So you mimic the same stupidity as Zymurgy as if that makes it palatable?
All your BS is just that....BS! A smoke screen to attempt to hide the fact that neither you or you compadres can logically or factually fault Stewart's take down of Dahm's rhetoric.
Let me poke a few holes in that gun monkey hot air balloon of yours with a few simple questions; in your lifetime, have you ever been denied the right to buy a handgun, shotgun, rifle (revolver , bolt action or semi-auto) of various caliber? If so, were ALL alternatives to your choice denied, thus depriving you of your 2nd Amendment rights? And if you're old enough, were you denied the rights of the aforementioned even during the AWB from 1994 to 2004? Or when the Brady Bill was enacted to law in 1993? And in your life time, was there ever a proposal on the House floor to BAN ALL CIVILIAN WEAPONS, RESCIND/NULLIFY THE 2ND AMENDMENT OR CONFISCATE LEGALLY PURCHASED WEAPONS? And if so, did it have support by a sizable number of Democratic congressmen?
If yes to any of those questions, then please supply DOCUMENTED FACTS to show that (NOT your opinion, supposition or conjecture). If no, then spare us all more BS, smoke blowing and foot stomping. Carry on.