Survivors reveal the chilling truth about the world's most horrific torture camps

This will go on for a few pages, and then loony will say "I answered your question", and ask me to link something else up.

Cornered you again, didn't I, loony?
This will go on for a few pages, and then loony will say "I answered your question", and ask me to link something else up.

Cornered you again, didn't I, loony?

thingy I didn't see the post of yours.

I know you obsess about me but the feelings are not returned.

If you want me to answer it at least give me a post number creepy guy
Desh, do you really wish to compare intellect? I know the definition of sociopath. Unlike you, I don't get my vocabulary from word of the day toilet paper. Unlike you, I know how to work the quotes on the boards, I know that I don't need to double or triple space every sentence. I can form paragraphs. I also can articulate my position. You on the other hand aren't even intelligent enough to understand why people enjoy debating. You spew your vitriolic crap across the board on a daily basis. You care nothing about your fellow man, you only care about what keeps your party masters in power. You are one of the most hate filled pieces of crap on this board. Live with that.

yeah wanting poor children to be fed, increasing school funds, funding housing projects for the poor and such are just so sociopathic huh

dude your the one who embraces the "fuck the other guy" attitude all day long.
You people attack me because I force you to face your horrible outlook on your fellow man.

Hate is driving you straight into hell
So why can Democrats kill indiscriminately, and seemingly without conscious, but they are NOT sociopaths?

That's a bit of a partisan double-standard...wouldn't you say, desh?

Um dude is this what you believe?

see why people think your full of shit?

Your more concerned with swatting at me then talking about the democratic party ideals