Survivors reveal the chilling truth about the world's most horrific torture camps

Yeah but i'm a girl. You should have some gallantry in you SF, it's just sad.

Please tell me that Miss 'you're a sexist' didn't just ask me to treat her differently because she is a 'girl' (isn't girl derogatory to call a woman? Did we not just have that rant about 'gal' ... which is synonymous with girl?)
wail cry spit kick scream

there are 4 in 100 people who are sociopaths in this world.

they don't all move to sociopathland and are never seen again.

They walk amoung us.

You all KNOW a sociopath whether you know that they are a sociopath or not.

Now which party do you think a sociopath would prefer?

it is not the bleeding heart party of dems huh.

be honest
wail cry spit kick scream

there are 4 in 100 people who are sociopaths in this world.

they don't all move to sociopathland and are never seen again.

They walk amoung us.

You all KNOW a sociopath whether you know that they are a sociopath or not.

Now which party do you think a sociopath would prefer?

it is not the bleeding heart party of dems huh.

be honest

honestly... you are a sociopath
seems you don't know the meaning of either of those words super duper

Desh, do you really wish to compare intellect? I know the definition of sociopath. Unlike you, I don't get my vocabulary from word of the day toilet paper. Unlike you, I know how to work the quotes on the boards, I know that I don't need to double or triple space every sentence. I can form paragraphs. I also can articulate my position. You on the other hand aren't even intelligent enough to understand why people enjoy debating. You spew your vitriolic crap across the board on a daily basis. You care nothing about your fellow man, you only care about what keeps your party masters in power. You are one of the most hate filled pieces of crap on this board. Live with that.
Yes....many will die. That's a given but a large crowd rushing a platoon of soldiers armed with AK's will win....they can't kill them all. Then the peasants have SOME weaponry and some limited ammunition.

In practice, it's practically impossible to get a group of undisciplined, unarmed or lightly armed people to charge machine guns, regardless of how few casualties they'd take if they did so fearlessly. Any such operation would, as well, require organization beforehand, the details and plans of the operation would have to be told to a large number of people, leaving the organizers heavily vulnerable to being ratted out for extra rations.

The thing that pisses me off most about this is that China COULD overthrow the regime. They could airdrop supplies and weapons to the people. They know what conditions are like up there, yet they barely flinch.

It's not in China's interest to destabilize that regime. They've been trying to get NK to adopt China style reforms, but as long as there aren't massive amounts of refugees fleeing over the border, they're pretty much cool with it. China generally has a value-free diplomatic policy (which contrasts with America's diplomacy free diplomatic policy). As well, you have to take into mind that China's paranoia about all of the US strategic positions in the region, with US bases in South Korea, Japan, Okinawa, and Taiwan. If the North Korean regime fell, it's very possible that whatever regime that takes it's place will be US friendly. They don't want to lose a valuable buffer state and find themselves staring at US troops across the border. They're ideal scenario would be for the North Korean regime to be a good little boy, adopt China style reforms, and stop embarrassing them. The next most acceptable scenario would be for things to just stay as they are. The worst case for them would be for the regime to be toppled and a US friendly state to take it's place. And who are we to judge? Certainly we have turned a blind eye to many an unsavory regime in the past when it suited our strategic interests, and certainly we still do.

That's why sometimes I get upset at Conservatives touting how far China has come with the influx of Capitalism.

No, I think it's really just the deepest fulfillment of capitalism, not wanting to interrupt business.
Is this thread about N. Korea, or something else?

it was until Desh derailed it. Then her big sisters came in to protect her from her own stupidity.

But back to Korea... there is little chance the populace can win a fight against the government and military without being armed first.
do you think there were sociopaths promoted to the top in the Nazi controlled Germany?

It was actually Nazi policy to promote people based on ruthlessness, so sociopathic type behavior was actively encouraged. However, I think it would be a mistake to try and blame the whole Nazi era on a sudden, inexplicable outbreak of sociopathy. It's not as difficult to get an average person to do really shitty as some like to think.
It was actually Nazi policy to promote people based on ruthlessness, so sociopathic type behavior was actively encouraged. However, I think it would be a mistake to try and blame the whole Nazi era on a sudden, inexplicable outbreak of sociopathy. It's not as difficult to get an average person to do really shitty as some like to think.

4 in 100 people are sociopaths.

that a boat fucking load of sociopaths.

there are dumb ones and smart ones.

the smart ones and even some of the dumb ones run the republican party today
4 in 100 people are sociopaths.

that a boat fucking load of sociopaths.

there are dumb ones and smart ones.

the smart ones and even some of the dumb ones run the republican party today

But not the democratic party, right?

But what does this have to do with N. Korea?