Stewart stomps pro-gun rhetoric.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So far, you haven't discussed any of the major topics from the OP. Perhaps you can explain to the reading audience what progressive official proposal's regarding gun control are "illogical". We'll wait.

so far the only thing you've ever been able to do is rely on debunked talking points and irrational throwback labels to avoid the reality of you being wrong. you're dismissed

And there you have it, dear readers. A direct question to our cowardly Oather gun monkey just gets a smokescreen in making generalized accusations WITHOUT ANY CONCRETE SUBSTANCE by way of links/references to DOCUMENTED FACTS. Our cowardly Oather gun monkey does not answer the question of giving an explanation as to what progressive official proposal's regarding gun control are "illogical". Given his standard responses in such situations, it's unlikely he ever will. Such is the lot of gun monkey trolls.

Stewart = 100%

:orang: = ZERO.
Originally Posted by Nordberg View Post
A guy shot a 6 yr old her parents and others because a basketball rolled on his property. He was a responsible gun owner until then.

you haven't run anyone over with your car yet, until you do, so turn in your vehicle

another imbecilic comparison by our intellectually deficient & cowardly Oather. Guns are designed to shoot things (targets, animals, people), cars are designed to transport people and items from one point to another. Death from the former fulfills part of it's purpose, but that can be determined by accident (the vast majority proven to be intent). Death from the latter as you describes is an accident unless you can prove intent. Then it's vehicular manslaughter (a rarity).

Now, be a good little gun monkey and repeat yourself while ignoring facts and logic derived from said facts.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
translation: sour grapes from a MAGA gun monkey who can't logically or factually refute or disprove Stewart.

Translation: No one gives a fuck what a washed up bolshevik has to say.

Why do you right wing trolls take all this time and effort to read and respond to posts by people you claim aren't worth reading? If you don't give a fuck, then why post here? Looks like you need to get some therapy about this obsession of yours, toodles.

Now, anything of worth regarding the OP? If not, I'll just put you back on the ignore list.
so now you have an issue with the presumption of innocence?

Originally Posted by Nordberg View Post
A guy shot a 6 yr old her parents and others because a basketball rolled on his property. He was a responsible gun owner until then.

JFC. maybe we just burn the entire Constitution and wipe our ass with the DoI to make you nuts happy?

Stop babbling like a child. Pay attention:
he/it is easily the biggest mouth breather on these forums

Stomping your widdle feet because you don't have the mental capacity to actually debate the issue won't help you. Neither will circle jerking with like minded gun monkey's and MAGA trolls.
Originally Posted by archives View Post
People don’t buy vehicles to kill something, their purpose isn’t to kill something, guns are

so you want government agents on the streets to kill people?

WTF are you babbling about now? Look, if you can't logically or factually refute Stewart in the OP just go away and stop wasting time and space with these lame ass attempts to dodge and/or change the subject.
Why do you right wing trolls take all this time and effort to read and respond to posts by people you claim aren't worth reading? If you don't give a fuck, then why post here? Looks like you need to get some therapy about this obsession of yours, toodles.

Now, anything of worth regarding the OP? If not, I'll just put you back on the ignore list.

I said Jon Stewart isn't worth watching.

And he's not.

No one give a fuck what he has to say. You trot him out because he echoes to the fascist agenda of the shameful democrat party and the war on civil rights.

Podcasts don't have ratings, but Stewart sure isn't Joe Rogan.

Stewart appeals to a tiny audience of extreme Marxists. No one else give a fuck what he thinks.
why would I say something I don't believe?

so are we banning police from having these weapons? military?

you are probably that retard that thinks we can successfully gate keep who gets the weapons

It's not about your beliefs or gun monkey wet dreams, it's about FACTS.

FACT - AR-15 style weapons used by mass shooters in the last 25 years were legally purchased at gun shops/retailers...NOT stolen or bought from other gun owners. Those weapons were formerly on the AWB list from 1994 to 2004. The GOP successfully voted against it reinstatement after a sunset clause enacted.

Your second sentence is a piss poor attempt to inject something into the discussion that NO ONE BUT YOU has suggested. In other words, your trollish attempt to change the subject FAILS.

Since NOTHING I posted suggest such, nor did Stewart in his take down of Dahm, you're just blowing smoke.

Zymurgy the :orang: can't debate the issue rationally, logically or factually.
Originally Posted by archives View Post
Last I looked, there aren’t a whole lot of Gov’t agents walking around killing people, if it there were, it would be pale compared to the fifty thousand Americans dead due to guns

then you're not doing any serious looking. I used to point out at least one every single day, but then most people on here needed to make themselves feel safer by just calling me a cop hater. It seems that the only ones the left are upset about is government agents killing black maybe that's why you don't care about the others.

I get that you'd love to see a peaceful utopia like the san angeles area in demolition man, but that's never going to happen because human nature has a dark side. why you object to decent people being able to protect themselves from those who embrace that dark side is beyond me.

You're a liar, period. Over the years, you only bitched about any law or security official when POS like Oather/Threeper like clowns were nailed committing crimes.

To date you have YET to produce ONE INCIDENT OF "GOV'T AGENTS WALKING AROUND KILLING PEOPLE". And you never will, because you are a lying, cowardly, arm chair blustering Oather/Threeper troll.

Dahm parrots the SOS that all you gun monkey's do. Steward exposed him as just another callous ideologue ... as are you.
well, you have to admit that there are some radical lefties here that complain about some people being killed by non government agents as not getting their due process for committing crimes of attempted rape or murder............almost like it's a lowly civilians duty to submit to violent attacks to ensure the justice system works

:orang: :bs: = SmarterThanYou
These shit-asses that carry today without any license, use their guns as an equalizer to make up for their little dicks!!

They carry their gun, and suddenly their first thought is, "MY DICK JUST GOT 3 INCHES LONGER"!

They are just looking for an excuse to pull their new DICK out and use it!

We saw that several times now, just this week- Yanno? A Black kid rings a GUNTARD'S doorbell, a teen girl mistakenly opens a Guntards' car door, another teen girl pulled into a Guntard's driveway by mistake, and the penalty for all those mistakes was death!


The language Guntards use reinforces these associations at every turn: What are you packing? Cock that pocket rocket. For fuck’s sake, the Pennsylvania church that blessed congregants’ rifles said the Bible prophesied them with the term “rod of iron.”

It really could not be any clearer that they’re talking about erections, and that open-carry proponents basically want the right to expose themselves in public to provoke a reaction. It’s but one instance of this country’s diehard nihilists making the subtext into text, or “saying the quiet part loud,” but damn if it isn’t the most embarrassing of the lot.

It’s hardly worth it to taunt them when they’re this committed to the self-own. Do you see bald midlife crisis guys attaching “SCHLONG” vanity plates to their new Maseratis? No!


While I'm sure this is true for some, I never assumed that it was a general mindset for the vast majority of gun owners. A sense of feeling "just as tough" or "safe" is more the motivation for gun purchases.....extreme or "fringe" reasoning seems to be the problem, and gun manufacturers and their sycophants (retailers, NRA) or more than happy to accommodate ($$).
I encourage you to walk in down town chicago, unarmed, and tell us how safe you felt. especially since you currently have such a warped and illogical/irrational sense of reality.

In the last 25 years, one of the mass shootings with formerly banned assault weapons happened in high crime urban areas ... nor were they committed by career criminals ... nor were the majority perpetrators black, hispanic or asian.

Deal with it.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Why do you right wing trolls take all this time and effort to read and respond to posts by people you claim aren't worth reading? If you don't give a fuck, then why post here? Looks like you need to get some therapy about this obsession of yours, toodles.

Now, anything of worth regarding the OP? If not, I'll just put you back on the ignore list.

I said Jon Stewart isn't worth watching.

And he's not.

No one give a fuck what he has to say. You trot him out because he echoes to the fascist agenda of the shameful democrat party and the war on civil rights.

Podcasts don't have ratings, but Stewart sure isn't Joe Rogan.

Stewart appeals to a tiny audience of extreme Marxists. No one else give a fuck what he thinks.

Point for point response.

1 - The OP doesn't require consistent viewing of Stewarts TV shows or being a fan of his. The OP demonstrates how gun monkey talking points when taken to task do not stand up to the light of day (facts, logic, critical analysis).

2 - See #1.

3 - See my previous post above. Your baseless accusations depend solely on your supposition and conjecture, which has NEVER been a substitute for facts and the logic derived from them.

4 - I wouldn't know and personally don't care. I don't pay for TV. So I'll take your personal preference as that.

5 - Again, your opinion followed by a silly declaration contradicted by the reality of the on-line popularity of this particular clip and YOUR need to comment on something that you may or may not have fully watched.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Stop babbling like a child. Pay attention:

retards argue from emotion. that is all your link is attempting to do

Are you really this dumb or are you just purposely being insipidly obtuse? The link clearly shows the sheer blustering arrogance of Dahm, which did not serve him well despite his version of reality. His words, not mine or the interviewer. Deal with it.

I believe there's an hour long video that has Dahm giving play by play of the entire session with Stewart. If you can find it, let us know ... the rest of that interview must be a riot!