Stewart stomps pro-gun rhetoric.

It's not about your beliefs or gun monkey wet dreams, it's about FACTS.

FACT - AR-15 style weapons used by mass shooters in the last 25 years were legally purchased at gun shops/retailers...NOT stolen or bought from other gun owners. Those weapons were formerly on the AWB list from 1994 to 2004. The GOP successfully voted against it reinstatement after a sunset clause enacted.

Your second sentence is a piss poor attempt to inject something into the discussion that NO ONE BUT YOU has suggested. In other words, your trollish attempt to change the subject FAILS.

Since NOTHING I posted suggest such, nor did Stewart in his take down of Dahm, you're just blowing smoke.

Zymurgy the :orang: can't debate the issue rationally, logically or factually.

you are such a retard. you refuse to answer a simple question - an extremely pertinent question

if those guns are allowed my police, they are allowed by civilians. PERIOD.


you are just a scared child living in a world of adults
Another accusation devoid of facts by another MAGA troll. Pity this joker doesn't have the intellectual cojones to debate the OP issues.

Ending the Constitution and establishing a totalitarian state is the primary objective of the fascist democrats and the left in general.

The foundation of leftism is the premise that all belongs to the state to be used by the rulers of the state as they see fit. Ultimately, socialism is merely feudalism rebranded. Call it the state, or the crown - call one a baron or a secretary, a director or an earl - it's all the same shit - the ruler owns all, including the enslaved populace. THAT is the goal of your party and the goal of all leftists.

Y'all want to roll back the enlightenment. That you fight to usher in a new dark age isn't an accident - it's your goal.
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another imbecilic comparison by our intellectually deficient & cowardly Oather. Guns are designed to shoot things (targets, animals, people), cars are designed to transport people and items from one point to another. Death from the former fulfills part of it's purpose, but that can be determined by accident (the vast majority proven to be intent). Death from the latter as you describes is an accident unless you can prove intent. Then it's vehicular manslaughter (a rarity).

Now, be a good little gun monkey and repeat yourself while ignoring facts and logic derived from said facts.

In the bad old days - which you and your ilk seek to recreate; the elite, the ruling caste trained from the time they could walk in the use of weapons. The melee weapons of the time took great skill to master. The enslaved peasant class were prohibited from owning or training with weapons. This allowed the state - the crown - to rule with absolute power. Even if a peasant got a sword or a mace, they were no match for the highly trained nobels.

But firearms changed everything. Suddenly, anyone could point a gun and be just as effective as the trained killers that had ruled for thousands of years.

It was guns that brought about liberty - guns that allowed the enslaved to rise and shake off our chains. Guns that let the people govern themselves for the first time in history.

You are dedicated and determined to reverse this, to return to a world where the strong prey upon the weak - where bondage in the norm.

You seek to disarm the peasants so that once again absolute rule can be established. Where women are unable to fight off stronger men, where the untrained MUST submit to the nobility.

The war you fight on guns is just a means to your goal of enslavement of mankind. You seek to end the ability of people to defend against you.
WTF are you babbling about now? Look, if you can't logically or factually refute Stewart in the OP just go away and stop wasting time and space with these lame ass attempts to dodge and/or change the subject.

Fuck Jon Stewart.

If he has an argument, let him create an account and present it.

OTHERWISE it is you alone that we are debating.

Grow the fuck up.
Point for point response.

1 - The OP doesn't require consistent viewing of Stewarts TV shows or being a fan of his. The OP demonstrates how gun monkey talking points when taken to task do not stand up to the light of day (facts, logic, critical analysis).

2 - See #1.

3 - See my previous post above. Your baseless accusations depend solely on your supposition and conjecture, which has NEVER been a substitute for facts and the logic derived from them.

4 - I wouldn't know and personally don't care. I don't pay for TV. So I'll take your personal preference as that.

5 - Again, your opinion followed by a silly declaration contradicted by the reality of the on-line popularity of this particular clip and YOUR need to comment on something that you may or may not have fully watched.

You have offered no thoughts of your own - I doubt you have any, you just regurgitate what the hivemind programs into you. I have no desire to debate a video - it Jon Stewart joins the board, I'll take him on - but YOU are the one pimping the the war on civil rights, so I will deal only with arguments you offer.
Comedian/Actor/Advocate & Activist Jon Stewart does a BEAUTIFUL job of systematically deconstructing and debunking the standard mantras and rhetoric used by "2nd Amendment" purists to defend resisting any gun control regulations.
No, he doesn't. He just uses the same fucked up evasion that you do.
Sen. Nathan Dahm (R-OK) uses EVERY talking point and "logic" that we've seen for YEARS on this site by "pro-gun, 2nd Amendment advocates.
I realize you want to discard the Constitution and all State constitutions. You even try to blame Republicans for YOUR problem.
Stewart does in less than 10 minutes what I and others have been doing for years here...using facts and logic to directly challenge the rhetoric.
He is not using either. He is making false authority fallacies, argument from randU fallacies, pivot fallacies, and bigotry, just like you do.
Pity NONE of our political representatives do EXACTLY like this in Congress. Enjoy.
It doesn't matter who does it.

It it unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon, including any gun.

If you want to stop a mass shooter, shoot back.
In the last 25 years, one of the mass shootings with formerly banned assault weapons happened in high crime urban areas ... nor were they committed by career criminals ... nor were the majority perpetrators black, hispanic or asian.

Deal with it.
SmarterthanYou has it exactly right, dude.

There is no such thing as an 'assault weapon'. Most shootings happen in urban centers, typically black gangs shooting at other black gangs. In the West, it's typically hispanic on hispanic or black and black on black or hispanic. This is what gangs in urban centers are made up of. In Chicago alone, this type of crime resulted in death several hundred times.

What drives gang warfare? Drugs and territory for selling it. Drugs like fentanyl (or even tranq, that turns people into living zombies). All the death, the misery, the blight, the gang wars and the shootings that occur in the cities are caused by fucking drugs. Drugs the DEMOCRATS freely allow into the country because they effectively erased the border...because of fucktards like Mayorkas and Biden.

Mass shooters in schools are psychopaths created by the DEMOCRATS. Either depressed trans (kids who were encouraged to mutilate themselves by DEMOCRATS), or victims of psychoquackery pushing pychoactive drugs on them that causes homicidal tendencies...also created by DEMOCRATS.

Then DEMOCRATS create 'gun free zones' where the shootings occur with little to stop them.

Now, more than ever, the ability to defend yourself from fucks like this is becoming more important. You are discarding the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. ALL of them clearly state that the right of self defense by the people shall not be infringed. That includes the right to any weapon, including the right to any gun.

Even in the most oppressed nations, this right cannot be stopped. The right is inherent. You have the right to self defense using ANY WEAPON that you can lay hands on. Even in prison you have that right. Even animals have that right.

This is recognized in our constitutions. You have routinely tried to discard and destroy them.

Fuck you.
Point for point response.

1 - The OP doesn't require consistent viewing of Stewarts TV shows or being a fan of his. The OP demonstrates how gun monkey talking points when taken to task do not stand up to the light of day (facts, logic, critical analysis).

2 - See #1.

3 - See my previous post above. Your baseless accusations depend solely on your supposition and conjecture, which has NEVER been a substitute for facts and the logic derived from them.

4 - I wouldn't know and personally don't care. I don't pay for TV. So I'll take your personal preference as that.

5 - Again, your opinion followed by a silly declaration contradicted by the reality of the on-line popularity of this particular clip and YOUR need to comment on something that you may or may not have fully watched.

Pivot fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy. False authority fallacy. Discard of the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Point for point response.

1 - The OP doesn't require consistent viewing of Stewarts TV shows or being a fan of his. The OP demonstrates how gun monkey talking points when taken to task do not stand up to the light of day (facts, logic, critical analysis).

2 - See #1.

3 - See my previous post above. Your baseless accusations depend solely on your supposition and conjecture, which has NEVER been a substitute for facts and the logic derived from them.

4 - I wouldn't know and personally don't care. I don't pay for TV. So I'll take your personal preference as that.

5 - Again, your opinion followed by a silly declaration contradicted by the reality of the on-line popularity of this particular clip and YOUR need to comment on something that you may or may not have fully watched.

You have offered no thoughts of your own - I doubt you have any, you just regurgitate what the hivemind programs into you. I have no desire to debate a video - it Jon Stewart joins the board, I'll take him on - but YOU are the one pimping the the war on civil rights, so I will deal only with arguments you offer.

My history on this site, let alone on this thread belies your first sentence.

The second part of your little screed is pathetic...your very presence on this thread belies your first statement, and makes your second assertion a joke. Also, it would be fascinating for you to logically explain to the reading audience how one "pimps" the "war on civil rights" ... let alone what "civil right" are you referring to? The right to vote? The right to equal representation under the law? The right of choice of personal medical procedure? Since in my lifetime NO LAW ABIDING CITIZEN HAS BEEN DENIED THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE FROM A PLETHORA OF WEAPONS FOR PURCHASE. Assorted handguns, shotguns, rifles of various caliber (revolver, bolt action, semi-auto) are at your disposal, thus fulfilling the application of the 2nd Amendment. So obviously, your claim does not refer to that. If it does, again please explain.

Your last sentence is a pitiful attempt to avoid the fact you cannot logically or factually refute how Stewart dismantles Dahm's statements....the very same parroted drivel folk like you have and are bound to repeat here. You only convince the fool you see in the mirror and like minded trolls like ITN (who I have on ignore, as he is too ridiculous a troll to waste time and space on).

So, you can repeat your bluff and bluster or actually debate the issue with facts and logic. Your move.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
WTF are you babbling about now? Look, if you can't logically or factually refute Stewart in the OP just go away and stop wasting time and space with these lame ass attempts to dodge and/or change the subject.

Fuck Jon Stewart.

If he has an argument, let him create an account and present it.

OTHERWISE it is you alone that we are debating.

Grow the fuck up.

Wow, you just gave probably the most piss poor attempt to cover your inability to factually/logically refute the drubbing Stewart gave Dahm. I've made my position(s) plain on this thread, much less this site over the years. Intellectually impotent and dishonest MAGA trolls like you just blow smoke and have hissy fits before circling jerking on your saying nothing but talking loud.

Now you can waste time repeating your silliness or you can debate the issue (you know, tell us how and why Stewart is wrong). If you choose the former, you'll be ignored, the latter you'll be engaged. Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
another imbecilic comparison by our intellectually deficient & cowardly Oather. Guns are designed to shoot things (targets, animals, people), cars are designed to transport people and items from one point to another. Death from the former fulfills part of it's purpose, but that can be determined by accident (the vast majority proven to be intent). Death from the latter as you describes is an accident unless you can prove intent. Then it's vehicular manslaughter (a rarity).

Now, be a good little gun monkey and repeat yourself while ignoring facts and logic derived from said facts.

In the bad old days - which you and your ilk seek to recreate; the elite, the ruling caste trained from the time they could walk in the use of weapons. The melee weapons of the time took great skill to master. The enslaved peasant class were prohibited from owning or training with weapons. This allowed the state - the crown - to rule with absolute power. Even if a peasant got a sword or a mace, they were no match for the highly trained nobels.

But firearms changed everything. Suddenly, anyone could point a gun and be just as effective as the trained killers that had ruled for thousands of years.

It was guns that brought about liberty - guns that allowed the enslaved to rise and shake off our chains. Guns that let the people govern themselves for the first time in history.

You are dedicated and determined to reverse this, to return to a world where the strong prey upon the weak - where bondage in the norm.

You seek to disarm the peasants so that once again absolute rule can be established. Where women are unable to fight off stronger men, where the untrained MUST submit to the nobility.

The war you fight on guns is just a means to your goal of enslavement of mankind. You seek to end the ability of people to defend against you.

If you're going to pick up the gauntlet for your equally intellectually impotent/dishonest compadres, try to do better. I mean, your little diatribe is just chock full of accusations, innuendos, generalized historical revisionism with a heavy dose of supposition/conjectured clap trap.

In short, you've got're talking loud and saying nothing. Your buddy didn't have jack doodle to refute Stewart in the OP....neither do you.

But do continue to blow smoke....for someone not interested in the OP or what I say, you sure waste a LOT of time and space. Get some therapy.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
another imbecilic comparison by our intellectually deficient & cowardly Oather. Guns are designed to shoot things (targets, animals, people), cars are designed to transport people and items from one point to another. Death from the former fulfills part of it's purpose, but that can be determined by accident (the vast majority proven to be intent). Death from the latter as you describes is an accident unless you can prove intent. Then it's vehicular manslaughter (a rarity).

Now, be a good little gun monkey and repeat yourself while ignoring facts and logic derived from said facts.

I've not seen you debate anything? You just fling shit.

Gun Monkey's and MAGA trolls seldom (if ever) "see" anything outside of what they believe. You keep running to the defense of your brethren, yet NONE of you can logically or factually fault Stewart in the OP.

Now, run-a-long and continue your bluff and bluster. Strangely entertaining.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Another accusation devoid of facts by another MAGA troll. Pity this joker doesn't have the intellectual cojones to debate the OP issues.

Ending the Constitution and establishing a totalitarian state is the primary objective of the fascist democrats and the left in general.

The foundation of leftism is the premise that all belongs to the state to be used by the rulers of the state as they see fit. Ultimately, socialism is merely feudalism rebranded. Call it the state, or the crown - call one a baron or a secretary, a director or an earl - it's all the same shit - the ruler owns all, including the enslaved populace. THAT is the goal of your party and the goal of all leftists.

Y'all want to roll back the enlightenment. That you fight to usher in a new dark age isn't an accident - it's your goal.

So you mimic the same stupidity as Zymurgy as if that makes it palatable? :rolleyes:

All your BS is just that....BS! A smoke screen to attempt to hide the fact that neither you or you compadres can logically or factually fault Stewart's take down of Dahm's rhetoric.

Let me poke a few holes in that gun monkey hot air balloon of yours with a few simple questions; in your lifetime, have you ever been denied the right to buy a handgun, shotgun, rifle (revolver , bolt action or semi-auto) of various caliber? If so, were ALL alternatives to your choice denied, thus depriving you of your 2nd Amendment rights? And if you're old enough, were you denied the rights of the aforementioned even during the AWB from 1994 to 2004? Or when the Brady Bill was enacted to law in 1993? And in your life time, was there ever a proposal on the House floor to BAN ALL CIVILIAN WEAPONS, RESCIND/NULLIFY THE 2ND AMENDMENT OR CONFISCATE LEGALLY PURCHASED WEAPONS? And if so, did it have support by a sizable number of Democratic congressmen?

If yes to any of those questions, then please supply DOCUMENTED FACTS to show that (NOT your opinion, supposition or conjecture). If no, then spare us all more BS, smoke blowing and foot stomping. Carry on.
My history on this site, let alone on this thread belies your first sentence.

Quite the opposite.

Your history shows a drone mindlessly bleating party propaganda without a hint of actual thought. You echo hate sites like CNN or DailyKOS nearly verbatim.

The second part of your little screed is pathetic...your very presence on this thread belies your first statement, and makes your second assertion a joke. Also, it would be fascinating for you to logically explain to the reading audience how one "pimps" the "war on civil rights" ... let alone what "civil right" are you referring to? The right to vote? The right to equal representation under the law? The right of choice of personal medical procedure? Since in my lifetime NO LAW ABIDING CITIZEN HAS BEEN DENIED THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE FROM A PLETHORA OF WEAPONS FOR PURCHASE. Assorted handguns, shotguns, rifles of various caliber (revolver, bolt action, semi-auto) are at your disposal, thus fulfilling the application of the 2nd Amendment. So obviously, your claim does not refer to that. If it does, again please explain.

You are programmed on the matter purely to try and prohibit weapons to the peasant class. It's important that the proles are disarmed. A disarmed population is an obedient population - or else.

Just the way you of the left like it.

Your last sentence is a pitiful attempt to avoid the fact you cannot logically or factually refute how Stewart dismantles Dahm's statements....the very same parroted drivel folk like you have and are bound to repeat here. You only convince the fool you see in the mirror and like minded trolls like ITN (who I have on ignore, as he is too ridiculous a troll to waste time and space on).

So, you can repeat your bluff and bluster or actually debate the issue with facts and logic. Your move.

You offer no thoughts of your own. You put up a video of a leading Oligarch and demand we debate it, Fuck that - you can use Oligarch Marxist Stewart as a basis of thesis, but the thesis must be your own. But you just throw up a video from one of the rules of your Reich and demand "see."

What I see is an Oligarch who has unlimited wealth demanding that the proles bow to him and submit to the rule of the Reich. What I see it the arrogance of the fascist left demanding YET AGAIN that you know better how to manage our lives than we do,
Quite the opposite.

Your history shows a drone mindlessly bleating party propaganda without a hint of actual thought. You echo hate sites like CNN or DailyKOS nearly verbatim.

You are programmed on the matter purely to try and prohibit weapons to the peasant class. It's important that the proles are disarmed. A disarmed population is an obedient population - or else.

Just the way you of the left like it.

You offer no thoughts of your own. You put up a video of a leading Oligarch and demand we debate it, Fuck that - you can use Oligarch Marxist Stewart as a basis of thesis, but the thesis must be your own. But you just throw up a video from one of the rules of your Reich and demand "see."

What I see is an Oligarch who has unlimited wealth demanding that the proles bow to him and submit to the rule of the Reich. What I see it the arrogance of the fascist left demanding YET AGAIN that you know better how to manage our lives than we do,

1. You seem to think your personal opinion is on par with facts & logic. Pity you refuse to accept that it's not. And since when is posting links to articles to back up an opinion or observation wrong? Just because YOU can't do it doesn't make it wrong or illogical. Quite the opposite. Hell, your like minded brethren do it all the's part of the ADULT debate system. And I do wish you'd stop lying about what others write, as the chronology of the post over the years has shown anything BUT "verbatim" tactics from me. Your troll skills are declining, my friend. Get it together.

2. Once again, you keep trying to substitute your opinion for facts. Sorry, but that's not how it works....or were you asleep in junior high when the teacher's explained that to you. I specifically asked you to provide documentation and note exactly what civil rights am I "pimping". Clearly, you can't back up your blather with any valid, documented facts or rational, logical discourse. So you just regurgitate the SOS. That only impresses the dolt you see in the mirror.

3. Man, when you MAGA trolls are put on the spot, you just spew any mental flatulence available. NOTHING you blather on about in this last paragraph addresses the points dismantled by Stewart in the OP. Now suddenly the tactic of MAGA trolls is NOT to discuss anything BUT personal opinion. Anyone can have an opinion...substantiating such or proving it is a whole other smoke. Clearly, YOU cant' logically, factually or even rationally do so. So you may do the usual intellectually impotent/dishonest MAGA, repeat, lie, repeat, blow smoke, repeat, act like a child, repeat. I'll just sit back and laugh at will others.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
It's not about your beliefs or gun monkey wet dreams, it's about FACTS.

FACT - AR-15 style weapons used by mass shooters in the last 25 years were legally purchased at gun shops/retailers...NOT stolen or bought from other gun owners. Those weapons were formerly on the AWB list from 1994 to 2004. The GOP successfully voted against it reinstatement after a sunset clause enacted.

Your second sentence is a piss poor attempt to inject something into the discussion that NO ONE BUT YOU has suggested. In other words, your trollish attempt to change the subject FAILS.

Since NOTHING I posted suggest such, nor did Stewart in his take down of Dahm, you're just blowing smoke.

Zymurgy the :orang: can't debate the issue rationally, logically or factually.

you are such a retard. you refuse to answer a simple question - an extremely pertinent question

if those guns are allowed my police, they are allowed by civilians. PERIOD.


you are just a scared child living in a world of adults

:palm: Please link to the Constitutional Amendment, State or Federal law that says in no uncertain terms that any weapons used by law enforcement is allowed to be owned and used by civilians.

The reading audience awaits.