It's not about your beliefs or gun monkey wet dreams, it's about FACTS.
FACT - AR-15 style weapons used by mass shooters in the last 25 years were legally purchased at gun shops/retailers...NOT stolen or bought from other gun owners. Those weapons were formerly on the AWB list from 1994 to 2004. The GOP successfully voted against it reinstatement after a sunset clause enacted.
Your second sentence is a piss poor attempt to inject something into the discussion that NO ONE BUT YOU has suggested. In other words, your trollish attempt to change the subject FAILS.
Since NOTHING I posted suggest such, nor did Stewart in his take down of Dahm, you're just blowing smoke.
Zymurgy thecan't debate the issue rationally, logically or factually.
you are such a retard. you refuse to answer a simple question - an extremely pertinent question
if those guns are allowed my police, they are allowed by civilians. PERIOD.
you are just a scared child living in a world of adults