Stewart stomps pro-gun rhetoric.

he is a copy and paste guy. he thinks posting links to videos is all he needs to do

might as well just call him CtrlC_CtrlV

the chronology of the posts here makes your little circle jerk with the Uncensored sore loser of 2008 a blatant lie. Carry on, :orang:
If you're going to pick up the gauntlet for your equally intellectually impotent/dishonest compadres, try to do better. I mean, your little diatribe is just chock full of accusations, innuendos, generalized historical revisionism with a heavy dose of supposition/conjectured clap trap.

In short, you've got're talking loud and saying nothing. Your buddy didn't have jack doodle to refute Stewart in the OP....neither do you.

But do continue to blow smoke....for someone not interested in the OP or what I say, you sure waste a LOT of time and space. Get some therapy.

There is an old quip - "God created man, Sam Colt made them equal."

And that is the real issue with you fascists. Firearms empower the masses, but that's not the worst of it, firearms EMBOLDEN the masses to believe themselves the equal of the ruling elite, And THAT, you will not abide.

You have little care for the life of a peasant, but a peasant thinking himself the equal to the captains and kings of your party? That must be put down, and put down hard.
Gun Monkey's and MAGA trolls seldom (if ever) "see" anything outside of what they believe. You keep running to the defense of your brethren, yet NONE of you can logically or factually fault Stewart in the OP.

Now, run-a-long and continue your bluff and bluster. Strangely entertaining.

Link to a post where YOU have made any sort of argument supporting your demand to end civil rights? Not a video by one of the Oligarchs that rule your party - but an argument you have presented?

You can't - you've never made an argument - you just bleat admiration for your Reich.
In the last 25 years, one of the mass shootings with formerly banned assault weapons happened in high crime urban areas ... nor were they committed by career criminals ... nor were the majority perpetrators black, hispanic or asian.

Deal with it.

In the last 25 years, which killed more "children" under 18, AR15's or fentanyl? No fair?

Okay, have AR15's killed more children in 25 years than fentanyl did in 2022 alone?

Yet you fascists demand that civil rights be ended - whilst also demanding the border remain open to allow this poison to flow freely,

Yes I know, democrats get kickbacks from the cartels...
So you mimic the same stupidity as Zymurgy as if that makes it palatable? :rolleyes:

All your BS is just that....BS! A smoke screen to attempt to hide the fact that neither you or you compadres can logically or factually fault Stewart's take down of Dahm's rhetoric.

Let me poke a few holes in that gun monkey hot air balloon of yours with a few simple questions; in your lifetime, have you ever been denied the right to buy a handgun, shotgun, rifle (revolver , bolt action or semi-auto) of various caliber? If so, were ALL alternatives to your choice denied, thus depriving you of your 2nd Amendment rights? And if you're old enough, were you denied the rights of the aforementioned even during the AWB from 1994 to 2004? Or when the Brady Bill was enacted to law in 1993? And in your life time, was there ever a proposal on the House floor to BAN ALL CIVILIAN WEAPONS, RESCIND/NULLIFY THE 2ND AMENDMENT OR CONFISCATE LEGALLY PURCHASED WEAPONS? And if so, did it have support by a sizable number of Democratic congressmen?

If yes to any of those questions, then please supply DOCUMENTED FACTS to show that (NOT your opinion, supposition or conjecture). If no, then spare us all more BS, smoke blowing and foot stomping. Carry on.

Denied to buy?

What does that mean?

I live in the Democratic Socialist Peoples Republic of California, under Kim Jong Newsom. I am denied the right to buy an AR15 that isn't functionally disabled.

The ultimate GOAL of the fascist left is the disarmament of the populace.

An armed population cannot be ruled.
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:palm: Please link to the Constitutional Amendment, State or Federal law that says in no uncertain terms that any weapons used by law enforcement is allowed to be owned and used by civilians.

The reading audience awaits.
the constitution enumerates their powers, not my rights

back to 4th grade civics with ya
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
If you're going to pick up the gauntlet for your equally intellectually impotent/dishonest compadres, try to do better. I mean, your little diatribe is just chock full of accusations, innuendos, generalized historical revisionism with a heavy dose of supposition/conjectured clap trap.

In short, you've got're talking loud and saying nothing. Your buddy didn't have jack doodle to refute Stewart in the OP....neither do you.

But do continue to blow smoke....for someone not interested in the OP or what I say, you sure waste a LOT of time and space. Get some therapy.

There is an old quip - "God created man, Sam Colt made them equal."

And that is the real issue with you fascists. Firearms empower the masses, but that's not the worst of it, firearms EMBOLDEN the masses to believe themselves the equal of the ruling elite, And THAT, you will not abide.

You have little care for the life of a peasant, but a peasant thinking himself the equal to the captains and kings of your party? That must be put down, and put down hard.

1. That's nice....doesn't change the FACT that Dahm's gun monkey rhetoric was flatly deconstructed by Stewart for all (rational, logical, honest) to see. But if we all time travel back over 100 years, your little quip will REALLY be a hit!

2. The rest of your paranoia laden gun monkey rhetoric is just the usual MAGA playbook....when you can't refute something you just blather baseless supposition and conjecture coupled with personal attacks. Sad.

My previous response stands valid. Again, for someone not interested in the OP or what I say, you sure waste a LOT of time and space. Get some therapy.

You will not be allowed to defend yourself from the new Mandarin Class that runs the planet now, and your opinion will not be required.
Bret and Heather were once strong gun control advocates, but now that it has become clear that the Regime is Evil and is dissolving our ability to understand and confront this Evil they have changed their minds. As have I, I flipped my views on gun regulations about a decade ago.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Gun Monkey's and MAGA trolls seldom (if ever) "see" anything outside of what they believe. You keep running to the defense of your brethren, yet NONE of you can logically or factually fault Stewart in the OP.

Now, run-a-long and continue your bluff and bluster. Strangely entertaining.

Link to a post where YOU have made any sort of argument supporting your demand to end civil rights? Not a video by one of the Oligarchs that rule your party - but an argument you have presented?

You can't - you've never made an argument - you just bleat admiration for your Reich.

Well my little gun monkey, since I (nor Stewart in the OP video) have NEVER advocated "to end civil rights", your request is pure paranoid that gun monkey's use to interpret ANY logical or factual proposal/argument for gun control....ESPECIALLY when they have no logical or rational retort/refutation.

Your self aggrandizing bluff and bluster is pointless in lieu of the chronology of the posts. But insipid stubbornness is a MAGA mook/gun monkey trait. Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
In the last 25 years, none of the mass shootings with formerly banned assault weapons happened in high crime urban areas ... nor were they committed by career criminals ... nor were the majority perpetrators black, hispanic or asian.

Deal with it.

In the last 25 years, which killed more "children" under 18, AR15's or fentanyl? No fair?

Okay, have AR15's killed more children in 25 years than fentanyl did in 2022 alone?

Yet you fascists demand that civil rights be ended - whilst also demanding the border remain open to allow this poison to flow freely,

Yes I know, democrats get kickbacks from the cartels...

Oh, I's a number's game! So tell us all, my little gun many kids have to die in mass shootings with formerly banned weapons before your ilk acknowledges the need to bring back an AWB law? Number of adults? Both? Come, come now. A facetious comparison of ILLEGAL drug purchases to LEGALLY purchased guns with regards to civilian deaths....your trolling skills are deplorable.

Get it together, son. You've bitten off more than you can chew and subsequently look foolish.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So you mimic the same stupidity as Zymurgy as if that makes it palatable?

All your BS is just that....BS! A smoke screen to attempt to hide the fact that neither you or you compadres can logically or factually fault Stewart's take down of Dahm's rhetoric.

Let me poke a few holes in that gun monkey hot air balloon of yours with a few simple questions; in your lifetime, have you ever been denied the right to buy a handgun, shotgun, rifle (revolver , bolt action or semi-auto) of various caliber? If so, were ALL alternatives to your choice denied, thus depriving you of your 2nd Amendment rights? And if you're old enough, were you denied the rights of the aforementioned even during the AWB from 1994 to 2004? Or when the Brady Bill was enacted to law in 1993? And in your life time, was there ever a proposal on the House floor to BAN ALL CIVILIAN WEAPONS, RESCIND/NULLIFY THE 2ND AMENDMENT OR CONFISCATE LEGALLY PURCHASED WEAPONS? And if so, did it have support by a sizable number of Democratic congressmen?

If yes to any of those questions, then please supply DOCUMENTED FACTS to show that (NOT your opinion, supposition or conjecture). If no, then spare us all more BS, smoke blowing and foot stomping. Carry on.

Denied to buy?

What does that mean?

I live in the Democratic People Republic of California, under Kim Jong Newsom. I am denied the right to buy an AR15 that isn't functionally disabled.

The ultimate GOAL of the fascist left is the disarmament of the populace.

An armed population cannot be ruled.

Just to remove your final BS dodge:

The consistent bleat by you gun monkeys, the gun manufacturers' whores in Congress and LaPierre's lap dogs is that any gun regulation proposal denies Constitutional rights and part of your "freedoms".

Hence the focus of my previous questions.

But if you're too ignorant regarding the very basis for why you're here attempting to discredit Stewart and shore up Dahm, then I suggest you spend to time off line to bone up on the issue. That way, you won't as stupid as you do now as you try to hide your blunder is pointless gun monkey rhetoric.

Oh and for the reading audience interested in clarity. California law states that if you purchased an Ar-15 (style) weapon prior to new law implementation, it's exempt from the new laws in 2022. But as always, gun enthusiast, manufacturer sycophants and usual anti-gov't paranoids can get around such laws: California compliant AR-15,Thumbhole stock

This DOES NOT prevent our resident gun monkey's from purchasing the rest of the hand guns, shot guns rifles (bolt action, revolver, semi-auto) available

So it seems our resident gun monkey doesn't have the intellectual honesty or information to answer the previous posts questions.

Uncensored :orang: from 2008 - Zero

Taichiliberal - 100%
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Please link to the Constitutional Amendment, State or Federal law that says in no uncertain terms that any weapons used by law enforcement is allowed to be owned and used by civilians.

The reading audience awaits.

the constitution enumerates their powers, not my rights

back to 4th grade civics with ya

PLEASE STOP TRYING TO BE just makes you look even more stupid than you are.

Then WTF is the 2nd Amendment you gun monkeys are always screeching about? Are you NOW saying that is NOT a guarantee of your RIGHT to buy/own guns? If that's the case, then Dahm's entire stance is bogus, as is your defense of him.

Got that bunky? You just defeated your own argument. :palm:

Now get sober, get some sleep and come back tomorrow with an answer to the previous challenge. If not, spare us all more of your gun monkey madness.
Comedian/Actor/Advocate & Activist Jon Stewart does a BEAUTIFUL job of systematically deconstructing and debunking the standard mantras and rhetoric used by "2nd Amendment" purists to defend resisting any gun control regulations.

Sen. Nathan Dahm (R-OK) uses EVERY talking point and "logic" that we've seen for YEARS on this site by "pro-gun, 2nd Amendment advocates. Stewart does in less than 10 minutes what I and others have been doing for years here...using facts and logic to directly challenge the rhetoric. Pity NONE of our political representatives do EXACTLY like this in Congress. Enjoy.

You do no such thing. What you do is put words in other people's mouths and then argue against yourself.
My history on this site, let alone on this thread belies your first sentence.
Blatant lie.
The second part of your little screed is pathetic...your very presence on this thread belies your first statement, and makes your second assertion a joke.
Blatant lie.
Also, it would be fascinating for you to logically explain to the reading audience how one "pimps" the "war on civil rights"
... let alone what "civil right" are you referring to?
The right to vote?
The right to equal representation under the law?
The right of choice of personal medical procedure?
Blatant lie.
Assorted handguns, shotguns, rifles of various caliber (revolver, bolt action, semi-auto) are at your disposal, thus fulfilling the application of the 2nd Amendment.
Blatant lie.
So obviously, your claim does not refer to that. If it does, again please explain.
Your last sentence is a pitiful attempt to avoid the fact you cannot logically or factually refute how Stewart dismantles Dahm's statements....the very same parroted drivel folk like you have and are bound to repeat here. You only convince the fool you see in the mirror and like minded trolls like ITN (who I have on ignore, as he is too ridiculous a troll to waste time and space on).
Bulverism fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
So, you can repeat your bluff and bluster or actually debate the issue with facts and logic. Your move.
You deny and discard logic.
Learn what 'fact' means. It does NOT mean 'Universal Truth'.
Wow, you just gave probably the most piss poor attempt to cover your inability to factually/logically refute the drubbing Stewart gave Dahm. I've made my position(s) plain on this thread, much less this site over the years. Intellectually impotent and dishonest MAGA trolls like you just blow smoke and have hissy fits before circling jerking on your saying nothing but talking loud.

Now you can waste time repeating your silliness or you can debate the issue (you know, tell us how and why Stewart is wrong). If you choose the former, you'll be ignored, the latter you'll be engaged. Carry on.

Argument of the Stone fallacy. Bulverism fallacy. Argument of the Stick fallacy. MAGA isn't a person.