over anything. Maybe they fry it, maybe they bbq it, maybe it takes less time in some sort of foreman grill or something. But if you are baking chicken breasts, you are cooking them for 45 mins, at least.

People have to realize what happened here. Someone came in and kicked Superfreak around and Cawacko and Billy and the rest of them all went into a panic. Superfreak is a God-like creature to the other conservatards. He's a rare creature - a conservatard, who after 6 practice runs, scored a 102 on an IQ test. That's a triple-digiter! So they all look up to him and gaze in wide wonder.

They had to respond with something. "OH yeah, well I can cook chicken in 4 minutes so there!" is as good as anything else they can come up with I guess.

Believe me, they are just dumb enough to eat a chicken breast that's been baked for 9 minutes.
Leave it to you to call being exhausted from actually working "convenience".

Leave it to you to pretend they can only be happy if they have a big mac.

Also... you continue to pretend that somehow they will spend less time by going to a fast food place. If they are these single parents with two jobs, what are the odds they have a vehicle? You also pretend that no one in the house is capable of doing anything except for the single parent. You just continue to show you have no fucking clue what their lives are like and you look down upon them with your preconceived notions.
not if you work at it.
very easy not to do so though, and just not take the time or energy. or money to travel around to different stores, or stock up on sales....

Staying alive AND well, if it was so easy, why is our society grossly not so? (rhetorical - you can answer or not)

Because for the most part we are lazy.
Leave it to you to pretend they can only be happy if they have a big mac.

Also... you continue to pretend that somehow they will spend less time by going to a fast food place. If they are these single parents with two jobs, what are the odds they have a vehicle? You also pretend that no one in the house is capable of doing anything except for the single parent. You just continue to show you have no fucking clue what their lives are like and you look down upon them with your preconceived notions.

Wow! What patronizing, condescending drivel!

You revel in your misogyny don't you?

Do you have anything besides name-calling and woman bashing?

You are new to the board... I am poking fun at a friend I have known for about ten years...

It seems to me if you had a point and were secure in your own masculinity that you might be able to carry on a conversation with nearly anyone without mentioning or bringing their gender into the conversation. That you can't seem to do that and instead revel in your crude willingness to make any and all kinds of gender slurs instead of debating the issue shows that not only do you have little or no respect for women, and I suppose as Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois and others have pointed out probably also applies to other minorities, but you really have no respect for yourself or how you might look to others. It's sad to watch a man with no self-awareness, pride or even respect for himself make a fool out of himself in public like this. As Bobby "Blue" Bland said: "I pity the fool!"

You are new, so I understand how that looked to someone who doesn't know the players on the board.